Oil, Vietnam and the CIA
  by Phillip Schuman

 Bart, a reader recently wrote to you:

> I remember your side hollering that Vietnam was over oil in the Gulf of Tonkin.
> Maybe the Bushes were blamed for that, I don't remember.  But, almost 40 years after
> the "oil story" started getting bandied about, there is no oil being pumped out of Vietnam.
> What happened?  Are the Vietnamese just incompetent?  Or did your side just lie?  That's the ticket!

 Maybe the anti-war crowd said Vietnam was about oil, I don't remember.
 If they did, they were only agreeing with what President Eisenhower said, to explain our
 involvement even back then in southeast Asia's affairs. Just one word. Oil.

 The reason Vietnam itself hasn't exploited the oil is that it is off shore, requires technology
 monopolized by the West, and large capital investments from big oil that isn't forthcoming
 for some reason to one of the world's remaining communist countries.

 The history of the world's oil shows that big oil has kept countries' production suppressed
 when it couldn't control the cut. That is, when Mexico, possessor of huge reserves, nationalized
 all oil into their Pemex national company, the major oil companies simply refused to build the
 pipelines, the dock facilities, the storage tanks, or to pick up the oil and take it to market.
 That kept Mexican oil production at a trickle for 30 years because they couldn't deliver it for sale
 anywhere without big oil's help. Same thing with Iraq. Iraq had leaders who demanded national
 control instead of letting the oil companies control the oil.

 As a result, their production capacity was kept low, and the capacities of more controlled
 countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Brunei, etc. were invested in, to punish Iraq and reward
 the puppet countries. For the only way to increase oil income is to pump more oil. If you
 physically can't pump more, you can't make more money. Iraq has never pumped a share of
 the world market comparable to its share of proven reserves.

 When Mossadegh in Iran nationalized oil, Kermit Roosevelt and Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf's
 father, in the CIA, ran a coup and installed Reza Pahlavi as Shah . When King Idris of Libya
 wanted to nationalize control of its oil, we installed Moammar Khaddafi. When we couldn't just
 overthrow the governments, we punished them and starved them of oil revenues. There has always
 been enough idle capacity to glut the market if it all was used, so any but the largest producers
 could be taken off line without much disruption of the world market. Big oil has left large known
 reserves undeveloped, such as in the Caspian Sea basin region, so as not to further aggravate
 the glut of oil on the market.

 Big oil and the CIA are so intertwined that many consider it big oil's secret police. Howard Hughes'
 fortune was founded on an inherited patented drill bit technology for oil drilling, and Hughes Tools,
 Hughes' cashcow, was a major CIA contractor. George Herbert Walker Bush and William F.
 Buckley, Jr. used their oil business interests as cover for their CIA positions and travels overseas,
 as well as the offshore rigs for smuggling operations. The three surplus ships used to supply the
 Bay of Pigs invasion had been rechristened Houston, Barbara, and Zapata, GHWB's city, wife and
 oil company name, respectively. And an international oil man, George de Mohrenshield, a fascist
 White Russian who was fiercely anti-Communist, was the patron of Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas.
 When he was scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations the next day,
 he was found dead from a shotgun, ruled a suicide. His personal address book was found to contain
 an entry for 'Poppy Bush,' with Bush's Houston phone number next to it.

 Click  Here  for more on Vietnam's oil and gas reserves.  Thanks to Dave Tolley.

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