Scary shit

Subject: Why is Cheney helping Iran get closer to a nuclear bomb?

Bart, you asked,
> Why is Cheney helping Iran get closer to a nuclear bomb?

Why indeed!
If the BFEE is planning to stage another "terrorist" attack they will need to have a country in the Middle East that has
been proven to have nuclear weapons.  How do you beat the engineered destruction of the twin towers for its utter horror?
You blow up at least a convincing part of a major US city with the mother of all terrorist weapons, a nuclear bomb.
North Korea won't do.  It's not in the theater of oil.  The goal is oil and regional domination to control oil.
If there were no oil the US would have no interest in doing anything in the region.
We may see a nuclear attack on Washington DC in the months before the 2006 elections.
Why do I think this might happen?  It is essential to give the impression that the attack is on US government and not just any city.
Such an attack would preserve Republican domination of the Hill and have the combined effect of damning Iran.
Where will Bush, Cheney and other officials be when this crap hits the fan?
Why do you suppose they are out there stumping for Social Security reform?
It gets them outa town on a random basis.
It provides a convenient alibi without telegraphing when the orchestrated destruction will occur.
After the attack, Iran will be connected with it and used as an excuse to invade and thus control
the other half of the immense oil fields that are shared by Iraq and Iran on the Persian Gulf.
Of course these are just my ruminations.  I think I can sense a pattern behind the BFEE behavior.
Their predictability will be their downfall.
Nelly Fae

I don't like the sound of that - because it's too believable.
Bush & Cheney are committed to this Armageddon Crusade - they'll stop at nothing.

They could nuke an American city - or any city - and blame Iran for it and the American
whore media would back them up 100 percent, even tho they lied about it the last time.
Of course, the rest of the world knows they're lying - but what can they do about it?

That gives them all the reasons they need to add Iran to Bush's country collection.


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