Join us for BartFest!


The party of the year will be held at The Rio, Las Vegas,
on Saturday, September 28, 2002. The event will run from 7-10pm.

You can purchase tickets in one of two ways:

Send money via 


Send a check to,
P.O. Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Write BartFest in the memo space.


Whichever method you choose, once you have sent your money, please send
an e-mail to Christian at with your name and
e-mail address,the names and addresses of any people attending with you,
the number of tickets your city, state and phone number.
All your personal information will be confidential

Once we have received your payment and confirmation e-mail, we will e-mail your ticket(s).
Print out the ticket and present it at the door of The Rio on September 28th.
Each person must present a ticket to be admitted.

You will be given a blank name tag at the door.
You can write whatever name you wish on it.
If you don’t want your real name known in the room,
just write your screen name or whatever name you’re known by online.
It’s up to you.


If you have questions about the event, have any great ideas for the event,
or would like to volunteer, e-mail Christian at


Rooms are $169 per night at The Rio.
You can stay one night or two at that price
Sunday-Thursday rooms are as cheap as $69.

If your budget is very limited, you can stay downtown
or at a Motel 6 (right next to the MGM grand) for $65 plus tax.
If your budget is semi-limited, you can stay at the Rio Saturday
night only, and save some bucks on Friday and Sunday.

Example: Lady Luck rooms are $55 Fri & Sat, $29 Sunday

Recommended: Once you've spent the money to go to Vegas,
spend the week if you can. A great room for $69 is hard to beat.
You can't hardly do Vegas in a week, plus there's everything else nearby.

Lake Mead and Valley of Fire State Park are minutes away,
Area 51 is 2.5 hours away,
Death Valley is 2 hours away,
the Grand Canyon, LA and Phoenix are 5 hours away,
so consider this the vacation of the decade even if you're forced
to watch your dollars, this is a week you'll remember all your life.
Besides, that's why Al Gore invented credit cards.

Now, onto the options:

We will rent a (inside? outside?) banquet room and a bartender.
If we spend enough on food, the banquet room is only $750.
If we spend enough on drinks, the bartender is free.

We will clarify this as soon as possible, but the food menu states
that "premium" liquors and cordials can be purchased at the
wholesale rate of  $38 per person for four hours.
I have paid as much as $12 a shot for Chinaco Anejo
so I plan to punish the Rio, severely, on this basis.
Trust me, I can do more than one shot of Chinaco per hour.

This does NOT mean you have to drink heavily, or drink at all.
It just means if you intend to party, Las Vegas knows how.
Of course, individual drinks are available.

Now, the food.

No place on Earth has food options like Las Vegas.
You can eat anything than anyone has ever eaten there.
You might have Wolfgang Puck or Emerill Lagasse as your cook.
I am not kidding - this is Las Vegas.

But for practical purposes, we must stay semi-mainstream.

For our cocktail party, we have narrowed the menu down to this:

Marinated Chicken Breast and Flank Steak
Grilled with Peppers and Onions
Served with Guacamole, Grated Cheese, Salsa
and Sour Cream, Flour Tortillas and Tortilla Chips
Spicy Mexican Rice
Refried Beans
$20 Per Person

This seems like a good option.
You can get chicken and steak, and it's just $20.
This will be good munchies for the cocktail party
and every dollar takes away from the price of the room.

But if you want to spend more, there are options.
You've never seen a place with more options than Las Vegas.

If you'd like to attend the party of the year,
and meet Bart, Christian, and dozens of your friends from the chat room
and the posting boards, contributing writers and cartoonists,
plus - whatever "special guests" happen to be there,
(more on that later)
then here's what we need from you:

 PayPal or snail mail $75 for each person attending.
And remember, each dollar you spend is money off the price of the room.

So - let me hear from you.
Like Hyman Roth said in Godfather Two:
"If the money's on the table, I'll know we have a deal.
If not, I'll know we don't."

The crowd chants:   Bring it home, BartCop!

For as little as $75, this can be the Party of the Year.

Alcohol is extra, but $38 for all the Chinaco Anejo
you can drink in 4 hours is winner in my book.

Special: I told our Rio rep that we were a tequila-tastin' crowd,
and she said it would be no problem to have a variety of fine tequilas
available for us to sample.  I think that means they will parade a dozen
or more ultra-fine luxury tequilas before us for a $38 tequila fiesta!

Kids, this is Las Vegas!
When Dorothy said, "There's no place like home," she was lying!
There's no place like Vegas!

Special Guests

Last time, we knew Carville and Conason and Brock would be there,
but there was always a chance for some last minute snafu, y'know?

If James had twisted his ankle, or Joe had a touch of the flu
or Brock was kidnapped by right-wing sociopaths who wanted
to prevent him from speaking at JulieFest2002-DC,
we didn't want them to be known as "quitters," and it saved me
from being "Mr.-Promise-the-World, then not deliver."

We won't sign contracts with our "special guests."
I won't sue my heroes for "breach of contract."
We're just asking them to join us for a great weekend in Las Vegas
with a room full of energetic Democratic supporters.

Order Tickets

Semi-last thing: We got lucky last time that a lot of last-minute people
could be accomodated. This time, we'll have to pay a larger deposit
so we have to know who's in by August 15th.

 Drinks, gambling, Democrats and rock n roll.
 John Ashcroft will have a cow.

...and get ready to party!

Last thing:
The official party is Saturday night.
If you can only make one night, make it Saturday,
but Friday and Sunday will have groups of people doing what-not.

And nobody can do what-not like Las Vegas!!!!

Party of the Year!

The pool at the Rio.
Thanks to

 They said we could have the pool (or part of it) if we wanted.

Las Vegas is like no other place in the world,
We can have anything we want, if we write them a check.

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