The Juliefest2002-DC video .


 Kent Bye is a very gifted film maker, and we were very lucky to get him.
 There is more excitement on this tape than you can imagine.

 I haven't counted, but there are maybe 40-50 comments from people who attended.
 You might've heard - James Carville was on fire during his speech.
 James is known for playing hard ball, but was this his hardest ball ever?
 Check the hissing crowd when he recalls what they did to Julie.

 You'll get chills when the crowd chants.
 It's non-fabricated emotion - seen any of that lately?

 After Carville, smoking Joe said a few words, then introduced Julie.
 Besides the unnecessary Tequilaboy, this is hot stuff.

 If you weren't there, this tape captured all the excitement of Juliefest2002-DC
 This is a real guarantee, too.   No, I'm not saying you'll get your money back if you don't like it,
 because human nature (and Freepers) could cause a whole lot of problems, but this what really
 happened that night at Carville's and we were lucky to have a good man on the camera.

 If you were there...  this tape will bring back every emotional minute.
 And unless you hung with Kent all night, you haven't seen what he recorded
 This tape shows exactly what happened. Plus, I think I saw some people drinking,
 so maybe your memory isn't as sharp as you hoped the next morning when you woke up,
 so seeing this tape should really kick some ass.

 What's on the tape?
 Carville, Conason, David Brock, Julie's attorney Nancy Luque, plus highlights
 from the Julie Sunday interview and a mini-Bart interview.
 But the highlight of the first third has to be the comments from you guys.

The middle third is the turbo blowtorch, James Carville,
If this doesn't make you stand up and scream in your living room,
you probably voted the the loser of the last election, anyway.

 then smoking Joe Conason talking about how the first time he met Julie
 it was in her soon-to-be-condemned apartment in Virginia Beach.

 and then he asked Julie to come forward and say a few words.

Julie is killer in front of a camera or microphone.
Hell, the Ann Coulter joke is worth $50 all by itself.

Then it closes with Julie cutting her cake, Christian saying a few words, Buzzflash saying a few words,
then more increasingly-more-alcohol-soaked comments from you, recorded and edited by a master.

David Brock moved a mountain or two, and he's on the tape, too.


 How much is this tape?
 Go figure - it's free.
 That's right, with a minimum donation of $25, the tape is yours free, we pay postage.

 And since the primary goal is raising money for the woman who lost her home rather than give in
 to the Nazi bastards who illegally beat her up for four years, maybe send a little extra, would you?
 If this tape is as good as I say it is, (it's way better than I'm letting on) you'll want to give more, right?
 Anyone who wants a free tape should send $25 to PO Box 54466, Tulsa, OK 74155
 or PayPal to Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

 If you send a little extra, your tape will go out first,
 but everyone can get a free tape with a minimum donation.

 This tape is triple dynamite.
 Last thing, and this is the tough part:
 I know this is unenforceable, but please don't make copies for your friends.

 If you make a copy for a friend you're taking money out of Julie's pocket, and after what she's been through,
 that would be a n ugly crime. Sure, I was angry with Metallica for threatening their fans with prison time.
 They already have $50 million in the bank.    Well, ...Julie doesn't.

 In closing (massive applause) you're going to love this tape.

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