Marihuana Quiz
(It's more dangerous if you spell it with an H.)

Has smoking pot stopped being fun?

No so far.

Do you ever get high alone?

I always thought this was extra-stupid, whatever the "addiction."

Have I ever listened to Shirley alone?  Sure.
Have I ever played pool alone?  Sure.
Have I ever watch poker on TV alone?  Lots of times.

What is that silly question trying to prove?
And if you answer, "No, only with friends," that means you're not addicted?

Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana?

ha ha
These guys are kidding, right?
It's hard for me to imagine a world without Bixby corn.
Should we start BCA?

Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use?

That could be partly true, I mean, who wants some squares around?

Do you smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems?

ha ha
Stop it!

Do you smoke pot to cope with your feelings?

ha ha
Whoever made this up should have been made to sign their name with a valid e-mail address.

Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world?

What does that mean?
My world is privately defined with or without pot.
Who wants to live in someone else's defined world?
Is my name Dereyeike Schlessinger?

Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your dope smoking?

I never made that promise, so no.

Has your use of marijuana caused problems with memory, concentration, or motivation?

Sure, but I don't smoke it when I'm driving the church bus full of school children.

When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more?

Yes, but only because it's illegal and therefore hard to find.
If I could only buy groceries on even numbered Tuesdays, I'd have to buy 14 days worth of food
so I wouldn't have to "feel anxious" about running out.  What's your point?

Are these questions really for real?
Is this why we're losing the "war on drugs?"
This quiz would be laughed at by most 14 year-olds.

Do you plan your life around your marijuana use?

I have no idea what that means, so the answer is probably no..

Have friends or relatives ever complained that your pot smoking is damaging your relationship with them?

No, just the opposite.
When I'm having a bad day, friends and relatives say, "Chill, Bart Dude - smoke one and calm down."

I noticed they failed to ask:
"Has pot smoking ever cost you a job or a relationship?"

That would be a valid question, but too many people would answer, "No," and figure they have no problem.

If the vulgar Pigboy could be addicted to hillbilly heroin for YEARS and lead the second-greatest political
party in the greatest country in the world, what makes you think pot is a problem?

If you want kids "educated" about drugs, you have to stop lying to them.
The silly-ass government ranks pot with heroin and LSD.
Kids know there's a universe between pot and those two dangerous drugs, and once they know
they're being lied to they stop listening entirely, I can give you a Nancy Grace Guarantee on that.

They lie to kids about sex and they lie to them about drugs, and both can kill you
if you give them misinformation - which is all they get from their elders.

The government still believes in "Reefer madness," unless it's Dubya or Johnny Ashcroft's nephew.
Then all the punk needs is a politically-connected relative and a bribe paid to a powerful judge

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may have a problem with marijuana.

Stop lying!

Original found at

I'm not trying to ridicule those with a problem.
I think anti-pot forces are misguided at best, and in it for the money or power at worst,
but if you think you have a problem with pot and MA helps you - good on them

But pot is as "dangerous" to Americans as Hillary is to the right, or the Devil to the religious.
"They" need a bogeyman to raise money because it's easier than working.

I'm not saying YOU need to smoke pot.
I'm saying the government ought to protect and serve - then butt the hell out.
Like the GOP always says, "We need less government in our lives," but they don't mean it.

It's legal to hunt rattlesnakes in Oklahoma.
It's legal to jump out of a plane with a parachute.
It's legal to practice football in the hot Texas sun.
It's legal to buy Google at $130, ...but it'll kill you if you make a mistake.

...and they want us to believe pot is "dangerous?"

Wait, there's more

 The FAQ  list is a riot, too.

Q: Do you have to believe in God to quit smoking marijuana?

Much too stupid to answer - so they don't.
Instead, they "shed light" on the answer.

Q: What is the effect of marijuana on pregnancy?

Don't know, don't care, but obviously you shouldn't do ANY drugs
while pregnant unless your OB/GYN says it's OK.

Q: What physical side effects does the use of marijuana cause?

A: The pamphlet "Detoxing from Marijuana" that is on this web page does not contain
medically based knowledge, but empirical knowledge (hearsay) based on the experiences
of many MA members who took the time to fill out extensive questionnaires...

That means medical science won't back them up, so they lie, instead.
This is pure GOP-inspired, don't-trust-your-doctor horseshit!

Q: Why do I need MA to quit using marijuana?

A: Maybe you don't.

There's a rare display of honesty.

Q: How can there be marijuana addicts if marijuana is not addicting?

A: "We who are marijuana addicts know the answer to this question. Marijuana controls our lives!


Q: What is MA's opinion on the legalization of marijuana?

A: The Tenth Tradition of Marijuana Anonymous states:

"Marijuana Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence
the MA name ought never be drawn into public controversy."

Did they write this high?
They have no opinion on the legality of the thing they say controls people lives?

Q: Can you provide any information that will help me convince my child
 (spouse, friend, parent, etc.) to quit using marijuana?

Willingness, open-mindedness, and honesty are vital components of a successful recovery program.

I agree with that 100 percent - too bad your organization is built on a foundation of horseshit,.
but I gotta give you props for not saying, "If you smoke a joint, the baby will drown in the backyard pool."

So, I'll quote the immortal Marty Feldman - "Could be worse, ...could be raining."


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