The Ad That Beats Bush
  The commercial that would make Kerry president

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 The ad starts with Bush and his September 14, 2001, bullhorn. This time, though, it's a Kerry commercial
 that reminds swing-state Americans of Bush's blood vowprecisely three years agothat "the people who
 knocked down these buildings" would "hear all of us soon." The cowboy soundbites that we would "smoke 'em out"
 track across the screen with any network's footage of the "wanted dead or alive" culprits: Osama bin Laden,
 Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Mullah Omar.

 Then the camera moves on to anchors reporting that bin Laden was cornered at Tora Bora, but that U.S.
 commanders were allowing mercenary Pashtuns to lead the fighting and Pakistanis to seal the backside border.
 Next, news headlines blare that Special Forces and key CIA operatives were prematurely pulled out of
 Afghanistan to prepare for the war on Iraq. The last visual is of Bush momentarily forced at a March 2002
 press conference to discuss bin Laden: "I just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with ya."

 It makes all the sense in the world that the Bush conventionwith a hundred references in major speeches
 to terror and 69 to Iraq or Husseinmentioned Osama just once, and then only to blame him on Bill Clinton.
 What makes no sense is that bin Laden was never mentioned in Kerry's Boston show.

 I think this writer heard Part 2 of BCR Show 54.  (Don't open this near co-workers or with children nearby)


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