Guest Editorial
 "Foreign Screwicy"
          -by Houston Wade

The Bush Administration’s foreign policy is one of dangerous and secretive contradictions.  The most
recent being the withholding of information as to the nature of North Korea’s nuclear program until after
the congress voted (and passed) the Iraq resolution the administration desired.  Like Iraq, North Korea is
a member of the “Axis of Evil” but unlike Iraq, North Korea is a threat to its neighbors and admits to
actually having a nuclear weapons program.  What the Bush administration feared most about North Korea was
not the fact that they have long-range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, but rather it feared not
being able to maintain its course of war through the election due to the distractions offered by the North Koreans.
If the Democrats in congress had been able to question the urgency of a resolution on Iraq when a fellow
“evil country” is so blatantly in violation of treaties as well how could the Bush Administration make a case
in its defense?  Then again, North Korea has very little natural resources and with that a definite lack of oil
reserves so I guess that would be their reasoning for not invading.

The BBC reported back in April that the Bush Administration sent/was sending $94 million in aid to
North Korea to help with the production of light-water nuclear reactors that are to replace the old,
weapons-grade-plutonium producing reactors it already possesses. This may sound like a good thing, but the
same article also reports that included in the near $100 million deal was that the US would not insist on
having inspectors to ensure that North Korea did not retain any weapons-grade plutonium from the previous
reactors.  Why on Earth would we do this?  It must be the same logic behind giving the Taliban $42 million
or not enforcing US based oil companies to make sure they do no smuggle oil in to the States from Iraq (a
country the Whitehouse wants to bomb so badly!) and in doing so support Saddam Hussein with billions of
dollars in untraceable funds?

As I write 12% of the oil now consumed in the US is obtained illegally through smuggling operations in Iraq
carried out by US based oil companies.  A country as large and as regulated as the United States should not
have a 400% increase in oil imports from a “rouge” state in less than two years unless something illegal is going on.
Therefore there must be a conscious and considerable effort not to enforce UN sanctions and US policy since
the last administration left office.  I personally feel that it is treasonous to be doing business with Iraq when 
the President is so intent on spewing rhetoric as to the country being in danger from Iraq  and that Iraq is
nothing if not an enemy of the United States.  Our own Vice President when he was CEO of Halliburton did
over $23 million in business with Iraq.  One would think the man who orchestrated the Gulf War as the Secretary
of Defense in the first Bush Administration would know the dangers of providing Iraq with the infrastructure to
profit from its oil reserves and then use those funds to reinvest into its growing weapons programs.

The same men in control of the United States now are the same men who during the Reagan/Bush Administrations
put Saddam into power and gave him weapons and funds to wage war on Iran (they gave weapons to Iran to fight
Iraq as well) only to have Saddam then turn on us.  These same men gave weapons and $3 billion in funding to what
later became al-Qaida to fight the Soviets only to later turn on us.  These same men made sure Manuel Noriega rose to
power in Panama and to our surprise what did he do? Say it with me now:  TURNED ON US!!  We were then
“forced” to invade Panama and remove Noriega from said power.  The men running this country have such an
appalling record of what the CIA calls “blowback” (blowback is when the US supports, funds, trains, and arms a
government or resistance-group only to have them use their newly acquired power and assets against us) that it is a
wonder we trust any of them with any form of diplomacy.  The vast quantities of empirical evidence has clearly shown
that our leaders have no idea as to what the hell they are doing on the global stage.  Or scarier yet, they know full well
what they are doing and just like having the US go to war with other nations.

Our Executive Branch is so messed up that we have a former military leader running the State Department (Powell).
We have a man with no military record what so ever running the Pentagon (Rumsfeld).  We have a former oil executive
running the National Security Agency (Rice). We have Vice President that is the former CEO of an oil company that
has done business with two of the three countries that are members of the “axis of evil,” who is a former Secretary of
Defense under the first Bush and has no military experience, and who obtained at least four waivers from military
service during Vietnam (a war he supported) saying openly that he had, “... better things to do at the time.”
Well, Mr. Cheney, don’t you think that the over 50,000 American men who died in Vietnam had better things to do
at the time?  To top it all off I have to mention the fact that we have a President who is a mockery around the world,
who never had to work a day in his life, who deserted his post during the Vietnam war for over 17 months and never
reported for duty with the Alabama Air National Guard, who has a longer arrest record than most three strikes
offenders in California, and who has been openly called a moron while he and his administration has been compared
to Hitler and NAZI Germany by our own allies.  It is a wonder we have not all died in a nuclear holocaust yet.

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