Fighting Your Own Battles
   by Gene Lyons

 If Democrats want a realistic chance of returning to power, they'll have to confront the
 entrenched power of the right-wing media and its cowering acolytes among the Washington
 press. Tom Daschle and Al Gore tried recently, with groaningly predictable results.
 What both episodes demonstrate is that polite, reasoned discourse won't cut it.

 First came Daschle, who complained about the "shrill tone" of conservative talk radio.
 "What happens when Rush Limbaugh attacks those of us in public life is that people
 aren't just content to listen. People want to act because they get emotional," he said
 "and the threats to those of us in public life go up dramatically, against us and against
 our families, and it's very disconcerting."

 Needless to say, Limbaugh had a field day mocking the South Dakotan. So did
 Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz. "Has Tom Daschle lost a couple of screws?"
 Kurtz wondered. Had he actually listened to Rush lately? "He's so mainstream that those
 right-wingers Tom Brokaw and Tim Russert had him on their Election Night coverage."

 In reality, it's Kurtz who's uninformed. The media activists at, however,
 have got the blowhard's number. A draft avoider himself, Limbaugh calls Daschle, an
 Air Force veteran, "Hanoi Tom."  He's repeatedly accused him of an "attempt to sabotage
 the war on terrorism" for political advantage.

 "In essence," Limbaugh has said "Daschle has chosen to align himself with the axis of evil."
 He's even done an extended riff on the soft-spoken Senator's likeness to Satan. So how
 hard is it to imagine a particularly soft-headed fan--of whom there are legions--deciding it
 was his duty to kill off so wicked a traitor? Somebody, after all, mailed anthrax to Daschle's office.

 Confronted with his own words, Limbaugh invariably claims he's an entertainer who shouldn't
 be taken literally. A seventh grader would see through the "just kidding" excuse, but timid
 Washington pundits pretend to buy it. Kurtz's fawning interview with Limbaugh on CNN's
 "Reliable Sources" had to be seen to be believed. Miss America gets tougher treatment.
 Kurtz would be ashamed to go so easy on a politician.

 Why? Because Daschle had a legitimate gripe, but he did a poor job of articulating it.
 Besides, while there's nothing a politician can do to harm a "mainstream" pundit--a term
 connoting both rank and conformity--having the whole screaming horde of amateur and
 professional ditto heads attacking your "left-wing bias" can create real career problems.
 It's safest to go with the flow.

 Al Gore put it this way in an interview with the New York Observer:  "The media is kind of
 weird these days on politics, and there are some major institutional voices that are, truthfully
 speaking, part and parcel of the Republican Party. Fox News Network, The Washington Times,
 Rush Limbaugh--there's a bunch of them, and some of them are financed by wealthy ultra-
 conservative billionaires who make political deals with Republican administrations and the
 rest of the media...Most of the media [has] been slow to recognize the pervasive impact of
 this fifth column in their ranks-that is, day after day, injecting the daily Republican talking
 points into the definition of what's objective as stated by the news media as  a whole."

 "Something will start at the Republican National Committee, inside the building," Gore
 continued "and it will explode the next day on the right-wing talk-show network and on
 Fox News and in the newspapers that play this game, The Washington Times and the others.
 And then they'll create a little echo chamber, and pretty soon they'll start baiting the mainstream
 media for allegedly ignoring the story...Pretty soon the mainstream media goes out and
 disingenuously takes a so-called objective sampling, and  lo and behold, these RNC talking
 points are woven into the fabric of the zeitgeist."

 Gore pointedly avoided saying so, but he could have been talking about his own presidential
 campaign. It's hard for even sympathetic readers to grasp how much the 2000 election turned
 upon RNC propaganda like the absurd, yet endlessly repeated lie that Gore claimed he
 "invented the internet." (Today's details the whole sordid story.)

 On cue, the Post's Kurtz jumped in with a "vast right wing conspiracy" joke," and speculated
 that Gore was simply bitter. Right-wing columnist Charles Krauthammer, a former psychiatrist,
 shamefully declared that he was on "the edge of looniness" and "could use a little help."
 Overnight, Gore's weirdness became the party line.

 Thoughtful interviews, see, won't cut it. Winning this battle will require open confrontation.
 Limbaugh couldn't stand up to Al Gore for ten minutes in public debate, nor to Sen. John Kerry
 or any experienced Democrat of substance. Neither could most of the TV talking heads.
 Unless they want to end up looking as ineffectual as Daschle did last week, they'd better
 learn to fight their own fights.

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