
 I thought the new Crossfire was great.
 How exciting to see not one but TWO competent liberals stand up to the fascist bullies.
 Begala and Carville each got in some great shots

 Carville asked the head of the RNC if he supported the campaign finance bill that Governor Bush
 just signed into law. He hem-hawed around and refused to answer the damn question.
 So Carville asked him a second time and he kicked the dirt and gave a non-answer.
 So Carville asked him a third time and he mealy-mouthed a horseshit answer.
 So Carville asked him a fourth time, and he nearly almost answered.
 So Carville finally said, "You're against the reform that your president just signed, aren't you?"
 and the prevaricating weasel finally admitted, "Yes."

 I thought it was so good, I wonder if we shouldn't try to recruit someone to give us
 a Daily Crossfire Update on last night's topics and best one-liners?

 You would need to know html and have a web page so we could link to you
 the way Marty does at  BartCop Entertainment.

 If you're interested, instead of writing and saying "I'm interested,"
 watch Crossfire tomoro and create a page and send me your link.
 If you saw Monday's premier, maybe you can start your page today.

 CNN posted the transcript last night, which is almost unheard of, so maybe
 you could just check the transcript late each night and grab the best exchanges.
 What we need is maybe 100-200 words of the Carville/Begala's greatest hits.


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