...the subject was legalized pot
 There goes Paul Begala again!

 Instead of taking the lefty point of view, and instead of at least faking it and
 fighting for his team, he joined Bob Novak in ridiculing the pro-logic, pro-pot guy.

 Why can't Begala speak for the left?

 Have you even seen Begala and Novak team up to ridicule a rightie?
 No, and you never will, because the Republicans stand their ground.

 The "hate pot" guy held up what he said was three ounces, and then he held up about 400 fat joints
 and said "This is what they want for every man walking around in Las Vegas," and Paul laughed and agreed.
 (as if you can get 400 fat joints from 3 ounces of pot - that's five fat joints per gram!)

 Sidebar: If it was legal, one wouldn't NEED three ounces at a time. Who buys 90 days worth of beer?
               Who buys 90 days worth of cokes, or cigarettes, or any goddamn thing? If you know you can get
                more tomorrow, you only buy a few days worth, which is something Begala might realize if he could
                put his anti-logic hysteria aside for a minute and do his damn job.

 Then Paul said,

 BEGALA: That's an enormous bag. That's not just some recreational use there.

 ROGERS: I'm talking about an adequate supply that is a 30 to 60 day supply...

 BEGALA: Adequate supply for a Grateful Dead concert!!!
                   You can get the whole Memorial Stadium stoned on that!!!

 Gee, Paul, could you get any more hysterical?
 You sound like the buffoons in "Reefer Madness."  That was 60 years ago, Paul.

 Hey, Paul, I have a great idea!
Why don't you pretend there's a difference between you and Novak?
Do you think you might be able to pull that off?

 Can't you put your hatred of individual freedom aside long enough to do your job?
 Are you getting paid to speak for the left or to agree with Bob Novak?
 Aren't we supposed to be getting BOTH sides of the story, Paul?
 Instead, we have Begala and Novak and the pot-hater beating up on the pro-pot guy.

 Paul Begala has, in my opinion, let his party down on at least two occasions,
 the "Under God" pledge and now civil liberties concerning pot laws.
 He needs to remember which team he's on.

 Is Begala setting himself up for one of those fancy Steffanopolous jobs?
 Is Begala abandoning his beliefs to get a bigger paycheck?

 Sidebar: Carville has a whooooooooole different opinion on this.
                Many times, he's mentioned smoking a little something with a giggle in his voice.

 And anyone who says they're for individual rights and freedoms needs to get on the right side of this issue
 or prepare to defend your position. Jesus, if a man can't plant seeds on his own land and smoke the leaves
 that sprout from it (like Abe Lincoln did) how free a people are we?

 Audience question: In light of the decision in London to decriminalize pot so they could focus more
                                  resources on important issues like crime, health care and education,
                                  do you think the U.S. should follow suit?

 BEGALA: No, I think the last thing we need is another mind-altering chemical on the market. I am not for it .

 Paul, forgive me, but can you actually be that stupid? Once again, you've taken the illogical GOP position
 and decided that prohibition is the best way to deal with a substance that everybody can easily obtain.
 Guess what, Paul? - pot is already here.

 The guy didn't ask if America was better off with or without pot. He asked if we should be spending valuable
 resources chasing pot smokers. The next time two teenagers get kidnapped in California, do we want every cop
 looking for them? Or just the cops who aren't busy busting concert-goers for smoking a joint?

 Look at the damn facts: Tobacco kills 400,000 people each year, pot kills nobody, so we ban pot?
 Legal pot would balance the budget, even with Bush's crazy tax cuts.  Crime would go down, violence would
 go down, domestic abuse would all but disappear, alcoholism would go down, taxes would go down, etc.

 ...but Paul Begala is too busy teaming up with Novak to do his damn job.

 Paul, you can be a very big disappointment, sometimes.

 Think I'm wrong, reader?
 I'll bet you can't defend the other side of this.


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