
Subject: That goofy prayer study

You aren't being unscientific here, are you?

ha ha

If these studies are done honestly and correctly, and if the experiments are repeatable (very big ifs, I know),
then you HAVE to take them as fact no matter how contrary to common sense they may seem.
It was that way with Quantum Mechanics.

If those studies are repeatable, I'll become the most devout Christian in the United States,
because it would prove the existence of God.   If God is real, I want on his good side A.S.A.P.
and I'm not going to waste another second with this secular science and logic horseshit.

...but, it is sheer idiocy to suggest invisible ghosts can cure people.

You can't just throw them out because they don't fit your mold.  You either investigate the studies
yourself or withhold judgment until the scientific community investigates them for you.

Withhold judgment?

ha ha

If I told you I could travel thru time and space, would you withhold judgment?
Or would you save the time and say, "You're an idiot or a liar, one or the other."

Science has given us tons of circumstantial evidence for God.  One of these days
it'll give us direct evidence and it'll be so funny if it happens in your lifetime.

No, it wouldn't be funny, it would be spectacular!
"God Exists" would be at least a million times a bigger story than September 11th.

All of your objections to prayer have answers, most of them simple, but this email is too long already.
For starters, find a study where someone got better when OTHER PEOPLE took placebos.

No, the first thing we need to do is throw out this idiotic "finding" that involves people from
North Pago Pago and Australia and Canada and set up a controlled lab right here in the
good old USA under the watchful eye of a guy like James Randi.

For years and years and years he has offered a million dollars in cash for ANYONE
who can prove there are ghosts, spirits, telepathy, talking to the dead etc.
If any of this voodoo hocus-pocus works, why does Randi still have his million dollars?

And what if God isn't a Cubs fan?

Hmmm, that would make God a sadist, wouldn't it?

And with what you said about Reagan being a mindless puppet, does that mean
he didn't commit perjury or any other crimes while in office?

It depends on the time. Reagan's own doctor said his mind changed a lot after he got shot.
Reagan probably lost the mental capacity to willfully engage in criminal activity while he was
in the White House, so it depends on the date.

Remember when he introduced Princess Diana as "Prince Phillip?"
Remember when he walked up to Louis Sullivan, his own cabinet member and said,
 "It's good to meet you, Mr. Mayor?"

Reagan clearly became a vegetable while in office.
Indicting veggies is rarely a good idea.

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