
Subject: Re: Think on these

The problem was that the prince did not react. He could make that connection with the commoners.
Even his first reading of his speech at the school, he had to read the part about sending prayers.
Watch the tape, actually I think the prevalent version may have had some milliseconds edited out,  the BBC
America version had a substantial pause. Either way, he could not spontaneously ask that prayers go out.

The big whore award has to go to Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, who said that
" these are the same people who would launch a missle."
Attempting to tie the missle defense lie to this tragedy.

Believe it or not, he did so much better this time than last.
Hours after the OKC bombing, they asked Inhofe how many federal employees ahd been killed.
Inhofe replied, "It depends how many were playing hooky today."

Pissquik is a world-class whore and an embarrassment to humanity.

From: Harry with the gov address

Subject: supporting your Bush ceasefire

I'm sure you're getting plenty of support, but you're printing a lot of criticism of your current Bush ceasefire.
I just wanted to let you know that I support what you are doing, and agree that it's time to put the politics
aside for a little while.  I thought his speech last night was short and sweet.

It was certainly no "day that will live in infamy" speech, but it did the deed.
Mega Bartcop dittoes from this federal employee!

Bushwatch says Smirk gave the Taliban $132 million so far this year.
This is how they repay us for that?

I think the truce is over.



Subject: Partisan Politics In Our Time of Tragedy


I am sorry for engaging in partisan politics during this great national tragedy, but I was utterly
disgusted by the behavior of a number of Republicans. I watched yesterday as Orin Hatch
constantly bragged about how he was the one who first warned about Osama Bin Laudin.

Then I saw a number of Republicans blaming Democrats for the attacks,
explaining how this means we should raid the Social Security Trust Fund,
and this just proves that we need to build the missle defense system.

Because of the date of the attack and the association with two different Camp David Accords,
I am fairly certain that the attackers are from the Middle East, but this provides the Republicans
with excuses to do a number of things we were afraid they would do;
Raid Social Security, Build SDI, and even curtail Civil Liberties.

Also, this is still not as big a tragedy to me as what happened in last years elections.
The loss of democracy is far more terrifying to me.

Brian Sweat


Subject: You will learn

Dearest Bartcop,

I think for the first time in 38 years, I need therapy.  My boyfriend said
last night "You can't see the magnitude of this because of your hatred for
Bush."  I got angry at him for saying that because the opposite is true:  I
do understand the magnitude of this, and that is why I am even more pissed
off at smirky for isolating America with his ancient cold warrior / Iran contra
administration, outdated stances on Kyoto, the ABM Treaty, missle defense.

Not to mention his administration's avoidance of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
(except for trite soundbites), so that the fighting there has escalated to such
unmanageable levels.  I know you're taking your stance as a patriot, and I will
agree to disagree with you on rallying behind the president even though he's an
incompetent disgrace.

That is the worst form of politcal correctness, bartcop, to drop the
thousands of issues we have with smirky just because we're mourning the
devastation, both physical and mental, to our country.  Why are the two
intertwined?  Look what has happened to this country since he took office
(not to mention the attack on democracy his selection wrought):  stock
market tumbling, across the board spending cuts that will disproportionally
affect those who need it the most, while his biggest contributors bathe in
the money from his tax cut and energy plans, Social Security in danger,
energy gouging, UN embarassments (human rights commission, etc.), a million
layoffs, bordering on recession, environmental threats everywhere...need I say more.

And to rub salt in this ever-growing wound, we have lost our security as of September 11, 2001.
I don't care WHAT happened, he does not deserve our support.  The firefighter and rescue
workers deserve our unconditional support.  The victims' families deserve our unconditional
support.  The injured deserve our unconditonal support.  The U.S. military deserves our
unconditional support.  But I will NEVER support a man who is too stupid to realize that
his policies have almost ruined this country in a matter of nine months.

I will support you, but you should realize that you will rise above the rest of the "rally around
the president" blatherers if you show your patriotism for the country and the victims, but point out
in a graceful way Smirky's culpability. If we all take the stance you have taken, he will get a
free pass for all the damage he's done since January (actually Novemeber, but who's counting).

Take care,


Subject: Yesterday

        God knows I don't have any use for the make-believe president at all,
but I have to agree with you that yesterday was not the time to be hammering Smirk.
I did find it interesting that suddenly, according to him, our military is "prepared and ready",
considering that he said the exact opposite 9 months ago and hasn't done anything to change it.

        At the risk of sounding extremely paranoid, though, I have some nagging doubts
about this.  I guess I just don't trust people who think it's ok to arm terrorist nations,
delay the release of hostages for political gain, or "adjust" the voting in a presidential race.


Subject: please speak against the insanity

Bartcop -

Now is when we have to beware those who will use this horrible attack
as justification to cripple America's freedoms.

The calls are already coming in from the fascists -- today I've heard Al Haig,
Orrin Hatch, Newt Gingrich, Larry Eagleburger blame Clinton and "excessive oversight"
of our intelligence community for this tragedy.

The push is already starting to turn America into Singapore in order to "save" it.
That would be exactly the outcome the terrorists hoped for.



Subject: This moment

Tomorrow I'll think upon why these people hate us so much.  There are always
reasons.  Some are probably even just.  I just can't think about it today.
Today I'm just going to call the Red Cross and sign up to give blood.
It's the only positive thing I can think to do.

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