Rosie the back-stabbing slut


"[Clinton] disgusts me, and I know I'm not supposed to say this because I'm a good Democrat,
  but he lied to me when he said, 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman,'
  and then put the scarlet-letter blow job on her for the rest of her life... I hate you."
     --Rosie O'Donnell, attacking Clinton to get publicity for her stand-up career

 Rosie, you ignorant slut, allow me to set you straight.

 I'm an ignorant slut

 First, you're a "good Democrat" the same way that James Woods, Judas Maximus,
 Pat Caddell, Chris the Screamer and Ralph Nader are "good Democrats."

 Second, he told the truth when he said he'd haver had sexual relations with Monica.
 That's why she called him "a big creep," remember?
 Do you ever think before opening your slut mouth?

 Third, he didn't put shit on Monica's forehead - Monica went yapping to everyone she
 ever met that she was blowing the president. Clinton tried to keep it quiet, remember?

 Fourth, the ONLY reason you know about Clinton's sex life, which is none of your
 goddamn business, is because Bill Clinton is the most investigated man in history.
 Did you think about that before you opened your nasty mouth?

 Fifth, the reason he's the most investigated man in history is because the old, white men
 who think YOU are a sexual deviate who shouldn't be allowed to mother children spent
 hundreds of millions of dollars (including the press) to dig deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
 into his sex life, threatening everyone they found with death in prison unless they gave up
 some dirt on the best president you and I have even known.

 Sixth, the reason these old, white homophobic misogynists hated Clinton because he treated
 blacks and gays with respect and he treated them as equals.  The GOP will spend ANY
 amount of money to prevent blacks and gays from becoming "normal" members of society.

 Think about it, Rosie.
 You say nice things about the homophobic moron who stole the White House, but you
 call Bill Clinton "disgusting" because he was injured FIGHTING YOUR WAR!
 Pickles Bush isn't even allowed to state an opinion because her husband told her to shut up.

 Lastly, how can we even trust that your hate-filled slut remarks are genuine?
 You're trying to create a media splash, calling yourself, "The bitch who ain't so nice anymore."

 Admit it, Rosie.
 You're a whore, looking for some publicity. You knew if you went after the best president that
 the blacks, gays and the poor ever had, and stabbed him in the back like "a good Democrat,"
 it would get a whooooooooooole lot of publicity.

 Admit it, Rosie.
 You knew if you stabbed your old friend in the back, the men who HATE you and want to take
 your kids from you, people like Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly etc, would get a lot of glee out of it.

 Admit it, Rosie.
 You're such a whore, you're a millionaire who'd sell out the gay cause for a few extra dollars.

 The only thing I hate worse than a rich whore is a back-stabbing traitor.

 You are both.

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