FOX Whore news & LEVY
  by Tally Briggs

BC -

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.  It has been.... gosh, never, since I'm not Catholic
(I just seem to marry and divorce them) since my last confession.

Yesterday, I actually broke down and watched FOX Whore News twice yesterday.
The first one was on the disappearance of Chandra Levy - no big surprise there since they are now
the ALL CONDIT ALL THE TIME channel, but it there were some great moments I wanted to share:

Mark Geragos kept trying to talk about the fact that it was "far more likely" that Chandra's disappearance
was related to the other two young brunette women who have ALSO disappeared from the same area
of DC - within blocks, and all resemble Levy in some way - one of whom was found when her body finally
washed ashore along the Potomac several months later. And that this may be the work of a serial killer.

But every time Geragos would begin, John-- - I Love To Hear My Own Voice - Gibson would start
incessantly repeating "Far more likely???" in a very loud and sarcastic tone, to the point Geragos had
to fight to get anything beyond that statement out of his mouth. No big surprise, since if it doesn't
involve Condit - it isn't really a story.

Which brings up the point of the media's responsibility in all of this:

If (and there is a possibility) Condit has nothing to do with her disappearance, then by their constant
ALL CONDIT ALL THE TIME barrage, they may be putting other young women in the DC area
in danger by not warning them of the possibility of a serial killer on the loose.

I am so old, I remember when serial killers were big news.

Then there was some talk of how old does a woman have to be before she can be responsible for her own actions?
25? 27? 30?  Which was also interesting.

The second show was on the downing of TWA 800.  They actually spent some time on the missle theory
and all the 200+ witnesses who swear they saw something to that effect.  I was actually surprised.

So, what's my penance?


Tally, funny you should ask.
It's been a lot of years, but from what I remember, four Hail Mary's and two Lord's Prayers
covers everything from saying "shit" to conspiracy to cimmit murder.

Go with that.

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