Letter to Diane
    by Tally Briggs

I recently wrote to all of my reps regarding the Iraq resolution.
I wasn't nice. I basically told them to grow a spine, and do their jobs.
This week I recieved a copy of a letter from Diane Feinstein, that must have gone out to thousands
of her constituents. In it, she gave a pathetic excuse for voting for the resolution, including the following:
 "While I continue to have serious concerns about a pre-emptive, unilateral attack against Iraq, I voted for
the Resolution because I believe it will encourage the United Nations to pass a new, robust Security Council
Resolution to compel disarmament of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and avoid war."
And then she attached a copy of her floor statement to Congress regarding the issue, which was even more pathetic.

anyway - this was my response - as if she'll ever see it:
Ms Feinstein:
Thanks for the reply.
However, I think you have forgotten who you work for. You are a public servant, and you work for us;
your constituents. Period. I am sure that the majority of us were not only against the Iraq resolution, and
giving Bush a blank check to beat on anyone he chooses, but your pathetic approval of John Ashcroft,
and the tax cut for the super-wealthy.
You have lost your way Ms Feinstein. You are also pathetically naive if you believe this will make the UN do something.
Iraq is purely about control of the oil fields, which is why Bush & Co are treating it differently than North Korea.
It is also a distraction from the items which should be on the table this election cycle - the ECONOMY, health care,
education, Social Security, the pathetic rape of the environment, but most of all the CORPORATE TAKE OVER
of America. Both Bush & Cheney should be investigated for many things - but first off, let's start with Harken & Halliburton.
If Martha Stewart can be investigated for something so trivial, why aren't Bush & Cheney for things far more serious?
By giving Bush the go ahead on this, you have also allowed him to keep screaming about it until after the election.
Unfortunately most of the Dems who haven't been met with these unfortunately well timed for the GOP "accidents",
no longer have a spine. And because of this, I hope you realize if the GOP regain control of both houses of Congress
again, they can get "back to business". California will get raped again, gasoline will jump to $2+ a gallon, and more
jobs will be lost. Not to mention the millions of lives in "collateral damage", both home and abroad.
Think for just a minute, if you can, how you would feel if you were living in the mideast, and the US Congress gave
approval for military pre-emptive strikes? Do you really think they don't hate us MORE because of this??
You are an accomplice in this criminality, and you will be held accountable, if we ever really get to vote again.
Or is your next YES vote a vote for electronic voting which can easily be hacked to give you the desired outcome
with no paper trail to prove otherwise.
I am ashamed to be a Liberal Democrat these days. We have no leaders now that Wellstone has been killed.
If Congress is too lazy to do their jobs, and want to turn over power so badly to the executive branch, why don't you
all just RETIRE, and let some people do your job, who actually want to defend the Constitution of the United States.
You are not paid to be lazy and let the executive branch do EVERYTHING.
A very enraged contituant,
Tally Briggs
xxxxx, CA 9xxxx

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