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Volume 574 - Wolf in the Fold

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 September 1-3, 2001 


 "Tax relief was the right thing to do at the right time."
   -- Smirky, lying to the carpenter's union in Wisconsin today

 But Smirk!
 If I was going to get $1000 back next April, now I'll only get $700.
 How will a $300 loan turn your crumbling economy around?

 ...and why did you give the oil companies a $40 million bonus
 when they're enjoying their highest profits in history?

 Let's see...  I get a $300 loan, and BIG OIL gets a FREE $40 million windfall
 when they're busy drowning in illegally-gouged profits

 Yep, ...there's a Republican in the White House - illegally, I might add.

 PS. While Smirk was telling these lies, the carpenters UNION was applauding every line,
        providing a cover of legitimacy for this fraud who stole his way into power.
        The GOP is doing everything they can to bust the unions, so these clowns
        stand with Weak and Stupid and applaud each lie he tells?

 "Nobody Says My Name Right"

 Lynne Cheney says the media have been mispronouncing Dick's last name.

 She asked a Hispanic student Friday if she pronounced his name correctly, then said,
"No one ever gets my name right, either.
  My name is CHEE-nee, but everybody in the whole world says CHAY-nee."

 Hey, Lady!
 Whoops, I'm sorry, that's not accurate.

 Hey, woman!
 The Moron in Chief calls him "Chay-nee," so what do you want from the media?

 Teach your monkey some tricks, ...and the media may follow.

 ...and stop whining!

The Houston Chronicle

Full whining story

" ...a true and legitimate alarm over the U.S. Justice Department's handling of
First Amendment rights that profoundly affect how we all find out what our government is up to.

What's going on here?
Why the reluctance on the part of the government to at least explain itself?

Targeting journalists for simply doing there jobs.
These secret police tactics are more appropriate for some Third World, fascist regime."

(Their words, not mine)

Hey, Houston Chronicle - I have some questions:

Are you saying it was a mistake to prop up this fascist fraud?
Are you sorry you covered up his record and lied about Al Gore?
Are you wishing you'd acted like a legitimate big-city newspaper last year,
instead of becoming Karl Rove's personal press secretary and willing cabanaboy?

You guys didn't give a damn about the truth or disclosure during the campiagn.
You failed to do your jobs - worse than that, you turned whore for the Bush campaign.
You gleefully endorsed every lie that Cheney, Rove and Hughes gave you.
You laid down for Candidate Weak & Stupid, instead of showing us his record.

You could've told the truth about W's inability to think.
You could've printed W's quote that he was, "just a media creation."
You could've told the truth about Gore and Love Story, the Internet and Love Canal.
You could've asked how many times W was arrested.
You could've told the truth about the charge Gore was "a serial liar."
You could've asked for what crimes did have to perform community service - IN YOUR TOWN.
You could've ask W where he was when his Nat'l Guard records said he was "unavailable."
Yeah, you could've acted like a big-city newspaper, but you turned whore, instead.
You wanted to be the important paper of record when the Texan became president.

We never asked you to take Gore's side - we just asked for the truth.

YOU helped this fraud get elected,
and now you're whining that he's acting like a fascist?

 Support your favorite web sites

 The whore press is running a smokescreen for the illegal Failure in Thief.
 The press has surrendered their objectivity and dignity to Karl Rove
 The only free press left is left-leaning sites on the internet.

 It would be a good idea to support your favorite internet sites.
 Sustaining a political web site isn't easy - the burnout rate is very high.

  Readers are asking about our friend  rackjite.com
  His site is down and his status is, so far, unexplained.

  From: jbmac2001@hotmail.com

  Subject: Closing

  DemsUnited will be closing down on Sept 8th, 2001.


  The Diva has stopped regular publications

 Voltai News has gone on hiatus,
 in his place  zepp@snowcrest.net  and others are sending out whore-free news

 and everybody on the link page
 who is fighting the illegal Bush Family Evil Empire needs help.

 We're not funded by Richard Mellon Scaife.
 We're not funded by big oil, big cancer, the religio-frauds and the Rifle Lobby
 We need your support to survive.

 You think it's easy doing a web page?
  Is it.

 The hard part is doing it day after day
 while the nation sleeps and the Democrats quake.

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!... ..

From: bardgal@yahoo.com

Subject: LAX Runways

Hey BC -

Regarding that horseshit story about the Big Dog shutting down LAX
for two hours to get a haircut  -  is just a joke.

First of all, LAX has FOUR runways,
and planes take off and land there every 30 seconds when it's busy.

LAX shuts down for visibility - FOG.
That's it.

The whore press bet their integrity that story was true - and they lost.

The Houston Chronicle

Full whining story

 ...a true and legitimate alarm over the U.S. Justice Department's handling of
First Amendment rights that profoundly affect how we all find out what our government is up to.

What's going on here?
Why the reluctance on the part of the government to at least explain itself?

Targeting journalists for simply doing there jobs.
These secret police tactics are more appropriate for some Third World, fascist regime.

Hey, Houston Chronicle - I have some questions:

Are you saying it was a mistake to prop up this fascist fraud?
Are you sorry you covered up his record and lied about Al Gore?
Are you wishing you'd acted like a legitimate big-city newspaper last year,
instead of becoming Karl Rove's personal press secretary and willing cabanaboy?

You guys didn't give a damn about the truth or disclosure during the campiagn.
You failed to do your jobs - worse than that, you turned whore for the Bush campaign.
You gleefully endorsed every lied that Bush, Rove and Hughes gave you.
You laid down for President Weak & Stupid, instead of showing us his record.

You could've told the truth about W's inability to think.
You could've printed W's quote that he was, "just a media creation."
You could've told the truth about Gore and Love Story, the Internet and Love Canal.
You could've asked how many times W was arrested.
You could've told the truth about the charge Gore was "a serial liar."
You could've asked for what crimes W did community service IN YOUR TOWN.
You could've ask W where he was when his Nat'l Guard records said he was "unavailable."
Yeah, you could've acted like a big-city newspaper, but you turned whore, instead.
You wanted to be the BIG PAPER OF RECORD when the Texan became president.

YOU helped this fraud get elected,
and now you're whining that he's acting like a fascist?

book review of a book about a blowjob
    by Atrios

 Click  Here

Does Scott Adams read  bartcop.com?

Longtime House chaplain commits suicide

WASHINGTON--The District of Columbia medical examiner says the death of
longtime House Chaplain James D. Ford was the result of a self-inflicted gunshot.

Ford, 70, who ministered to House members and their families from 1979 until his
retirement last year, died Monday aboard his boat at a Washington marina. The M.E.
ruled Ford's death a suicide. The family had earlier declined to disclose the cause of death.

Ford, a Lutheran pastor, was a native of South Dakota. His duties included opening
and closing each legislative session and providing counseling and pastoral services to
members of the House of Representatives and their staffs.


 "One of us has already committed perjury."
     - David Brock, on Bush nominee Terry Wooten's lies
        to the Senate Judiciary Committee

  Full Story onhttp://www.mediawhoresonline.com/

 But, of course, Senator Pat Leahy (D-Bush's Rubberstamp)
 has no problem confirming Smirky's perjurer.

 "I can't believe that Wooten would lie to the Judiciary Committee,'' Leahy said, adding,
 "He will be a good judge.''

 Jesus, I am SO SICK of these pink tutu Democrats, accepting a salary
 to lay down and give the appointed Boy King everything he wants.

 You gotta know a site like this is good...


Different Rules for Bush
  by Stephanie Salter

 Click  Here

 How to explain the contradiction?
 It could be the rumored stupidity of Bush the Lesser, proof that there is truth
 behind all the jokes and Doonesbury cartoons about an empty puppet in the
 Oval Office and a Dr. Strangelove-like cabal manipulating his strings.

 Oooooooooooooooooooklahoma football

 I had a chance to see Oklahoma's football team Saturday.

 Last year's undefeated national champions are, for some reason, ranked third this year,
 behind the Miami Posers and the team that failed to score on OU in their last game, Florida State.

 So why is Florida State ranked higher than hasn't-lost-yet OU?
 Maybe they practice better than  the Sooners - who knows?

 Oklahoma looked damn good Saturday.
 Their place kicker, Tim Duncan, is almost a certain three points whenever he's on the field.
 Punter Jeff Ferguson, maybe the league's best, hits 70-yard punts for breakfast.
 Their offense could use some work, but the Barry Switzer factor is in place.
 Saturday, Air Force managed to squeeze out three points against OU, and Air Force
 led the Mountain League (or whatever it's called) in rushing, passing, yardage etc last year.

 Oklahoma has three monsters in the backfield.
 All-world linebacker Rocky Calmus caused the Sabutai fumble last year.

 R.G. Williams is a fireplug and a sure-fire tackle, but the guy to watch is Brandon Everidge.
 Coach Stoops said, "Brandon Everage was like a missle coming out of the secondary
 about every snap. He is a great player."

 This is true. On one play, Everage knocked the ball carrier out of bounds on the right sideline.
 On the next play, he knocked him out of the left sideline - he is everywhere, like VISA.
 He also stripped the quarterback of the ball, allowing Rocky Calmus to scoop it up and run.
 Usually, I get a little jittery when OU plays Texas, Nebraska and those wild Wildcats,
 but this year I'm ready for some Bevo-brandin', some corn-shuckin' and some Wilcat tamin'.

 The BartCop Hex seems to be effective for about 75 days.
 That's how long it took Tiger Woo   to break it, but then again, he is extraordinarily gifted,
 so the true Hex range may be as much as 90 days for the non-gifted (i.e. President Weak & Stupid)

 But I don't like to use The Hex for mere sports purposes.
 I had to use it on Tiger because of his reluctance to speak up for minorities, even though he
 f-ing owns the game of golf and already has his $100 million dollars in the bank,
 no, there's no reason for Tiger to help the tens of millions who aren't gold with a club.

  Why, if Tiger spoke out, he might only make $60 million next year instead of $65 million.
 ...and Tiger needs every penny he can get.

 Then there was that Clinton-slam, which didn't endear him to many blacks, civil rights activists,
 liberals, the elderly, soccer moms, the poor and all the other groups Tiger doesn't speak for.
 You see, Tiger is very busy.

 He's goal-driven.
 He's results-oriented.
 He's concentrating on his career.
 He's racking up trophies like nobody ever has.
 He's a shooting star the like of which has ever been seen before.
 He spent his childhood being coached to greatnees by his dad.
 He's a money-making machine of phenomenonal proportions.

 ...just like Michael Jackson.

Today, we have a Republican Party


 "What really sets Jesse Helms apart is that he is the last prominent unabashed white
    racist politician in this country. To the best of my knowledge, Helmes has never done
    what the late George Wallace did well before his death - recant and apologize for
    his use of racial issues.   And that use was blatant."
     -- David Broder, The End of a Questionable Icon

 Glendening And Staff Aide Have Personal Relationship

 Maryland Gov. Parris N. Glendening, (D-Backstabber) who separated last year from his wife and
 political partner, Frances Anne Glendening, is involved in a relationship with his deputy chief of staff.

 Click  Here

 This backstabber invited then-President Clinton to speak at some gig in Maryland,
 but then publically withdrew the invitation fore fear it wouldn't be popular.

 Hey, Parris!
 On behalf of the Democratic Party, thanks for not murdering your wife!

From: Rochesterjim@aol.com

Subject: Bush's Tax Cut Has Killed The Budget Surplus

How stupid is Bush for his illogical tax cut?
I guess we forgot how great it was not to have a deficit.
And this is the worst economy since Bush 1.
I'm now ready for Al Gore.

Jim in Rochester, MI

How stupid is Bush?
That's a damn hard question to answer.

The Legend of the Robin Hood for the Rich
      By BuzzFlash Royal Court Correspondent David Spring

 “I will only steal from the Social Security Fund
   if it’s an emergency or if I think I can get away with it.”
      -- King George the Shrub

 Click  Here

 OU football is the only thing to be proud of in this Koresh-forsaken dustbowl.
 In Oklahoma, football is bigger than racism.

 Doubt it?
 The only black Republican in congress is only there because he played football here.
 If not for football, J.C.Watts would be"just another Oklahoma nigger."

 There's a famous Uncle OJ story you might not have heard. When colleges were scouting great
 high school players, their reps asked about Uncle O.J., and the Eufaula officials were beaming with pride.
"That's our nigger," they said proudly.

 ..and that's truer than True North.


 "Driven by ignorance, conservative thinking and fear of the unknown,
   our political leaders have undertaken to make laws that suppress stem-sell research."
     --  Netscape founder Jim Clark, who is withholding $60 million he pledged to build a
          research center at Stanford to protest Bush's religio-inspired step back into time.

 Read the  Previous Issue

 It had everything.

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   Thanks for the fumble, Dude.

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