Vol 211 - Karn Evil Nein

 June 10-11, 2000

Please let him win...

Great Smirk Quotes

"We've adequately answered innocence or guilt  in every cases..."
  --   Gov Bush, the Mad Texacutioner, speaking of how fairly
         the death penalty has been applied in the state of Texas.

 Mail Bag

 From: henryporter@bigfoot.com

 Subject: Mr. Clinton vs Judge Starr

 I was watching the news today (CNN Headline news, but they aren't the only one
 who do this) and again was subjected to hearing the President called "Mr Clinton".
 Usually the plastic drone will say, "President Clinton was in Turkey today for a meeting......"
 and each time they refer to him thereafter it's "Mr Clinton".

 Yet, when the cock-hunt was going on, the "liberal-controlled" media was careful
 to continually refer to Ken "Porno" Starr as "Judge" Starr.
 Makes me want to hurl!

 A FORMER judge is worthy of his ex-title,
 but the sitting President is only worthy of the title of Mr?

 Liberal controlled media my ass!

Quotes You Can't do Without

Our governor put us in the national spotlight, and it's not flattering.

Texas, where three white guys out looking for a good time
decide to drag a black man to death behind a pickup.

Where the retarded and the insane are executed
to barbaric yowps from drunken frat boys in Huntsville.

Where the guv's response to the dirtiest air in the nation is to politely ask polluters
 if they will please volunteer to quit polluting instead of making them do it.

 -- Molly Ivins

 From:  hooba@earthlink.net

 Subject: Fox News

 How in the Hell can Fox News be ignored by the main stream real media?
 They're nothing more than Right Wing Propaganda Bullshit.
 It's unbelievable.
 "Fair and balanced?"

  ...Meanwhile guess what stupid thing Clintor or Gore did today.
 How can they get away with it??
 Also, Dubya Bush is such an incompetent Asshole.
 Why havent the Demo's come out and attacked this Asshole??
 The guy is an absolute loser and yet he's leading the polls.
 Something is really really fucked up.

 Tony from Long Beach
 P.S. Fuck Limbaugh

 There's no need to attack Smirk.
 Gore has already won.
 The only people that would vote for an untested, brainless asshole
 are the hard-core Clinton-haters and there's only about 35% of them.

 You raise an excellent point about the rest of the media, tho...

 They don't mind Rush and Fox Whore News calling them fakes and liars.
 They refuse to consider either a threat, even tho Rush currently controls
 the GOP and authors every word shot out of of the RNC fax machines.
 That 35% may be a minority, but that's 35% of the pie that NBC, CBS,
 CNN and ABC are flushing down the drain

 You'd never see McDonald's or GM or Hertz give up 35% of their pie,
 so what's up with the networks?

 From: (withheld)

 Subject: My eyeballs hurt so much!

 I received an anonymous e-mail picture of a close-up of the Laura Schlessinger
 photo where she spread her legs for the camera to show her...kootie!

 Well, whoever sent this has spoken volumes for bikini cuts and sugaring.
 (Shudder, shake and shiver)

 You were right not to run it, and Rackjite was right
 to only show the from-across-the-room version.

 That is all.

 The latest made-up charge against the president on Fox Whore News
  is that if you cross the president, you will be audited by the IRS.

 No proof is needed, just speculate and "what if" it to death and see
 if you can get the ditto-monkey's outraged enough to watch again at 11.

 I have an idea how to stop abuses like this IRS "scandal."
 Have Smirk sign a pledge now that if he's elected president,
 no Democratic enemy of Smirk's will be audited as long as he's president.

 He can't?
 Why can't he?

 You say the president he has no way to control who gets audited?
 You say Smirk can't make that promise because he doesn't control the IRS?

 ...but Clinton does?

Leslie Gray!

Leslie Visser interviewed the winning owner after the Belmont horse race.
Did you see what that crazy, empty skirt did?

Visser: Mr. Lukas, how does this compare with your other Belmont wins?

Lukas: What the hell's wrong with you lady?
             I've never won a Belmont before, you idiot!

Visser: ...so...er...uh...it feels better than last year's race?

Lukas: You mean when my horse broke his fucking leg?
            Yeah, ...yeah, ...it really does!
            Winning feels better then watching your horse break his goddamn leg.
            Who the hell did you blow to get this job, anyway?

Visser:  ...I ...I ...back to you, Al Michaels!

Lazio Picks Forbes Cast Off As Campaign Manager

'Rick the Lick' Lazio has picked a veteran GOP strategist to
run his campaign for the Senate, campaign officials said yesterday.

Lazio chose Bill Dal Col, 44, an old childhood friend from Long Island.
Strategists said Dal Col appealed to Lazio in several ways:

Mr. Dal Col managed Steve Forbes's two failed bids for the presidency,
and will lead a staff that includes losers from John McCain's failed campaign.
Mr. Dal Col also lost a run at the State Assembly in 1982.

He's pretty much lost every race he's run, but he's lived in New York
and that pretty much sums up the Lazio campaign platform.

Where do you want to Ho today?

Judge Thomas Pennfield Packson has broken Microsoft into two companies:

One company that will sell you a reliable product and treat you fairly and
a sister company, run by Bill Gates, that will operate under the old rules,

The good news?
It drops your odds of getting screwed by Gates down to about 50/50.

Lott Pushes Domenici for VP

 Full  Story

"He would give such credibility to President George W. Bush about
  how Washington works,
  how the Congress works,
  how the budget process works and
  how the Energy Department works.

   -- Trent Lott, (R-Racist) touting Sen. Pete Domenici (R-Racist) as
 a VP prospect, admitting Smirk doesn't have the slightest clue about
  how Washington works,
  how the Congress works,
  how the budget process works and
  how the Energy Department works.

 More Wacky Fox Whore News

"If President Clinton has just come out in the beginning and said,
'Yes, I  slept  with Monica,' we wouldn't have had the Ken Starr problem.
 But he refused to say that, it's just that simple."
   -- Matt Keyland, Republican whore

Oh, Matt, ...Matt, ...there's one small problem with your "simple" answer.

The Starr report was very clear that the two of them never slept together.

And the fact that YOU don't know the definition of the word "sex,"
proves Clinton was telling the truth all along.

Breaking News...

From: Voltai29@mindspring.com

Subject: NRA Opens Branch At Ball Park

Volt Note: Guess where Rush Limbaugh worked
                  as a PR flack before he became The Pigboy???

Full  Story

Ediotr's Note: If you're not getting your news from Voltai29 you're probably
                          reading day-old news off of dead trees. That's a mistake.

                         Send e-mail to Voltai29 with "subscribe" in the subject line.
                         Voltai is the Internet's instant news leader.

Thanks to www.mopaul.com

 Great Historic Quotes

"This is the biggest thing to happen since the repeal of the old sodomy statute in 1973.
 It's certainly going to liven up Gay Pride Week."

   -- Texas gay activist Ray Hill, after an appeals court declared a Texas homosexual law
       unconstitutional Thursday and threw out the convictions of two gay men arrested
       in 1998 for engaging in sex acts that are legal for heterosexuals.

 Fox Whore News

 A few days ago, Fox Whore News had Nicole Simpson's sister on to
 talk about what a bad man OJ is.  Fair enough.
 But then, OJ calls in and starts beating up on the sister.

 Well, Fox Whore News was so outraged by this, they've been playing
 the boring harrangue again and again and again and again and again and again,
 and the funniest part is - Fox says it's a OUTRAGE that Nicole's family has to
 listen to OJ attack his ex-sister in law again and again and again and again.

 Hey Fox - I have an idea...

 Stop running the tape again and again and again and again and again and again,
 You stupid whores!

 YOU gave OJ the platform to be a hateful shit.
 YOU gave OJ the opportunity to attack whats-her-name Brown.
 YOU decided it would be "cute" to ambush Brown with a murderer's phone call.

 Just like impeachment, YOU'RE the ones delivering the shit into the living rooms
 of hundreds of American homes, so YOU'RE reposnsibile for spreading the filth.

 Koresh, even Hardon Kenneth's ethics advisor could figure that out...

This Eminem dude - even his mother doesn't like him.


 Subject: new book

 I've heard that Talk/Miramax, some outfit owned by Disney is
 planning a book on the sex lives of a bunch of Bill C's biggest haters.
 Have you heard anything about this?


 Koresh, yes!
 It's everywhere.

 Matt Fudge  has been squealing for days.
 Herrendo Revolver has had Ann Coulter, one of the guilty, on his show.
 Fox Whore News is OUTRAGED that the "private" sex lives of the ditto-spank
 Clinton-haters may be revealed, after spending two years grabbing for Clinton's Cock.

 Coulter had a great quote: "They're going after everyone who didn't vote for Clinton."

 ha ha

 Yeah, Clinton ordered Talk Magazine to expose the perverted sex practices of
 over 200,000,000 Americans.   Coulter didn't exxaggerate one bit!

 See "Ann Coulter's Sex Life" below.


 ha ha

 June 9, 2000

 From: astod@frontiernet.net

 Subject: Hillary not going on tv

 Dear Bartcop,
 I live in NY state and hillary is going to be our next senator.. Yea!
 I know that she does not want to go on local radio talk shows because
 around here they are all ditto monkeys and they would ask her all those
 stupid questions that you stated in your column.

 I dont know if you remember, but back in the wintertime some pigboy in Buffalo
 asked her some really dumb stuff, like if she has ever comitted adultry

 ...funny how no one asked Rudy about his "marriage." at that time!
 They are all a bunch of hypocrits!!!

 Ann Stoddard

 I think it's far worse than you describe it.
 Rudy was openly dating his whore for 6-8 months and nobody in the New York
 press would write about it. Who knew New Yorkers were such trembling bunnies
 that they were afraid to anger the big, bad mayor?

 But if Bill looks at a movie star's cleavage (Sophia Loren) in a receiving line,
 the slugs at Fox Whore News run a special on it, night after night.

 ...and I'm talking to you, Brit Hume!

Brit the Nasty Shit

 Maybe instead of grabbing at Clinton's Cock 24/7/52/365, you whores could
 do a special on why Brit Hume raised his son to be gay, and look into the
 real reason he was so goddamn miserable that he chose to commit suicide?

 Or maybe Brit Hume murdered his own son, out of shame, and moved
 the body and covered it up like he claims Hillary did with Vince Foster.

 Yeah, let's dig into Brit Hume's dirty laundry for a change.

 Too bad there's nobody on our side scummy enough to run video of Brit Hume
 crying at his son's funeral, that we could run backwards, upside-down and in slo-mo
 like that dirty shit Limbaugh did for weeks and weeks and months and months.
 You Fox fuckers thought that was so goddamn cute when the vulgar Pigboy did that.
 I wonder how much you'd laugh when the tables were turned?

 ...and if you don't like me mentioning this, sue me,
 and I'll put Payne & Suphren on your hypocritical ass.

 Mail Bag

 From:  Peter.Hisey@faulknergray.com

 Subject: Hillary and the Press...

 Re the Hillary thing.
 Matthews kept raging last night about Hillary refusing to come on the Sunday
 pundits shows, because they "might ask her the tough questions."
 Over and over and over. With that no-name from the Post and
 someone who's writing another Hillary trashing book.

 Forget the $10 million. Let's suspend Rupert Murdoch over a pot of boiling oil,
 with a voice-activated lock holding him secure.
 If any of the following words are mentioned - splash!


 Then we trick Chris or Tim or whoever into saying
 "What about that seaman in the audience? That's a fair question."

 Boil, boil, boil.


 ha ha

 I like yours better.

 Big Carmakers Say "No," to Nazi Hate
  Big Three Extending Benefits to Gay Couples

 When, Oh When, will GOP do the Same?
  Catholics, GOP Shit Bricks

 DETROIT, June 8 -- General Motors, Ford and DaimlerChrysler's Chrysler
 division announced today that they would begin offering medical, dental and
 prescription drug benefits for same-sex partners of their 466,000 hourly and
 salaried employees in the United States, the largest move yet by corporate
 America to provide such benefits for gay and lesbian couples.

 Full  Story

 I predict the GOP will win the White House the election after
 they knock off their Nazi hate and accept all Americans.

 From:  clumsden@ev1.net

 Great Irish Quotes

 "He can come over and put that cigar anywhere he wants to."
    --  Sinead O'Connor expressing her gratitude to President Clinton
         for ending the decades of war in Northern Ireland
         on Howard Stern's radio show. 06/09/00

 Economy in Better Hands With Gore

 From: John RCN

 Subject: Polls can be fun!

 UTICA, N.Y. (Reuters/Zogby) - A recession is more likely to occur with
 the election of know-nothing Gov. Smirk than with Vice President Gore ,
 a recent Zogby/Reuters US survey shows.

 Out of the 1,002 likely voters surveyed, 29.5% said a future recession
 is more likely with Bush's election, compared to 22.8% who think Gore's
 presidency would be a more likely to see a recession.


 Pigboy says Zogby is always right!

 ...and thanks to Clinton, those numbers are in the 20's instead of the 50's

 Bad language Alert

 From: henryporter@bigfoot.com

 Subject: Hillary C.

 I need some help here;
 I belong to a board on the St Paul Pioneer Press  and on one board,
 Clinton, politics and policy, one of the rabid right posted this:

 Hillary seems to be ducking the hard questions.
 Appearing on CNBC's "Hardball," New York Post Albany bureau chief
 Fred Dicker was asked by host Chris Matthews why the first lady refuses to
 appear on the Sunday TV talk shows:

 MATTHEWS: Why is Hillary dodging the big interview programs?

 DICKER: Because she's afraid of making a mistake. Let me note
 that I have my own radio show, Chris, and she won't come on with me.
 So she's dodging me too.

 I don't follow trolls like Matthews, so I don't have any response to this,
 although I'm sure it is incorrect. Any help?

 If you want to let your readers know about this site, they're welcome to come
 and harass the dumb-asses (look for jethro, greg smith, wolvie, zorak, or sloop).
 In  fact, according to jethro, "Rush is right 82% of the time,
 liberals have a hard time being right 10% of the time"--hahahahahah.

 Fight against the pathetic sheep following the corpulent one.


 Henry, I'm so goddamn glad you asked that question.
 I always have at least 20 rants running thru my head at any given time.
 I get a lot of thinking done in the car, listening to the right-wing radio bastards,
 but since I'm driving I don't get it written down, so I forget to write about it.

 Your goddamn right Hillary won't go on those show, and here's why:
 The motherless-walking hardons of the press are just waiting for her.

 Here's a list of the questions they want to ask Hillary on camera:

 1. Does the president's cock point right or left?
 2. Do you think he still loves Monica?  Why not?
 3. How long since you gave him oral sex?
 4. Have you ever done a threesome with Bill?
 5. Do you agree with Starr Report Footnote #210 that Monica
     and the President engaged in oral/anal sex?
 6. Have you ever found semen stains on Clinton's pants?
 7. Do you have any plans to pose nude for Penthouse?
 8. When was your last orgasm, and who was with you?
 9. If you're a feminist, why stay married to that rotten pig?
10.Do you feel sorry for Juanita Brodderrick?  Why not?
11.Did you really murder the people Falwell says you did?  Prove you didn't!
12.How many virgins did Bill rape on the dining room table of the
     Governor's mansion in Little Rock before you stole the presidency?
13.Are you a lesbian? Why should we believe you?
14.How old were you when you lost your virginity?
15.What does Chelsea look like naked?

    ...and on and on and on.

 Name for me, one member of the press who would NOT ask Hillary questions like that.

 Go ahead - name a journalist with ethics!
 Go ahead!

 You can't, can you?
 That's why Hillary will only go on with Katie Couric or Rosie the braindead idiot,
 because she knows she won't be ambushed by a cock question.

 Hillary knows what the New York/Washington press whores will ask.
 The point of asking is NOT to get an answer to a political question.
 They could get that in writing, or from any staffer on her payroll.
 But that's not good enough.
 The whole point of asking those questions is to get the cameras focused and catch
 Hillary's reaction on camera so Hannity and O'Reilly and Chris the Screamer
 and Tim the Catholic and Sam and Cokie and the others can run that footage
 again and again and again and again and again and again and again and
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 ...and Hillary's too damn smart to fall for it.

 They could get answers to questions in writing, but that defeats the purpose.
 Everybody knows Hillary is sharper than Laura's tongue on a first date.
 The point isn't to see if Hillary knows the answers.
 We all know she knows the answers - just ask Armey the foul-mouthed Dick
 if Hillary's any good at answering unexpected questions with poise.
 No, the point is to rattle her with questions about Clinton's Cock!.

 Why do you think the whores of the GOP were so desperate
 to release Clinton's Starr testimony to the television networks?

 It was so they could get Clinton squirming on TV, so they could slowly stroke their
 lifeless, flacid cocks while they watched him answer those extremely personal
 questions about Air Force One. The Republicans cannot achieve orgam without
 watching Clinton squirm - then they could gush buckets!

 If only...

 That's why Clinton answered Hardon Kenny's questions by saying,
 "I've already answered that question in written form
  and I have nothing further to add to that statement."
 That pissed them off like no congress has been pissed off in 135 years.

 Since he refused to play their game, since he refused to give intimate details about his
 still-young cock on live TV, denying the GOP their only chance to have an orgasm,
 the sons-of-bitches impeached him AND THAT'S THE FUCKING TRUTH!

 That's the truest statement ever written on  bartcop.com

 The Republican party, made up of whites-only bigotted pricks and religiously-insane
 whores to the NRA and Big Tobacco, has had a collective, monsterous case of blue balls
 since January 1992 they can't fucking stand it anymore.


 It was revenge, pure and simple.  He refused to put out for the bullies,
 so they pushed him out of the car and made him walk home in the dark.

 You still hear the Republicans whining about how Clinton "sold out America
 to the Chinese" for a few hundred dollars, yet they didn't impeach him for that.


 The sicko mother-effing perverts can't achieve orgasm from a goddamn "arms scandal."
 The closest they could get was cumming to a conclusion:
 They'll never trap Bill Clinton!

 So, they're going after his wife.
 It's been almost eight years since the GOP has had a successful circle-jerk.
 If they could trick Hillary into sitting for an interview and ask her those fifteen questions,
 the Republicans could have a party-wide squirt and settle down - at least for a few days.
 But, like a serial rapist, the release would only hold them for a few days.
 Hillary knows this.
 She's too dignified to be their Britney poster, so they call her names.

 Hillary should tell them, she'll agree to an interview under these conditions:
 Have the owner of the network - NBC if it's Tim the Sellout Whore, Murdoch if it's
 Hannity or O'Reilly, Disney if it's the Sam/Cokie Circus - put up $10,000,000 in cash
 and let Hillary put her back to the door during the live-broadcast interview.

 The interviewer can ask any question he wants, but the second he asks about Bill's cock
 or Monica's tongue, Hillary is free to walk out with the $10,000,000 and donate it to some
 battered women's center and we'll let New York voters decide Nov 7th if she was justified.

 Fuck the Whores of the Press

 Celebrity Mail


 Subject: NEW: Ex-Negro Ministry!

 As Baptists, we all know that God created us in His image.
 So, it is only fair that we turn around and graciously extend
 the same courtesy to other humans.

 This is why Southern Baptists everywhere have embraced the glorious
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 Please read more about my ministry
 Baptists Invoking God’s Old Testament Standards at:


 So Close to Jesus,
 Our Crucifixes Share a Cross-Beam,

 Betty Bowers

 (Ediotr's note: It doesn't get any better than BettyBowers.com)

 Like Father, Like Sons
 Shrub's and Jeb's antipathy to public schools is inherited from their daddy
 By Tamara Baker

 ST. PAUL, Minnesota, Sept. 8 -- By now, most of you have heard of GW Shrub's
 cockeyed voucher plan -- modeled after the disastrous one his brother Jeb
 ramrodded through the Florida Legislature.
 We're talking about a plan so preposterous that two-thirds of those taking a
 voluntary CNN Internet poll last week -- a poll that like most Net polls is
 skewed to be pro-GOP -- voted thumbs down on it. (I guess offering to toss
 $1,200 at parents to help with private-school tuition to compensate for the
 destruction of their public school isn't that sweet a deal when you realize,
 as most parents do, that $1,200 wouldn't cover half a typical semester's worth
 of tuition, much less a full year's worth, at a private school that even comes
 close to being halfway decent.)

 But you may not know where the Silver Spoon Squadron got their
 kill-the-patient ideas regarding what is the most important part of the
 foundations of our democracy.

 It seems that, just like their questionable business contacts, their ability to evade
 real punishment when cornered on various naughtinesses, and their tendency to
 lose money on any enterprise that isn't subsidized by either their rich friends
 (their oil and S&L bidnesses) or the government (the Texas Rangers),
 the BushBabies inherited their distrust of education for the masses from their daddy.

 While Poppy was president, he waged war on the public schools, using various
 weapons. The truth, however, was not among them.
 In 1991, through the Department of Energy, he commissioned the world-renowned
 and world-respected Sandia National Laboratories to do a study comparing the
 performances of private and public schools nationwide. Bush the Elder fully expected
 that the study would bear out the conservative Republican dogma stating that private
 schools are better and that public schools aren't worth supporting.

 Boy, was he in for a shock.

 The report did find some problems with public schools -- but also found that more,
 not less, money was the answer to fixing them. Furthermore, it also found that in
 comparison with private schools, the public schools on the whole did just as good
 a job as the privates at educating kids -- and sometimes did better.

 So what did President Poppy do with this report?
 Did he heed the facts, even though they blew holes in his theory?

 Of course not: He deep-sixed the Sandia Report for the rest of his term in office.
 It wasn't until Clinton took office in 1993 that it was released to the public.

 Remember that, the next time a BushBaby claims to be the savior of education
 in this country.

 Copyright © 1999 Tamara Baker. All rights reserved

 Bumper Sticker

 Click  Here

Thanks to mopaul.com

 Hey, remember our old friend Mr. Willowtalk.exe?

 It's a quick-download of a program that will read text to you.
 (Old-timers remember how hueueueueueueuege it was in the old days.)
 It will read anything.
 A text file, a web-page, the Bible, an on-line newspaper, etc.

 This program was invented so the blind people could learn
 what a whore that Rush fellow on the radio really is.

 So if you have speakers, click on that link, and DL it. (1.6 meg, not too big)
 Then open it up, then minimize it and open your browser to bartcop.com
 then bring up the Willowtalk, dial up the voice of "Paul," then press "Play"
 and have "Paul" read you that 'Make Him Stop' story below.

 It's hueueueueueuge!

 Breaking News...

 Need a jolt to get you started this morning?

 You might check out  http://www.thedailybrew.com/

 There's some breaking news over there that looks very interesting.

 What if the story is correct?

  ha ha


 I didn't realize rackjite.com had the uncensored picture of Dr. Laura.

 Not for the squeemish!

 Go Rack!

 June 8, 2000

 Make Him Stop!

 The vulgar Pigboy said that new book, that tells the dirty sexual secrets of the
 perverted perverts who've been clutching and grabbing for Clinton's Cock the
 last seven years, is "So over the top, it's too hot to be printed on the Internet."

 ha ha

 You can print anything on the internet, as long as it's true.
 When I write about a delicate topic, like the way Paula Harvey performs
 oral sex on the horses trapped in his stables, I have to be sure not to say
 anything that's not 100 % true or the toothless horse molester could sue me.

 So, Pigboy, if it's true, anybody can print it.

 By the way,
 I have some new attorneys.
 I decided that Arwee, Fuct and Howe weren't mean enough.

 I met some mean, mean lawyers thru Sabutai, right here in Knuckledrag.
 These guys are bed-wetting Democrats, and they're mean,
 especially when they're drinking tequila.

 The first guy I met was William R. Suphren, the junior partner in the firm.
 Bill told me if I get sued by anybody, they'll stand behind me and take
 the poor bastard's house away from him, take his kids away from him,
 take his formerly-good reputation and force him to file bankruptcy.

 ha ha

 I told you these guys were tough!

 Then I met the senior partner, who's more mean than Suphren.
 His name is Robert L. Payne.  So if you think you can sue Ol' BartCop,
 just remember that soon you'll be meeting Payne & Suphren.

 ha ha

 They're hueueueueueueueuege!

How the right smeared Clinton and Gore on China
Racism helped the president's enemies link fundraising scandals
to accusations of espionage, with almost no evidence.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By my good friend Joe Conason

June 07, 2000 | Ever since the Senate investigation into questionable fundraising
during the 1996 presidential campaign, conservative commentators and some
Republican politicians have suggested a nefarious connection between money
that flowed into Democratic accounts from Asian and Asian-American contributors
and Clinton administration decisions concerning technology transfers to China.

In their greed for Chinese gold and their zeal for reelection, according to this theory,
President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have invited a future nuclear attack
on their native land by the commissars of Beijing.

Nobody has been able to explain credibly how all the disparate elements of this
traitorous conspiracy to arm the Beijing regime fit together, but somehow the
vice president's appearance at a Buddhist temple in California, Wen Ho Lee's
security breach at Los Alamos, Charlie Trie's donations to the president's legal
expense trust, illegal fundraising by John Huang and Loral Space's satellite contract
are all linked in a sinister web of intrigue. If these shrill accusations have usually
been murky when it comes to details, thebroader theme has been clear enough,
and it sounds a lot like treason.

Spreading that smear (and stirring anti-Asian nativism) for political advantage is
the aim of continuing Republican japes about the Buddhist temple incident.
Whether the accusation is articulated or merely insinuated, we are supposed to
believe that Clinton, Gore and all the other Americans suspected of wrongdoing
in these affairs are guilty of intentionally betraying the security of the United States
-- a far worse offense, of course, than allegedly lying under oath about sex,
for which the president was impeached.

Unfortunately, such ugly suspicions have been encouraged not only by conservative
propagandists, but by sloppy journalism that never quite seems to catch up with the facts.
Ordinary citizens have little way of knowing that one by one, the premises underlying
the so-called China scandal have collapsed almost entirely.

Just a few weeks ago, American Lawyer magazine's Roger Parloff published an
exhaustive analysis of the Buddhist temple affair that stripped away the rhetoric to
show how weak the case against Gore really is. Going through the evidence that
emerged in congressional hearings and in the successful prosecution of Democratic
fundraiser Maria Hsia, Parloff showed that the entire affair was at worst a screwup
by Clinton-Gore campaign staffers; Gore almost certainly knew nothing about money
being raised from Buddhist nuns. Not surprisingly, alas, Parloff's compelling article
received little notice from media outlets and commentators who have tried to hang
a felony on Gore for the past three years.

And during the last week of May yet another prop of the China scandal fell.
The latest to go is the case against Bernard Schwartz, the chairman of Loral Aerospace
and a lifelong Democratic maverick in the mostly Republican aerospace industry.
During the Clinton years, Schwartz has been among the largest contributors of
"soft money" to the Democratic National Committee, while his company sought and
received permission to assist the Chinese government in launching a communications satellite.

That coincidence alone might have raised misgivings, but the Republicans went ballistic
after the New York Times reported in April 1998 that the Department of Justice was
investigating allegations that Loral had illegally transferred missile guidance technology
to Chinese engineers. They demanded an independent prosecutor to investigate whether
Schwartz had bribed the president so that Loral could leak American military secrets
to a Communist regime with impunity.

Those lurid charges never made sense, but they generated sensational headlines across
the country. Now we know that they were entirely groundless, thanks to a report in the
May 23 Los Angeles Times that, again, has received little attention in the national media.
According to Times reporters William C. Rempel and Alan Miller, who obtained internal
Justice Department documents, the chief prosecutor in charge of probing the Clinton-Gore
campaign-finance scandal found "not a scintilla of evidence -- or information -- that the
president was corruptly influenced by Bernard Schwartz."

The prosecutor who reached that conclusion is none other than Charles LaBella,
who has since left Justice and whose criticism of some aspects of the campaign-finance probe
has been widely publicized by Republicans in Congress. LaBella considered the investigation
of Loral to be unwarranted, and he reportedly regarded Schwartz himself as "a victim of
Justice Department overreaching."

Nevertheless, he had advised Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel
to take over the case -- not because he thought there was a prosecutable crime, but simply so
that she would not appear partisan in dismissing the case entirely.
Although the law arguably required Reno to name an independent counsel even in such a weak
case, she declined to do so. LaBella disagreed with that decision, but not because he thought
there was any evidence of wrongdoing. (Whether Loral unlawfully gave sensitive technical
information to the Chinese is a separate matter that remains under investigation by the U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia.)

All those exculpatory facts were known to Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn., the inveterate
grandstanding phony, but they didn't dissuade him from attempting to resuscitate the same old
slanders against Loral and the White House during a May 2 hearing of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. Specter brazenly attempted to transform Reno's rejection of LaBella's bureaucratic
recommendation into evidence of a top-level coverup.

"Specter ... omitted any reference to LaBella's debunking of the merits of the Schwartz investigation,"
the L.A. Times account noted, and thus "prompted misleading stories and headlines about LaBella's
failed efforts to get an outside prosecutor to investigate Schwartz and the president."
Misleading the press, of course, was exactly what Specter intended to do -- even at the
cost of further injury to Schwarz's reputation.

Of course, if conservatives really believe their own "sellout to China" mythology,
they should be demanding the impeachment of the president and vice president for high treason
and have rejected the establishment of permanent trading benefits for Beijing.
They probably don't believe a word of it -- but they obviously hope that we will.

 Rush just announced he's having more butt surgery tomorrow
 and he'd be off a few days while he lays on his stomach.

 All those millions can't buy a clean ass, Rush?

 Mail Bag

 From: jmooradian@rcn.com

 Subject: Interesting poll results

 UTICA, N.Y. (Reuters/Zogby) - Almost half of Americans (46.8%)
 believe they are better off today than they were four years ago.

 The Reuters/Zogby survey showed 9.7% reporting they were worse off,
 while another 42.6% said their personal finances were the same.

 For the love of Koresh!

 Is Paul Harvey here?
 I smell horseshit.

 How could 42 percent say their finances were the same?
 They must be people with no kids, no savings, and renting from
 a cold-hearted Republican who's keeping the surplus money for
 himself instead of passing the savings on to the "little people."

 You should  check this  out.

 Must be 21.

NEW YORK (AP) -- Rosie O'Donnell, a staunch gun control advocate, is
defending the concealed weapon permit her son's bodyguard applied for.

"Whether or not my family is in need of armed guards, that doesn't change
 my position on gun control,'' the talk show host told People magazine.
 ``It's not inconsistent.''

The NRA and Pigboy and Fox News have accused O'Donnell of hypocrisy
since her local paper reported that a bodyguard who will accompany her
5-year-old son to kindergarten has applied for a gun permit.

O'Donnell, host of the Million Mom March, says
the bodyguard will not carry the gun to school.


The Republican gun wackos may have chalk outlines around their brains,
but some of then can read, Rosie. You tell a ditto-head the times when your
bodyguard is not armed and that's when they'll shoot your son!

What are you, stupid?

The Republicans are going to PROVE to you that you need,
 (or, ...sadly, ...needed) a gun to survive in today's America.
Use your Clinton-hating brain, you stupe!

Christ, Rosie.
I'm glad you're not my mother...

 I think we should all give Gov. Smirk a round of applause.
 According to the USA Today, the air in Houston today is breathable.

 Take a bow, Smirk!

 There He Goes Again

 Rush says he can't believe somebody would make the charge that
 certain gun manufacturers are advertising their products to criminals.
 He just can't believe anyone would make that crazy accusation.

 Hey, Vulgar Pigboy!
 I have a simple question for you:

 Who do YOU think's buying all the Tec-9's?

 Lar enforcement?
 Duck hunters?
 Deer hunters?
 Have you ever tried to eat venison with 266 slugs in it?

 No, you lying shit!
 The criminals buy those "street sweepers," but ewe knew that.

 Ann Coulter's Sex Life

 From:  murray@library.ucsb.edu

 Subject: Ann Coulter

 Hey BC,
 There are SO many indications that this woman is a complete cokehead.
 I have known many cokeheads in my life, so I know what I am talking about.
 Anyone else out there in Bartcop land heard anything?

 Santa Barbara CA

 I know her nickname is "Hoover,"
 but that could mean anything.

 The Great Quotes Keep Coming

 "I wish I had the sex life that Talk/Miramax Books author
  John Connolly fantasizes for me."
  -- Ann Coulter

 ha ha

 I'll bet you do, slut.
 The taste of clown must be getting old.


 From: DENNISC@iadb.org

 Subject: What do they gain by tricking the sheep?

 What do they gain by tricking the sheep?
 Ha, Ha, Ha

 You have got to be shitting me?
 It's a trick question - right?

 Rush makes what - $20 million a year?
 How much are you getting for the truth????

 Dennis Courtney


 Less than $20,000,000, that's for sure...
 You may be on to something.

 New Idea

 From: cn1224@coastalnet.com

 Subject: Linda Tripp

 I love Linda Tripp (gag) so much that i'm thinking about sending a check
 for 3 cents to her defense fund. Wouldn't it be great if about 20,000 other
 Democrats who love that woman (and I use that term loosely) did  the same?


 But John, that brings up some legal questions...

 What if, instead of using that money towards her defense fund,
 she bought trough time at the local Sizzler?

 Would the three cents be deductible?

 Second hour, not sure why, but Rush is ragging on this girl.

She's Anna Kournakova, a tennis player.
Rush says the other female tennis players hate her because she's cute.

But he also says the tennis players are all lesbians.
Why wouldn't lesbians like a cute girl?

Oh, well, we know Rush is right, in any case...

 Mail Bag

 From: dave@landru.dac.uga.edu

 Subject: Lying to themselves?

 On June 8 you wrote:

 >So...Question is:

 >What do they gain by lying to themselves?

 The answer is very clear to me: They aren't lying to themselves.
 They may not be "lying" at all. But they are purposefully tricking their
 audiences who are mostly idiots who don't understand the basic pillars of
 good research, namely reliability and validity. Rush, Fox News, et al,
 are not as stupid as their audiences, and they are well aware of the
 invalidity of their polls. All they need to be able to do is say that
 they conducted a poll, and then they can report the skewed results without
 (technically) lying. It may be poor science, and in my humble opinion it
 is extremely dishonest, but in a purely objective sense reporting shitty
 data is not lying, so their asses are covered.

 So the next question is: What do they gain by tricking the sheep?

 Quite a lot, actually. When a comparison of one or more polls to a real
 election is remarkably disparate, what do morons remark?

 "It was rigged!"
 "They pulled some kind of trick!"
 "They won with last-minute dirty politics!"

 Then Rush and company have talk fodder for weeks (perhaps months). And it
 provides a natural segueway for bashing on the winners for other
 misdemeanors (e.g. Whitewater, pot smoking, [paste scandal here]).

 Liberals have to realize that being a conservative pundit is not an easy
 job these days. You have to feed the fires of discontent, and unless
 you're so fucking greedy that the S-class Mercedes just won't do, there
 isn't much to be unhappy with. So it becomes necessary to manufacture
 discontent with unscientific polls and finger-pointing.


 Great True Quotes

 "Hillary is NOT going to just sit there and lose to Lazio."
   -- The vulgar Pugboy, 2nd hour

 ha ha

 He got this one right!

Just Us

ATLANTA (AP) - One day after a deal with prosecutors to drop
murder charges against him, Ray Lewis showed a jury how he tried to
break up a fight between two warring factions during a fatal street brawl.
Courtroom observers were shocked when Ray attacked the dummy.

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