CBS's Bernard Goldberg has written an expose on the liberal media entitled
 Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News

 This is a good example of smart writing and even better marketing.
 If Goldberg had written the truth, that the media is nothing but right-wing pimps working for Bush,
 if would sell about as many copies as Fortunate Son and be withdrawn from book stores right away.

 But since he's selling the LIE that left-wingers control the media,
 something very different will happen to Mr. Goldberg and his book.

  He'll get to go on:

The Rush Limbaugh show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Bill O'Reilly show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Sean Hannity show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Eva Von Zahn show  where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Belway Boys where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Brit Hume show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Tony Snow show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Juan Williams show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Mara Liason show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The McLaughlin Group where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Chris the Screamer show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The G. Gordon Liddy show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Laura Schlessinger show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Michael Medved show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Sam & Cokie show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
Meet the Press with Tim Russert where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The John Hockenberry show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Ollie North show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Neil Bortz show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Robert Novak show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Paul Weyrich show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Brian Williams show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Wolf Blitzer show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The Don Imus show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
The John Stossel show where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.
Reliable Sources with Howie Kurtz where they'll say conservatives have no voice in the media.


David Horowitz will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Maureen Dowd will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Ann Coulter will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Laura Ingraham will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Peggy Noonan will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
William Safire will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Andrew (bareback) Sullivan will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
David Limbaugh will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Jonah Goldberg will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Mona Charen will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Linda Chavez will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
John Fund will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Paul Greenburg will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Jeff Jacoby will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Dick Morris will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Thomas Sowell will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Cal Thomas will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Walter Williams will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Mort Zuckerman will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Brent Bozell will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
William F Buckley will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Neil Cavuto will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
David Hackworth will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Charles Krauthammer will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
William Raspberry will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Phyllis Schlafly will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
George Will will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Matt Drudge will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Luci (The Bat) Goldberg will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Michael Barone will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Lawrence Kudlow will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Marlin Fitzwater will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Pat Buchanan will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Ari Fleisher will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Christopher Hitchens will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Rich Lowry will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.
Kate O'Beirne will write a column saying conservatives have no voice in the media.

  Isn't it a shame that the radical right-wing has no way to get their message out?

  ...and Mr. Goldberg?
 He's going to make millions selling red meat to the dittoheads

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