From: numb

 Subject: re: nader - american hero or spawn of satan?

 yesterday you took on a presumedly 'green' correspondent, who, like myself, is confused
 about your inability to see that a 'democrat' taking money / marching orders from the bfee
 is a 'democrat' in name only.  this is best exemplified by your following 'retort':

> "I said a 'successful' Democrat. Clinton was the last one. He took big money,
> and maybe bent a little, but he didn't break. He played the game with skill."

 here are excerpts from 2 articles you linked to yesterday:

 from "Democrats pay the price for cowardice":

 "... Democratic President Clinton won the White House in 1992 with great promises
   of fairness, then chickened out on universal health care and gay rights in the military.

 I don't think that happened.
 Clinton didn't chicken out on health care - the pink tutu Democrats got scared and agreed
 with the GOP that trying to control health costs was the "greatest travesty in all of history."
 They said "We can't fix health care because it's 1/7 of the economy - it's too big to fix,"
 and the spineless Dems ran for cover instead of standing up and fighting for what was right.

 Why do you think the Gingrich Massacre occurred in 1994?
 Clinton's own party refused to back their president.

 Another of your examples is gays in the military.
 There were gays in the military a hundred years before Clinton was born.
 Clinton didn't "want" gays in the military - he just wanted some honesty in the broken system.

 Doesn't anybody else remember powerful Senator Sam Nunn (D-Ga) saying this was NOT
 going to be corrected as long as he was chairing the Armed Services Committee?

 Clinton might've faced a filibuster from his own damn party!
 The Republicans hooted with glee when they saw the Democrats turn on Clinton, and when
 voters saw the Dems run from Clinton, they felt it was a good idea to have a GOP congress
 keep an eye on Clinton with his "radical" ideas about health care and fairness for gays.

 Clinton's biggest early problem is that he delivered on his promises,
 and his own party turned yellow and stabbed him right in the back.

 "...Clinton was a master Republicrat. His administration ended welfare and helped sell more
 US arms than ever to the rest of the world. Little happened on gun control or public school
 infrastructure. While the economy did soar, so did the gap between the rich and the poor.
 Most Republicans would envy such a record..."

 Sure, to a left-winger, centrist Clinton looks like a republican - what else is new?
 In typical stab-our-guy Democratic logic, they looked for dark clouds when Clinton delivered
 the greatest economy this country ever saw.  Funny I should have to explain "non-Stickin'"
 while the Democrats continue to stick that shiv into Clinton - to this day.

 from "Is democracy too much trouble?":

 "... Do you think Bill's biggest blunder was Monica when he knew the world was watching?
 If you should think so, you would be wrong.  Bagman Ronald Reagan delivered the Fairness
 Doctrine to his corporate sponsors on a silver platter, but when Bill Clinton signed a bill
 that allowed consolidation of media ownership, a free press was finished in America..."

 I don't know enough about the Communications Act to comment on it.
 I believe it was as large as The Patriot Act, and I doubt anyone in Congress read that whole bill.
 Maybe if Clinton gets that talk show they keep talking about he can use a half hour each day to
 explain his actions to Democrats who refuse to give him a break.

 ...and there you have just some of the 'contributions' to our national welfare by a "successful democrat".
 i'm not sure how "dirty" nader's hands are (please do share) - but they sure as hell've never been, & never
 will be, as dirty as them there 'big dog' paws (tho i guess maybe it all depends on what your definition of 'bent a little' is?)...

 Since Nader has always swam in the kiddie pool, maybe his "crimes" are just as shallow.
 Mr. Three Percent made fewer deals, sure, that's because everyone knew he was going nowhere.

 Anyone out there have the details on Nader's dirty hands? 
 Please put Nader's Dirty Hands in the subject box.

 If I remember correctly, (big if) Nader either refused to release his tax returns and investment records,
 or he did release them and he was found to have invested in the same companies he was trying to "rein in."

 in closing: you're fun, you're entertaining, your heart's in the right place...
 but face it, dude - partisan / party politics (thanks primarily to the 'republicrats')
 has been nuthin' but a teenage wasteland for quite a while now...


 But it's the system we have.
 You can say baseball should have four strikes per batter, but we play the game with three.
 This pie-in-the-sky quality Greens have has never impressed me.

 I'm old enough to remember candidates who got on their high horses and preached,
 "I refuse to take money from the special interest jackals," but I can't remember their names
 because they always lost and nobody ever heard of them again.

 You can dream about "the way things should be," but this is the real world,
 and partially thanks to that wide-eyed dream-ism, we have Bush in the White House.

 So - will you deliver the White House to Bush again in 2004?

 ...but thanks for keeping it clean and non-personal
 I enjoy a debate with a fella who can keep his head.

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