Excuse the rant....
    by Gossipmaven


>From the liberalmediaboard>> Bartcop is WAY off on this david spade thing....

     I watched PI last night and BC is WAY off on David Spade.

     He was not doing some cry baby spoiled white boy thing. He made a very good and very valid point
     about the glaring inconstancy between saying that we are all equal and should all be treated the
     same, yet having things like The Latin Grammy Awards. <<

Oh, so we can't have a Latin Grammy Awards (which comprises over 100
different cultural and musical categories -- something that is impossible to
recognize at the mainstream Grammys due to time constraints), but we can have
a kajillion different country music and bluegrass award shows a year?  What's the diff?

>>On one hand many of these groups have preached inclusion and desegregation
for years and years, but now many of them are also doing things like creating
black only or latin only events. They get a pass on this, while if some group did a
whites only event, that wouldn;t fly. <<

Uh...of course it wouldn't fly.  See, in THIS country the whites are the ones
who did the segregating and excluding.  For 300+ years (excluding maybe the
last 25) whites did exactly that, they had "whites only events."  Whites are the ones
who told people of color they were inferior and not worthy of even basic niceties
like using public restrooms and drinking fountains, going to high school proms,
or using community swimming pools, let alone letting black girls compete in pageants,
or celebrating black music (despite stealing it at every opportunity).

THAT, is why people of color, created events and formed organizations to
celebrate themselves and their culture. Who else was going to do it? Or are
you saying we should have just been patient, until, oh...the mid to late 70's or so?

 >>A good example is the protesting of white people moving into Harlem.
     It is self-imposed segregation and there is a HUGE double standard. <<

No, it is only "self-imposed segregation," and "a HUGE double standard," if
the majority of blacks who live in Harlem feel the way YOU say they do.
Since you are WRONG, and they DON'T, it is NOT.  Sheesh. Exaggerate much?

>Picture two scenarios...

If you insist. Sigh.....

>First you have a group of black people protesting the gentrification of their neighborhoods in Harlem.
Basically saying they don't want white people coming in and messing with their property values.
Second you have a group of KKK members protesting blacks moving into their neighborhoods.
Basically  saying they don't want black people coming in and messing with their property values.
Which one is viewed as more racist and more hateful? They are essentially the exact same thing,
the same reaction based on the same racial fear and prejudice. Yet there is a clear double standard in
how the actions of each group are viewed. <<

Wow. I can only explain such ignorance on your lack of education, you sound
so fervently sincere that I ACTUALLY believe, that you believe, what you're
saying-- somehow, that's even more frightening.  Here, let me help you....

In both of your examples you use fringe groups, whose attitudes do not
reflect the majority of people living in those areas.  (Mostly all of Harlem
turned out for the big dog) Secondly, even though they both are trying to
exclude groups, and admittedly they are both wrong.  One group is most
definitely WORSE than the other.  The KKK hates black people because
they are black, they feel we are inferior, and want to kill us, and hurt us
-- they've done this for the last 300 years.  They are this country's oldest
domestic terrorists, and strike fear into the hearts of most people everywhere.

Those blacks that would protest Harlem being turned into a new upscale yuppy
(black, white or whatever) trendy place, where consequentially most working
class folks (a majority of blacks and hispanics) would be ousted, are NOT the
same as the Klan.  Are you insane? Their's is more of a class struggle, born
out of a fear that the culture (Harlem Renaissance, Jazz) they carved out of
a racist society, as well as the neighborhoods they were relegated to and
where they've been for the last 100 years, might just disappear if Harlem
becomes the new Tribeca.  While their protest is misguided, it certainly is
understandable, but you likening them to the Klan, defies logic.

>> Can you imagine the outrage that we'd see if a bunch of  white guys were protesting
Colon Powell setting up offices in Manhattan? There would be a shit storm of controversy,
whereas the black protesters in Harlem hardly caused anybody to raise an eyebrow. <<

See last response.   ...and no, there wouldn't be a "shit storm of
controversy," if the white guys were a small few.  I repeat, why are you so
intent on citing fringe examples in the black community and making it sound
as if they represent the majority? They do not.

    >> Spade was making a valid point about this inconsistency. If a black guy says he has
black pride, that's ok, but if a white guy says he has white pride, he's instantly branded a racist.
That assumption is, in and of itself, a racial stereotype against whites. <<

Oh you are really clueless buddy.   The black person has NO real ethnic
identity, he was taken from a continent, and brought here as a slave; his
language, religion, customs, and traditions from a particular country and
region were destroyed forever. He was then dehumanized, told he was
worthless, inferior and had no real culture for the next 300 some years.

You are telling me you begrudge blacks, acquiring an ethnic pride, learning
about their African culture, and ridding themselves of the psychic
self-loathing that intrinsic racism and discrimination bring??   You resent
them lifting themselves up, and being proud of who they are, and what they
look like, after living in a country that told them they were worthless, is
that what you're actually saying?  Say it ain't so, you dumb mofo.

White pride, IS racist.

When black people express black pride, it's in the absence of an ethnicity,
and nationality that they were stripped of -- we can't have a St Paddy's day
parade, Oktoberfest, or Italian American day, like YOU can.  Being
"Black-American or African American," IS our nationality, ethnicity, and
culture all rolled into one.  I can't call myself a Kenyan-American and have
a parade, because I don't know where in hell I come from on that continent.

You on the other hand, might know a few Irish jigs, make a really good pasta sauce,
or perhaps you speak German.  I have my jazz, blues, and black culture that I am proud of.
Celebrating your ethnicity, which black IS, which German-American IS, which Italian
American IS, but which "white," ISN'T,  is quite different than having a Grand Wizard
of the KKK celebrate "white pride," on account of his lily-white skin.  It's tantamount
to having a fucking Aryan Day Parade. WAKE UP!

I can tell you what black pride is, and it certainly is more than brown skin,
but what the fuck is "white pride,"-- something David Duke, and Tom Metzger
dreamed up to recruit angry white males into the white supremacy movement, that's what!

 >>I agree with everything else BC said about the show,
     but he really missed where spade was coming from.

     http://www.geocities.com/theliberalmedia <<

No BC, you were right on the money, as usual.  Keep up the good work.  This was one sister who
loved her some David Spade, so I was deeply disappointed in his contribution to the show.  But I'll
give him a second chance, because to tell you the truth, he looked like even HE couldn't believe the
dumb shit falling from his mouth.

As to the female comic that got in all the hot water -- I agree, it was a joke -- and people should
de-stress immediately. I myself have laughed at some pretty twisted messed up inappropriate shit,
and you know why? Because unlike mostly everything else in life, the funny bone is not discriminating.


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