Bush, Gore campaigns haggle over debate format

 WASHINGTON (LPH) -- Aides to Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Vice
 President Al Gore met again Friday to try and thrash out how to conduct the
 three presidential debates in which they had both agreed to participate.
 At this point - an open-book, no oral, written questionnaire with multiple
 choice answers has not been completely ruled out.

 In talks Thursday, representatives of the major party candidates agreed to
 meet in the three debates originally proposed by the bipartisan Commission
 on Presidential Debates. The encounters will be held October 3, in Boston;
 October 11, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; and October 17, in St. Louis.

 The campaigns still have to agree to a format for the debates. Gore campaign
 chief William Daley said he expected to reach an agreement with his
 counterpart, Bush campaign chairman Don Evans, on that question Friday.

 Daley indicated Friday there will likely be a mixture of three different
 debate formats: a presidential style format, a town-hall format, and the
 "talk-show sort of format."

 Bush spent a week after Labor Day touting an alternative plan. He proposed
 debating online or by phone in just one of the debate commission venues, in
 St. Louis, and facing Gore on two television talk shows -- NBC's "Meet the
 Prez" and CNN's "Larry ‘Crown one of us King’ Live." Gore had long supported
 the commission's debate proposal, and members of his campaign accused Bush
 of "ducking" debates with his plan.

 But when Gore insisted on holding all three formal debates before discussing
 any other formats, Bush pointed to several occasions where Gore had offered
 to debate Bush "anytime, anywhere."

 “Vice President Gore’s attitude is just abdominalble.” Bush stated with a stern tone.
 “He obviously doesn’t mean what he says. It’s absomalutely desprickinable.”

 He eventually backed off the plan, and Bush spokeswoman Karen Hughes cast
 Thursday's agreement as a victory for the GOP nominee. “We’re victoramus!”
 She was heard to yell.

 Unlike Vice President Gore, Gov. Bush says what he means and means what he says,"
 Hughes said. "He has said all along, for more than a month now, he wants three debates:
 Today our campaign has agreed with the Gore campaign to have three debates."

 Bush said Thursday he was looking forward to the sessions even though Gore
 has more experience in such match ups.

 "I know the man is a master debater, but what Americans want is a great leader,"
 Bush said during a campaign appearance in San Diego. “Someone who’s decisiveful
 and who’s competantness is unquestionamable.”

 The Bush campaign, meanwhile, said debate campaign materials mailed anonymously
 to a top Gore aide appeared authentic. The package contained an "authentic tape"
 showing a mock debate between Bush and Sen. Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire.
 That practice session took place at Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

 Here is an excerpt:

 GREGG: Governor Bush, can you explain exactly how your health care plan would work?

 BUSH: Woo Hoo! Stop messing around, Judd.. ..pour me another drink and let’s party!
             We’ve got plenty of time before the debates.

 GREGG: Come on, George. Do you want to do this or not?

 BUSH: Aw, hell! You sure know how to kill a good buzz. Okay, ask me sumpin’…

 GREGG: Governor Bush – How exactly does your whole tax cut plan break down ?

 BUSH: Dammit! There you go – askin’ me to explain numbers and stuff.
             They won’t really ask that, will they?

 GREGG: I can assure you that they most definitely WILL ask you about that.
               Do you have an answer for them?

 BUSH: Goddamn right I have an answer! (unintelligible mutters and rustling sounds)
              Judd, didn’t we have some barbaque potato chips aroun’ here somewhere?
              Ahh, here they are… you know, I wasn’t kiddin’ about pourin’ me
              another drink. Now, what was the question?

 GREGG: George, I don’t feel comfortable participating in this debacle anymore.
                  Pour your own drink… hey… do you realize that this is Everclear you’re drinking?

 BUSH: What’re you talkin’ about, Judd? Debacle, defrontle… whatever. Slosh
              some of that “go juice” inna glass and give ‘er here. Nukeyoolar power ain’t
               nothing compared to Everclear powered.

 [ End of transcript ]

 "The only people who would have had authorized access to that tape were the
 most senior members of our campaign, and so it appears that whoever sent
 that tape to the Gore campaign obtained it in some sort of unethical way,"
 Hughes said. “Though I am almost positive I saw Governor Bush mail the

 Bush responded, “Okay, sure.. ..I sent it.. ..so what? I sent the wrong damn
 one though. The one they received was just a private meeting between myself
 and a friend. Still, I gotta have something to blame if I don’t come off
 sounding real smart. This way, if I lose, I can always say that they knew my
 plans.. ..and if I win it will look like I conquereded insurmountamable
 odds. Hey, this is off the record, right?”

 Bush was assured that it was....<cough>

 I’m just sayin’…

 Lo Phat Ham – Rogue Reporter

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