Subject: More on the WTC

Hi Bart, it's Marguerite from NYC.

1727°C  is not hot enough to do to the towers what we saw done to them.

Even if it was how hot the fires were. The fires burned out/were burning out, quickly.
The jet fuel burns out fast. To destroy steel you need high temperatures over long periods of time.
The fires were not even hot enough for working metal - they burned black smoke.

That is why South Tower had to come down first. The fire was burning out.
The smoke was black, Bart. That indicates a cool fire.

A steel stove is not destroyed by the fire within it.
The fires in the Trade Towers were burning cool.

1727°C, even if burning for more than an hour or hour and a half,
(which was supposedly the case in the ridiculous government story),
(about as plausible as the magic bullet), would not cause the buildings to fail.

The steel frame itself acts as an heat sink. And wicks the heat away from the fire location.

Even one strong piece of evidence is enough to show it.
We have all the evidence - numerous pieces. The government's evidence is bogus.
The commission was made up of Bush Appointees, yet the Media declared it "independent."

Bart, look at the evidence yourself. Read Steven Jones' peer reviewed report.

You know these criminals have the balls to do it.
The interesting thing is how it's so obvious, yet they are able to keep it hidden.

Below is a correspondence I had on the technical details of the collapse,
with both Jones and Ben Burch (who is a skeptic friend.)
Jones says I do well in my replies.

Of course his paper is good too ;)

The issue is technical, but quite clear. The buildings were taken down by some kind of explosive action.
The case is laid out in Scholars for 911 Truth in great detail.

BTW, you still owe me a visit when you get to NYC.
I won that in a photo contest prize on your site a few years ago.


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