Subject: RE: Politics done right

 Bart, allow me to explain a few things to you.

 Notice how he opens with the tone that *I* need to be educated...

 The president has very little ability to change the economy.

 You can't mean that!
 Your just said that this chart shows a flat line because presidents don't matter.
 That's crazily and dangerously wrong.   Did you really mean to say that?

 When Wall Street saw Clinton coming, the economy boomed before he was sworn in.
 Do you remember Christmas 1992?   Economists were pleasantly surprised at how big
 Christmas was. It's because after Bush's neglect of the economy, Clinton promised to
 "focus like a laser beam" and get things moving again. And when Wall Street saw he
 was serious about paying down the Reagan/Bush debt, they knew it was once again
 safe to bet on America, now that a responsible adult was at the controls.

 And since the top %10 of the earners pay around %90 of the taxes.
 They deserve the tax breaks.

 As I've previously explained - the super-rich already have everything they could ever want.
 They aren't saving up for that 120-ft yacht - they already own one!  Besides, this isn't about
 "fairness," or are you saying Bush is lying when he says he's doing this to stimulate the economy?

 If your example family wants more money, tell them to work overtime...

 Spoken like a die-hard Rush Limbaugh ditto-head.

 I'm sure they'd like more money, but again, that's not what this is about.
 Why do you continue to ignore Bush's statements that the purposes of the tax cuts is to
 stimulate the economy?  He's going to be a one-term loser like his Daddy if he continues
 to coddle the rich while 80 percent of American families are suffering.

 ...improve their skills, or find a better job. It is not my responsibility to fix anyone else's life
 but my own and my family. They have to make the initiative to improve their lot in life.
 There is a lot of help out there for them.

 That's a lot of insulting and condescending crap.
 You don't seem to realize that YOU would be better off if Bush hadn't given away
 11 TRILLION dollars to the filthy rich.  How did that make your life better?

 Mike, YOUR taxes went up severely in the last 2-3 years, unless you're in the top bracket.
 YOUR money was sent to the Bill Gates to ease his tax burden.

 Don't you even have the desire to protect your family?
 Why do you want to make life easier for Bill Gates?
 Don't you think he can afford to take care of his family, himself?
 Why are you carrying water for the super-rich?
 Can you explain your actions?

 I don't know the exact figure, but you, personally, probably owe another $10,000 -15,000
 because that $6 TRILL debt is going to be paid by you and your kids.

 Although you may feel that Clinton is super great, try to learn objectivity.

 ha ha

 Wait, let me get this straight:
 You want ME to be objective?

 You want ME to be objective?

 You want ME to be objective?

 I think someone's been listening to Rush so much that they believe him.
 You want me to ignore all the evidence and vote against my best interests?

 Why, Mike?
 Why should I vote for a larger debt, a larger deficit, a lower stock market and high unemployment?
 Why would any sane American vote for a bad economy?

 How in the wide, wide world of sports can you look at that last chart and say
 "President don't matter and both Bush's were better than Clinton?"

 Enron gave a ton of money to Clinton so forget your holier than thou attitude about him.

 No, Enron gave a ton to the Unelected President, and they gave a few small shillings
 to the Democrats so people like yourself could say "Both sides took money from Enron."

 Did Clinton pack his cabinet with Enron executives?
 Did Clinton have cute little nicknames for his closest Enron execs?
 Did Clinton allow Enron to rape California to the tune of $500 million per day?
 Did Clinton let Enron write his energy policy, and then go to court to prevent anyone
 from finding out what was said at those meetings where our taxpeyer money was spent?

 I gotta give you some credit, tho...
 You could've attacked Clinton with "Monica's cigar," a ultra-favorite for Rush's listeners.
 Whenever a dittohead gets caught in a debate, he says, "What about Monica's cigar?"
 and suddenly they think the charts and graphs on this page have no relevance.

 I have chosen to support the Republican Party in general because I find them the lesser of two evils.

 Mike, you have chosen to vote against your bests interests and you've been unable to explain why.
 It's easy to say "they're both evil," but only one party took $11 TRILLION from the Treasury and
 gave to it to the richest CEOs in America, who were already drowning from too much gold.

 I have voted for people of different parties many times.
 Considering that I have been involved in politics very heavily for over ten years,

 There you go again with that condescending crap. I've been a political writer for more than ten years,
 and I didn't start writing the day I got interested. The fact that you're green is part of the problem.

 Please write back and tell me these charts are fiction.  Please tell me your family doesn't need that
 mythical $3000 more than Gates needed an extra $7 billion in tax breaks.

 Tell me those companies I listed in the first e-mail are hiring, and that Bush is doing a good job and that
 the Fed didn't NEED to cut interest rates THIRTEEN TIMES trying to stimulate an extremely sluggish economy,
 brought on by Bush's signalling Wall Street that we were going BACK in time to  "Voodoo ecomonics" that
 created the trillion dollar defeicits in the first place.

 Do you know who called trickledown economics "voodoo?"  George Bush the smarter did, in the 1980 primaries.
 He said Reagan's economic ideas were horsecrap, and he was right. But then Ronnie offered him the VP slot
 and Bush suddenly said, "These are the greatest economic ideas I've ever heard."
 In the business, we call that being a political whore.

 ...I hope that you will give some thought to this statement and try to be more objective.
 Don't let anyone use you as a pawn

 ha ha
 Do I sound like the pawn type?

 I refuse to go into battle for the super-rich to pay less taxes. I'm fighting for MY interests,
 which means we need Clinton's prosperity, not another Bush recesssion
 You are fighting for the right of the super-rich to get bigger tax cuts.
 Have you considered fighting for your wife and kids, instead?

 It's possible once of us is being used as a pawn, I'll grant you that.


 I enjoyed the exchange.
 Maybe some readers will learn a thing or two from it.

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