Nick Barlow,
London Correspondent

Subject:  Conservatives - hypocrites all over the world


Just to prove that Conservatives are hypocritical idiots all around the
world, William Hague, leader of the Conservative Party in Britain (and set
for a major defeat at out next election in May) has said that Britain must
give 'unqualified backing' for George Bush's missile defence system plan.

Hague, who never misses an opportunity to protest any European
'interference' in British politics, nevertheless finds it simple to hand
over whatever British sovereignty is necessary, including making the US
radar installation at Fylingdales in Yorkshire a major part of the NMD
system. Of course, Britain would not be covered by any 'protection' NMD may
offer, though Fylingdales would be a primary target for any putative
'hostile state' wanting to attack the US.

More information:,3604,421696,00.html

Just to add to Bush's troubles, John Ashcroft has now been outed as a
supporter of the Gunowners of America (GOA) group, who feel more guns in
schools are the answer to security troubles:,3604,421586,00.html

An extract:
Even many conservatives consider the GOA to be extremist. After a shooting
at an Oregon school in May 1998 in which two pupils were killed by a fellow
student, it issued a press release headed: "Lesson of school shootings: More
guns needed at schools".

Its director, Larry Pratt, was forced to resign as co-chairman of Pat
Buchanan's 1996 presidential bid after news leaked of his links with the Ku
Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations and rightwing militia groups. Mr Pratt is also
head of an anti-immigrant organisation called English First.

Finally, a positive set of articles on the Clinton presidency by Harold Evans.
Of course, they're not in an American newspaper:

1) The razzle dazzler:,5673,420809,00.html

2) The comeback kid,5673,421213,00.html

3) Bye bye, Bill,5673,421612,00.html

Nick Barlow,
London Correspondent

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