The Sopranos
       by Rude Rich

 I fear the finale will be as lame as most of this season has been. The
 only good episode in the last 2 months was the one where Ralphie met his
 maker. I don't care about Janis, Bacala or his kids, AJ or the Ouija board,
 Meadow and Billy Budd or about a dozen more of the soap opera crap
 they've fed us this year. The show has so many stories left unfinished
 it's unbelivable. Whatever happened to Adrianna and the feds?
 Another false start?

 I'll give you one prediction....Meadow comes out as a lesbo.
 How come Furio can pack up all his belongings and move in a few hours?
 If Tony takes out Carmine, he'll become boss of the NJ and NY mob.
 You can tell in the opening credits if an episode is going to be good
 by reading the writing credits. If David Chase wrote it, it'll be good.
 If anyone else did, it'll suck.

 Paulie has to be written out after killing an old lady for money like a two bit junkie.

 They should have just concentrated on Junior's trial, Chris' drug problem
 and the NY war instead of all the other stupid side stories. I don't even care
 about the finale anymore. I fear it'll be another wasted 75 minutes of my life.

 Crap....the whole season has been crap. The only person worth a shit is Gandolfini.
 His acting has been great. The rest of the show has sucked.
 But that's just my opinion.

 Rude, I agree with much of that.
 They spend valuable time on Janice and Bobby and nobody cares.
 I like Bobby, but who wants to see him cry half the season?
 Nobody likes Janice, but sometimes she has some great lines.

 When Tony asked her if Ralphie was weird in bed, she said,
 "Tony? You're asking me to betray a confidence? OK, for $3000"

 But we have to remember the Thanksgiving dinner analogy.
 In this case, the mob hits = the turkey.
 You can't have mob hit after mob hit - the show just wouldn't fly.
 You have to mix in the mashed potatoes (Tony's Carmella problems)
 and the stuffing (the kids) and the cranberries (Bobby and Janice.)

 The loose plot ends are the worst of it, but it's possible everything could be
 wrapped up in the finale, but unlikely.

 After every show, the gang at  re-visits the shows best lines and I'm
 always surprised how many spectacular writing gems that go unnoticed with just one viewing.

 There's a strange phenomona that happens with the Sopranos, especially on that newsgroup
 Every week, they get together and half the members talk like you, the show is dead, it's terrible now,
 it's not really worth watching anymore - but they watch each week just to complain.

 The same thing happened with
 Each week, they got together and said the show is dead, it's terrible now, it's not
 really worth watching anymore - but they watch each week just to complain.

 Remember, the opposite of love isn't hate - it's indifference.
 The fact that people are compelled to watch, just so they can diss it later is interesting,
 but I'm not equipt to figure out what that means.

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