Tally Briggs / Actress at Large



What would he do,
Had he the motive and the cue for passion
That I have? He would drown the stage with tears
And cleave the general ear with horrid speech,
Make mad the guilty and appal the free,
Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed
The very faculties of eyes and ears. Yet I,
A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak,
Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause,
And can say nothing; no, not for a man,
Upon whose property and most dear life
A damn'd defeat was made. Am I a coward?
Who calls me villain? breaks my pate across?
Plucks off my beard, and blows it in my face?
Tweaks me by the nose? gives me the lie i' the throat,
As deep as to the lungs?

'Swounds, I should take it: for it cannot be
But I am pigeon-liver'd and lack gall
To make oppression bitter, or ere this
I should have fatted all the region kites
With this slave's offal: bloody, bawdy villain!
Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!
O, vengeance!
                                              ~HAMLET  act II, scene ii

I am sick to death of hearing the phrase "President Elect Bush".
It offends me to my soul.
He was not ELECTED.
Not legally.
He was appointed.

I might be wrong, but until the vote count is final, even though it won't be "official",
we just don't know.  And if James Baker III can get away with saying that the
Florida Supreme Court's desicion was "unacceptable"  then I can say the
"Appointed Bush Presidency" and everything that goes with it along with
The Supreme Court Coup is also "unacceptable".

So, who is above the law?  The Supreme Court?  How does that work exactly?
I invite any legal athority, attorney, judge, or otherwise educated individual, to explain it to me.
What happens when a member of the United States Supreme Court breaks the law?
What if it's a traffic violation?  What if they were to rob someone?  Rape someone?
Punch someone?  What if they were to commit treason?  Who calls them on it?
Are they above the law?  Can they be sued?  As individuals or a group?
There has been a virtual coup in this country, and what can be done about it?
Or is Appointed President Bush just going to pardon them?
And what if his power is proven to be illegal, then what?

I feel as though my rights as a citizen of The United States of America have been violated.
I am sure I am not alone.

Everytime someone looks me in the face and starts blathering on about
"Bush won.... let's move on..."  it makes me want to shake them.  We don't know who won!
I just don't get it.  Are they in major denial about what is happening here?
Or are they just too afraid to see the truth, as ugly as it has become?
It has become so much bigger than Bush and Gore.  It is about our democracy itself.
And I don't want to hear anyone whining that we live in a "democratic republic".

Many people are going to be content to wait until 2002 when they feel that if enough
people get their butts to the polls, then we can correct this fiasco.  Perhaps.
But what's to stop it from being 'fixed' or 'overrulled' again?
What if in 2002, the Supremes just step in and bat clean up again???
Then what?

If you are a parent, and your child does something bad, do you hold them accountable,
and punish them, or do you let them slide and justify their horrid behavior by a saying
somthing like... "oh, little Georgie just didn't get enough sleep, and since we are going
through a divorce, I just don't want to be too hard on him..."
Now.  Which is better?

Teaching a child right and wrong?
Or teaching them how to make excuses and get away with bad behavior?
We've all seen it:  A cranky little kid making a scene in a nice restaurant,
you know, not wanting to sit still in his chair, sinking down under the table,
whining loudly if told to behave.....  Mums & Dadums don't want to make
a counter-scene, so they let The Bad Seed run around the restaurant as
though it were a playground; running in the aisles, becoming a nusiance
to other patrons, and a safety hazard to the wait staff....

And you wonder... What the hell has happened to discipline in this country?

So, why are we allowing this?  The flat out theft of voter's rights, and the illegal
appointment of the 43rd President of the United States?  What about the rights
of the Florida Supreme Court?  What about the rights of every citizen who voted,
especially the majority who either thought or actually voted for Gore?
What about our rights?
Who is there to protect us??

I welcome any and all answers.


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