Ton o' mail and toons


Subject: Leica666's defense of Nader...

Nader WAS a factor in Gore losing the election.
But here are many other GREATER reasons Gore lost the election:

1) Had Gore carried his home state of Tennesee, he would have won (weak, but true).
2) Had Gore decided to use the extremely popular President Clinton on the
     campaign trail instead of protecting his own ego, he would have won.
3) Had thousands of black voters not been turned away from the polls,
     whether "stricken" off registers by a private company hired by republicans
     or intimidated by police, he would have won.
4) Had he played up the fact that W is a complete utter moron, instead of
     playing civil, he would have won.
5) Had he not given himself the "image" as a pathological liar, he would have won.
6) Had the Supreme Court not bypassed all constitutional laws and handed him
    Florida, he would have won.
7) Oh yeah, wait.  Gore DID win.  By recent estimates in the THOUSANDS!
    More than enough to wipe out the 517 or so Nader voters who MIGHT or MIGHT
    NOT have voted for him to give him Florida.
8) Last but not least, had Gore and most Democrats MOVED AWAY FOR THE CENTER

Do I like Bush?  Not on your life.
But to quote a fellow Texan, Mike Jasper,
"I like the new president.  Vincente Fox is the MAN!"

Keep up the good work and lets drink the tequila in Vegas.

Tommy Mack

Tommy,  I don't disagree with any of that, but Gore could've eaten Smirk's lunch
if he'd had a Perot-style debate instead of this "no fair speaking to the candidate," horseshit.
Allowing the whore press to ask their whore questions was a fatal mistake.

Gore could've made his first question "Governor, do you think it was right for your Daddy
to pardon all the Iran-Contra crooks before the American people got the real truth?"

...and without a doubt Smirk would've refused to answer, and that could've set up
the whole rest of the night, with Gore answering every question with,
"I'm still waiting to hear Bush's answer on Iran-Contra. If he can't take a stand on that
can we trust him not to repeat the same cover-your-ass trickery?"

...and just HAMMER that bastard home for all three debates.

From an old live Zeppelin concert trade buddy of mine:


Subject: Jack Ruby & The JFK Assassination

Hadn't cruised by your webpage in quite a while, so I did so tonight.
What, no Led Zeppelin?
What's up with that?

I saw your links/interest in the JFK assassination.  I'm really into that myself, and even did
a webpage for Robert Groden ( here a few years ago.

I specifically noticed your Jack Ruby page with the audio clip of Ruby.
You seem quite adamant that this tape is not known.
I can assure you, that it is well known in the JFK assassination research community.
Just try alt.conspiracy.jfk , they know all about it.

I've seen it several times myself, and have it on tape somewhere, possibly on
The Men Who Killed Kennedy series that runs on the History Channel from time to time.
I even saw it just last week when the History Channel did an hour show on Jack Ruby.
So, yes, its very real.

Its amazing the amount of intelligent people that will outright call you a liar if you believe
in the conspiracy.  The one thing they can never explain is why no one to this day
has EVER recreated the shooting feat that the Warren Commision claims Oswald made.

Yes, there have been some people that got close
(after several repeated attempts by expert sharpshooters),
but not the exact thing.  That alone speaks volumes.

If you ever want to discuss the case, just let me know.
If I don't know the answer, I can always point you in the right direction.


Matt, I might've either misspoke or been misunderstood.
I didn't mean to say the conspiracy community wasn't aware of Ruby's confession,
but the average man on the street knows nothing about that piece of film.

I'll bet fewer than 5 people out of a hundred could tell you what Ruby said.
Regis could safely use that as his million dollar question.

Thanks for the note, and stay in touch.


Subject: The Plane

 I'm sure the news doesn't filter down to you for a few days, but here's what I learned today on liberal radio...

   By a long standing agreement with the U.S., China has 48 hours to release any information in an incident like this.
Smirk knew that while he was making his "firm statements". Just like the NYPD has a 48 hr rule before they can
be questioned. Thank you Ron Kuby for informing us of this fact. Thats why Smirk didn't make any threats....
China was in the right according to the agreement.

   I very rarely listen to Hannity, but today it was on when I started the car. He had that hack Col. Hackworth on.
Hackworth, the scumbag, made a point that no one else is telling us either...the crew would have been under orders
to destroy any classified material or equipment. They had 50 miles to do this so there shouldn't be anything worth
two shits left for the Chinese to loot. The pilot would have been in radio contact with the Admiral in fleet command
and was probably ordered to take the plane to that base. Why, I don't know...but the hack doubted he decided
on his own to bring it down in China.

 He also doubted there were parachutes onboard because the plane is already loaded down with spy shit.
If they ditched, the crew would have drowned or the plane would have broken up because of the weight.
Then he started blaming it all on Clinton and I tuned in to the Mets rainout show.

It goes without saying that the guy not in charge is at fault.
That's how Carter was blamed for the Reagan Recession
and how Reagan got credit for the Clinton Miracle.

Anybody but the guy in charge is at fault, ...if you ask the GOP.


Subject: Limbaugh Lies About Don Henley

Limbaugh was mocking Don Henley of The Eagles, who was talking to the Congress bout Napster.

Rushie said that Henley was a hypocrite for wanting to protect his own copyrighted property even
when he wants everyone else to "give their work away for free."

I'm too busy to try to track down this quote.
Will you please issue the following challenge to ditto-monkeys:

Rush said that Don Henley wants Americans to give their work away for free.
I'm calling Rush a liar, and I'm calling Rush's fans gullible sheep who believe him when he lies.

I dare you to tell me where I can find the quote in which Don Henley wants
people to give away their work for free.

Prove that the Truth Detector isn't a liar.
I dare you, sheep.

Yeah, I heard most of that crap.
He kept calling Henley "a true socialist," because of Napster.

Rush is slow to understand Napster can't be stopped.
Plus, he's a lying Nazi whore...

Rush hates Clinton so much, Barbara Streisand can't sing, The Eagles suck,
Spielberg makes bad movies and Disney is out to destroy our children.


Subject: You're Wrong On China


I think you're wrong about the plane in China.
I tend to agree with the Al Martin, that this was a set-up deal.

If that plane really should have been kept out of Chinese hands, it could
have gone down in the ocean or headed for Vietnam (which was closer).

Then too I've heard a couple of Repugnicrats  say that now -- obviously --
we have to give arms to Taiwan. Convenient, eh? Next thing you know we'll be invading Cuba.

Take care, big guy, and keep up the good work.

John Pavlik

I've been wrong lots of times, but on this?
I don't think I've disagreed with Al Martin on anything.
He obviously knows a universe more about the military than I do,
but I don't recall disagreeing with Al on anything.

We know we're being lied to, we just don't know how much.

lemma know,



Subject: spy plane crew as hostages


China is holding the crew of the spy plane, and there is a Bush in the White House.
Are you as worried as I am that Bush might send Stinger missiles to the Chinese to hold the hostages longer?


ha ha


ha ha


Subject: Latest Outrage

Howdy, Bart,

I see we've pissed off the Japanese again by sending a nuclear sub
into their port without giving them proper notice.

Click  Here

Any other time, the Japanese might have given us a break, but because of Commander-in-Ept's
arrogance and stupidity, they're going to loudly teach us a lesson.
Oh, well, new day, new opportunity to piss off another region of the world...

Mysty Beal

Honestly, those Japanese are so sensitive about nuclear weapons.
I wonder why they...

...Oh, that's right...
We melted two of their biggest cities with nuclear bombs.



Subject: China and the vulgar pigboy

To add to my earlier post,  if this had happened under Clinton's watch
do you think Rush would have said "it is not a weakness to apologize"?

He would have called Clinton weak and a traitor and accused him of giving away
secrets in exchange for the hostages.  And he as well as the rest of the media would
be villifying Clinton for parsing his words in claiming it was not an actual apology.

Rush once again exposes himself as a hypocrite and a fraud.
Keep up the good work in exposing the ditto monkeys bankrupt philosophy.
Bart, love your site and your sense of humor.

Laura, you are correct!
No doubt, Rush would be screaming like a fuct pig if Clinton had
parsed his apology and given up America's dignity to cover his lying and bungling.

"Sorry doesn't mean sorry in China?"

Have you ever heard such utter horseshit in your political life?

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