From: (withheld)

Subject: Now just a damn minute...

Clinton-barrister Charles Ruff and NOW Lars-Erik Nelson both suffering
SIDS?! WTF?  It ain't that "24-hour cancer" like what killed Martha
Mitchell (tell-all wife of Nixon henchman John Mitchell) during the
aftermath of Watergate, is it?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?
I don't think either man died of that, but I've been wrong before.

Willie, the Bush family needs you again.

From: (withheld)

Subject: Spelling of David Boies' name!

In today's bartcop, there is a short bit on David Boies. Unfortunately
his name was spelled Boise. Boies is the kickass lawyer that is making
Bush wet himself, Boise is a medium-sized city in Idaho.

thanks for your attention,

a big fan,



Subject: Great Quote
I heard an ad today for Liddy's radio show where a caller said to Liddy:

"Clinton has courage in his convictions.  You just have your convictions."

David Bradford



Subject: Facts Is Hard To Argue With If'n You Don't Use Fuzzy Math
   Okay, here are the ‘hard numbers’ for the whacko right to chew on as they
celebrate the anointing of the Texas WonderBoy to the highest office in the land:

   According to the latest (11/25/00) numbers from USA Today, Gore has a
vote total of 50,099,022 votes. That gives Gore about a 300,000-vote lead
over BushBaby in the popular vote totals.

Only one other US presidential candidate in history has amassed more
than 50 million popular votes – Ronald Reagan.

   In his re-election bid in 1984, Reagan received 54,455,000 votes.
Reagan also garnered the highest popular vote total ever as a first-time
presidential candidate in 1980 by winning 43,901,812 votes – Almost 6
million votes LESS than Al Gore has gotten.

   As for a Vice President running for the office of President, Gore
outperformed then Vice President George Bush’s total in 1988 of
43,901,812 votes. (about 2 million votes more)

   Gore also did better than Bill Clinton did in each of his runs for
President. Clinton received 44,908,254 votes in 1992 and 45,590,703
votes in 1996.

   In ‘landslide’ victories, Gore still received more than either Lynndon Johnson
in 1964 (42,825,463 votes) and Richard Nixon’s 46,740,323 votes in 1972.

    In close elections, Gore is the hands-down champion vote getter. In
1960, Kennedy won by only 119,450 votes over Richard Nixon. And Richard
Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey in 1968 by 272,415 votes.

In summation:

Largest Number of Popular Votes Received:
1.      Ronald Reagan, 1984          54,455,000   (+4 million, rounded)

2.      Al Gore, 2000                     50,099,022

Most Votes Received By A First-Time Presidential Candidate:
1.      Al Gore, 2000                     50,099,022 (+6 million, rounded)

2.      Ronald Reagan, 1980          43,901,812

Most Votes Received By A Vice President Running For President:
1.      Al Gore, 2000                     50,099,022 (+2 million, rounded)

2.      George Bush, 1988             43,901,812

Largest Positive Margin Of Votes Received In A Close Presidential Election:
1.      Al Gore, 2000                      +300,000 (rounded)

2.      Richard Nixon, 1968            +272,415

3.      John F. Kennedy, 1960        +119,450

Note: All historic vote totals are from the National Archives.

Compiled, with my compliments, by

The Maverick Republican


Subject: Why We May Need a Bush Presidency

Look at the "rioting" Republicans in Florida.  Listen to the right-wing
bastards on MSNBC.  I don't know about you, but what I'm hearing now has a
very different tone than the usual ditto-monkey demagoguery.  These people
are way beyond merely angry.  There is now a strong component of
frustration and powerlessness that's mixed in with their blind rage.
That's what's so dangerous.  People who feel disenfranchised and
powerless are much more likely to lash out violently.
Because of these irresponsible media whores fanning the flames of hatred
and building people's sense of injustice, indignity and frustration,
railing on about Gore "stealing" the election, I believe that if Gore
wins, they're not just going to shrug their shoulders and take it.
SOME nut out there is likely to go McVeigh on him (or us.)  The seething
hatred and rage on the part of these people is absolutely terrifying to behold.
Much more terrifying than the prospect of four years of a Bush presidency.
The pressure is building and building inside the tiny little brains of
easily-manipulated inhabitants of the "red states".  Something's gotta
relieve that pressure or it's going to explode in a very bad way.  As bad
as a Bush presidency will be, we need to throw them a small bone or I fear
the result will be much worse.


Subject:  Funny joke/quote from Daniel Shorr

Dan Shorr was on Larry King and mentioned a joke I found very funny.
Shorr is one of the good guys, a pre-whore era true journalist and was
notable for being near the top of Nixon's enemies list.
  Anyway, he said that there's a new bumper sticker down in Palm Beach
county, it reads, " Don't Blame Me, I voted for Al Gore (I think)"



Subject: Dick Chaney has a heart attack?!?

I thought this card was supposed to be played BEFORE the election! But
when you think about it, this is the perfect time to 'deploy' Colin
Powell. Dubya's popularity is in free-fall, so he needs a boost.
Especially when that pesky SCI trial comes up in April and he has to
declare martial law to keep from being indicted back in Texas.

Yours truly,

Reformed Texan M. Batchelor

Alaska Tom here
I have two points to make.
1.  I seem to remember, (why doesn't the whore press), that Cheney refused
to disclose his medical records, now he has a heart attack.  Every candidate in
the recent past has disclosed his medical records except the current bunch from Texas.
I think we all know why now.
Bush probably had some cocaine clinic on his and that couldn't get out.
2.  I am tired of hearing from the conservatives such jokes as why can old
ladies play 15 bingo cards and not correctly mark the ballot, calling them stupid.
Then these same pricks say that voters in western Florida were discouraged from
voting after it was announced that Gore had won.  I say these discouraged people
were stupid and lazy.  What a bunch of lousy excuses from the party which says it
stands for personal  responsibility.

tom barnard


Subject: Jeb in 2008?


Just a little thought I had: Suppose Smirk becomes President. No way
he'll be reelected in 2004. The Repugs won't learn their lesson though,
so they'll probably nominate Jebbie in 2008. If they do, what do you bet
he pulls a Cheney and changes his voter registration to Texas just so he
can run as a Texan and grab the Texas vote? (He'll think Florida will be
a gimme, anyway.)

Texas voters are dumb enough to fall for that.

Mike (from Texas)


Subject:  Mad as hell!!!

The Republicans on Capital Hill are mad as hell at Al Gore and the
Democrats, ranting that they are trying to "steal" the election away from
their man Dubya. Well excuse me but the last I heard, Gore was ahead
both in the popular vote tallies nationwide and the electoral votes. Florida
is too close to call at the moment and the totals in Fla. have not changed
the overall popular vote nationally ( oh, I know it's the electoral votes
that really count! ). The Republicans have to wait to "crown" their false king.
What gall they have, accusing the Democrats of overthrowing an election.
Just what was it they were doing these last eight years????
The only thing I don't understand is if Miami-Dade county is supposed to
be so heavily Democratic, why is it I see only Republicans protesting at
the court house? If they'd have kept these outside agitators out of the
vote counters way, this would have been over by now

Ronald Henry


Subject: You are missing the big picture

The so called liberal press will have very little to write about if Gore wins the election.
But if Bush wins. They will have the impeachment all over again.

Think about it!



Subject: CHAD ENVEY 
"that there have been chad found and picked up in the counting room, which proves.."

That in the presence of Chad and Confetti adults resort to infantile
behavior, improperly Toilet Trained Republican's envy the obvious
enjoyment that progressive youth get from Chad.

Benjamin J. Taylor

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