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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Wednesday, Jan 22, 2014    Vol 3186 - The Tangiers

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow The Change that Isn't
Arrow Most Americans Against NSA?
The GOP's Pot Dilemma
Arrow Crooked VA Ex-Gov Indicted
Will There Be an Olympics? 
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow Underworld's Kate Beckinsale

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"I remember it as an awful lot of fun, and that I made an awful lot of mistakes,
  and I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language, because I think
  I played a role unfortunately in helping tear the country apart."
    --  Glenn Beck, admitting he was a major Teabagging dick when he was on FOX,     Link

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The Change that Isn't Happening
Gop Still the same a year after "autopsy"


In the past year, Ranch Prettyboy has launched new efforts to reach out to racial and ethnic
minorities, hired 170 staffers and invested in technology to better track potential voters, a tactic
Republicans pioneered and Democrats have perfected over the past eight years. He also renewed
efforts to win over Hispanics nationally with voter outreach staffers.

But these structural changes can end the GOP's White House losing streak only if its messengers
fulfill the report's larger goal: "Change, modernize and learn how to appeal to more people."

ha ha
As Bush the Smarter would say, "Na Ga Da. Not gonna happen - wouldn't be prudent."

Since losing in 2012, Republican approval has continued to plummet. Gallup says 32 percent
like the GOP now, down from 43 percent immediately after Obama kicked Thurston's ass.

They CAN'T change.
Remember what Bhaabi Jindal said?

One year ago, he said, "We've got to stop being the stupid party," but they CAN'T stop.

Pigboy and FOX News won't let them.
They think they're perfect just as they are - but only 32 percent agree with them.

Gay rights, legal pot and the destruction of the GOP - somehow it all fits together.

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Subject: Let's see if Bart (D-bed wetter) posts this    from Fidel

Snowden denies being a Russian Spy

If he were a Russian spy, Snowden asked, “Why Hong Kong?”
And why, then, was he “stuck in the airport forever” when he reached Moscow?
“Spies get treated better than that.”           Link

There you go - proof Snowden is not working for the Russians.

Golly, it took so mich courage to post that - I should get an award.

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Most Americans Against NSA?
At least that's what they want you to think


Most Americans now disapprove of the NSA's sweeping collection of phone metadata, a new poll finds,
and they're inclined to think there aren't adequate limits in place to what the government can collect.

President Obama's announcement Friday of changes in the surveillance programs has done little to allay those concerns:
By 73%-21%, those who paid attention to the speech say his proposals won't make much difference.

The poll shows a public that is more receptive than before to the arguments made by fugitive Edward Snowden.

Those surveyed now split, 45%-43%, on whether Snowden's disclosures have helped or harmed us.

Obama says no illegalities had been exposed but proposed steps to reassure Americans that proper safeguards were in place.

By nearly 3-1, 70%-26%, Americans say they shouldn't have to give up privacy and freedom in order to be safe from terrorism...

I have a question:
Is this USA Today writer completely imcompetent or biased?

If you glance at that story, as I think most people do, you'll see "Most Americans disaprove of the NSA"
and you're going to see the numbers
73%-21%, which means this whoree writer wants you to think
73%-21%, of those polled are for Snowden.

In truth, if there's room for any of that when talking about Snowden, is that America is TIED.
A scant TWO percent went Snowden's way, but that's not good enough for this pro-Snowden liar.

Reading on, we see:

Even so, 56%-32%, say the government should pursue a criminal case against Snowden.

So, they like Snowden but they want to see him arrested?
Does anybody have any idea what they're saying?

"Snowden's decision to run away first to China and then to Russia has probably contributed to
the public's ambivalence toward him," says some guy at Duke University. "Even those who
his actions may have served some public interest somehow recognize that his actions have
certainly helped Russia and China in their competition with the United States."

That would be the definition of a traitor, right?

When we say "Snowden helped China and Russia" we're not talking about some Olympic sport.
Snowden "helped" China and Russia move against our national security - and you say you still like the guy?

Then we see the kicker.

The margin of error for the full sample was +/-3 percentage points.

So, that big "Majority" you talked about was TWO percent and the margin of error was THREE percent.

That's called "a statistical tie" by honest writers.

Remember, if they have to lie to make their point...

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Subject: your Snowden "what if"

What if Obama is actually the Manchurian Candidate, working for China or Russia?
Raised from childhood to be the first mixed race POTUS, to endanger America,
even as he acts like a right winger drone killer.

What If?

Anybody can play your ridiculous "What If?" game.

Apparently not.

You seem to be saying it's extremely unlikely that Snowden would leak
something that had to do with the military or our defense capabilities.

You mean because he's such a patriot and would never do such a thing, right?

It's very comforting, your personal reassurances about Snowden's character...

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Crooked VA Ex-Gov Indicted
Are all GOP Governors Crooked?


Bob McDonnell, the former crooked Republican governor of Virginia, and his crooked wife, Maureen,
were indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury for illegally accepting gifts from a businessman and donor.

Federal prosecutors had first told McDonnell and his wife in December that they would be charged,
but a goof-old-boy decision was delayed until after McDonnell left office earlier this month after a
face-to-face appeal from the McDonnell’s crooked attorneys.

The indictment alleges that the McDonnells accepted more than $135,000 in direct payments of gifts
and loans from Williams, and then lied on loan applications and attempted to cover their tracks.
The couple could face fines of more than $1 million and decades in jail.

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Subject: Snowden

Bart, You are right on in your assertions on this - fully support you. 
Keep swinging that hammer - I will throw some more money in the piggy bank,
 Tommy O

Subject: Snowden

Hello Bart!!
I agree with everything you said about Snowden.  In my book he is a Traitor..
Its pretty cut and dried to me, and I am an Independent, but lean Liberal on a lit of things, except this.
 Robert in Seattle

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Subject: What Metadata IS from a person who's worked with it


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Will There be an Olympics?
Police warn Sochi hotels

Terror suspect "probably already here"
Pootie can't control his suicide bombers


New details fueled debate Monday over security at the Sochi Olympics: Wanted posters
of a terrorism suspect, warships at the ready and a video threat from beyond the grave.

Pootie stressed that his country has stepped up security and is prepared to handle any threats.
But some U.S. lawmakers -- and at least one Olympic athlete -- have said they're worried about the situation.

Police in Sochi have handed out fliers at area hotels warning of a woman they believe could be a terrorist
and who may currently be in the city.  It asks workers to be on the lookout for Ruzanna "Salima" Ibragimova,
described as the widow of a member of a militant group from the Caucasus region.

The woman, says the flier, may be involved in organizing "a terrorist act at the Olympic region."

Poor NBC, they can't catch a break.
First, that poorly-orchestrated charade between Lindsey Vonn  and Eldrick fell apart
and then she blew her knee out and can't even compete. There went NBC's "big star."

Now this six-pack or suicide bombers has everybody worried.

Would you let your son or daughter go so Sochi?

Two weeks from now, will Sochi be called "another Munich?"

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Subject: that Vietnam photo

General Loan did have a restaurant. I remember seeing cartoon about it - maybe Doonesbury
- where a customer complains about the food, and in the last panel you see Loan holding a pistol
to the customer's head, and the customer deciding that maybe the food wasn't that bad after all.

  ha ha

That sounds like Doonesbury.

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Sirius XM

I wrote to one of those Denver Pot Bus Tour companies, asking for info.

Subject: Pot Tour Buses

Bart, you can smoke in the LIMOS because they have a partition for the driver.
Buses have no partitions, so no smoking on the (much cheaper) bus.

Other bus tour companies did the right thing and invested on Fresh Driver Air.
Anderson Cooper had a camera on one bus and they were passing hueueueueuge splifs.

I am attaching a list of hotels with smoking rooms.
I suggest you buy OZIUM - it is effective in covering up marijuana odors,
It is available at WalMart.

But why can't we smoke it openly and legally?
It's legal to buy but there's no place to smoke it, except 4/20 weekend at Civic Park, downtown.

How many in your group and what types of activities are you interested in?
When are you planning your trip?

420 is going to be an unique experience.  (April 20th, 2014)
The High Times Cannabis Cup is taking place, there is a 420 Festival in downtown Denver.

The City and County of Denver have lifted the ban on public pot smoking for the 420 Festival.
Please let me know what we can do to make this happen for your group.
Well, that info is good to have.
But if they lift the ban on public smoking that weekend, we don't need to pay
for a bus because we can smoke along side of thousands of other Freedom Festers.

I think it would be fun to attend, not to mention historic.
Does anyone know what they do at "The Cannabis Cup?"

Their video shows a bunch of booths and stuff. 
Do they try diff kinds of pot and then judge them like a state fair?
Wouldn't the winner then get The Cannabis Cup?

The HIGH TIMES US Cannabis Cup Schedule
Saturday, April 20th
 12 p.m. -- Cannabis Cup doors open at Exdo
 6:30 p.m. -- Cannabis Cup expo closes
 8 p.m. -- Cypress Hill goes on at Red Rocks

Sunday, April 21st
 12 p.m. -- Cannabis Cup doors open at EXDO
 7 p.m. -- Cannabis Cup Awards Show begins - is this where they give the award for best pot?

Tens of thousands of people all getting high in the streets - damn.

If I lived to see this I must be old.

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Or need a different/better job?
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Subject: R.I.P. Larry Monroe

Bart, I have the sad news of our mutual friend Larry Monroe's unexpected passing last Friday.

Larry always enjoyed your site going back many many years and he often mentioned you on the air fondly. 
Cause of death is complications from the COPD that he had suffered from in recent years.
Take care of your lungs folks !

There will be many tributes and memorials and you can count on one hell of a concert at some point,
Larry was instrumental in the carreers of many musicians, not just here in Austin but around the world,
he had many followers in Europe and Australia. Larry was one of the best ambassadors that Austin ever
had and he was on the web worldwide three times a week. He rarely mentioned politics on the air but he
was a true liberal in the most wonderful of ways. He never got in anyone's face, he just lived the life
everyone wanted to live. I'll keep you posted as things develop.
Reverend Jim
Austin Tejas

 That is sad news - a shot of Chinaco for Larry.

Thanks to Rev. Jim for letting me know, which reminds me. Everyone should make
a deal with someone to e-mail your internet friends in the event of your passing.

Is there protocol for that? 
   Send e-mail to Bart

Over the years I've lost track of so many friends, presumably because
they passed away and nobody knew to send Ol' Bart an e-mail.

The GOP's Pot Dilemma
Oppose Obama or agree with him?


Once again, they're split.

Some Republicans argue that the GOP, as a party, should oppose legalization. Republican strategist
Ed Rogers wrote Monday that “Republicans need to be clear: Marijuana use doesn’t lead to anything
helpful or productive. The president won’t say so, but Republican leaders should.”

But others on the right argue that individual liberty would be increased and societal costs decreased
if the US dialed back federal opposition to marijuana.

“We should at least be talking about reducing the penalties, danger, and illegality for a drug that society
decided a long time ago it likes,” writes Allahpundit on the conservative-leaning "Hot Air" site.

Meanwhile, Chris Matthews, normally a voice of sanity, says Obama is wrong to say pot is no more
dangerous than alcohol.

Chris, you can't be on that side.
You don't have to like pot, but "more dangerous" than Jack Daniels or vodka?
Time to get real, Chris.

Remember when LA's Police Chief Daryl Gates, many years ago, said.
"smoking pot is
more dangerous than firing a machine gun in Times Square."

Don't be crazy, Chris. Go with the science and logic - you don't really have a choice.

Even marble-mouthed, never-EVER-take-a-chance Obama sees where this issue is going.

Patrick Kennedy, son of Ted Kennedy and chairman of the advocacy group Smart Approaches to
Marijuana, agreed with Mr. Matthews and added that today’s pot is much more potent and
dangerous than the weed Obama smoked during his teenage “Choom Gang” days.

“He’s wrong when he says it isn’t very harmful,” said Mr. Kennedy on “Hardball.”

Now you're just lying.
Nobody said today's pot was like seventies pot.
And Obama didn't say "not harmful" he said "not worse than alcohol."

If Obama was so wrong, why did you have to change what he said to disagree with him?

For a family that made hundreds of millions of dollars smuggling/selling scotch,
I can see why you don't need the competition,  Stats show people drink LESS
hard alcohol when they have a safer, friendlier alternatives like pot.

I heard someone say "Pot is a drug a woman can do and remain a lady.
But plow her with vodka for three hours and see how ladylike she is."

Patrick, if you're going to front a group called "Smart Approaches to Marijuana,"
the first thing you need to do is stop lying. 

You lose all credibility the minute you start lying about drugs
and every school kid you're trying to reach will quickly realize that.

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 Subject:  wagering, by crazy Neil

You wrote: "If you're going to call me a liar, maybe we should place a wager on the subject."

I did write that.
I find that the threat of a wager makes a man watch his tongue more closely.

Who would be stupid enough to bet with a liar?

And you think being a dick is the best way to make your point?

I once thought you were honest, but it seems you can only be honest about Republicans.

I'm honest about everything except when we disagree - then I'm a big fat liar.
When will I learn that I'm only entitled to Neil's opinion?
You edit to distort (snip, snip) or just won't post an EFFECTIVE opposition email.
You'll post the half assed ones, but not the ones that actually cut to the truth.

Funny how those "truthful" and "effective" e-mails are like 1,000 words each.
I'm printing this e-mail because it's less than 100 words.

I would only place a bet with you if there was an honest, impartial person holding our money in escrow.

ha ha
Because I'd close the page down before I'd pay you $20?

You too often seem to write fueled on the nectar or the bud
(neither of which I can afford...) so why bother debating you?
 Neil in fucking cold Mass

Neil, from your writing, I assumed you could afford alcohol.

But why bother to debate me when you can scream insults, instead?

Maybe you and The Brew could team up and open the Bartcop Complaint Shop.

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I just saw the Miami Vice episode that starred Frank Zappa as a violent drug dealer.

I think he was a drug dealer, because he had three pounds of "weasel dust" for sale.

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Today's OMG!  Don't Look Down Picture


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  Subject: Snowden. My 2 cents

This isn't about what the government did/does about unconstitutional eavesdropping on its citizens.
Hell, I can remember in the Ma Bell days when not only could you not own a phone, it was also a
criminal offense to open one up. The snooping was pretty obvious then.

Nor do I believe that this is about whistleblowing. As long as more than one person knows a secret
chances increase dramatically that it will come out. This, to me, is about the huge difference between
the character of Manning and Snowden.

Manning stuck around to pay the consequences for having broken the law.
Snowden ran like the little bitch he is. If we are going to hold the government
accountable to the law, citizens need to be engaged themselves.
 I. Hill

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HERBLOCK traces the life of Herbert L. Block, who started cartooning in his teens in Chicago
and went on to win four Pulitzer Prizes and the Presidential Medal of Freedom during his 55 years
at the Washington Post. For the better part of the 20th century, his cartoons were a must read.
The film features Ted Koppel, Tom Brokaw, Jules Feiffer, Lewis Black and Jon Stewart,
who describes Block as a “touchstone” for political comics and satirists today.

on HBO starting Monday

  Subject: If Gore was president on 9-11

When the terror attacks of 9-11 occurred, they still didn’t even have a body count
(I think that the sun hadn’t even gone down) when the mass emails went out blaming Clinton.

One of the many lost facts – lost because DemocRats will never, ever LIST THEM – is that
under Clinton, VP Gore chaired a study on airline safety; the concluding report recommended
(among other measures) locking cockpits.

Because it couldn’t be done for free, this was deemed “too expensive” by the airline industries.
It was labeled “an attempt by BIG GUBMINT regulatin’ and dictatin’ and throwin’ it’s weight around”
by the fat-cat greedheads that ruin everything, for everyone.

And the rest is history.

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  Subject: Arguing against authority

If your President says "Irag is an imminent threat, we must invade!"
Are you going to argue against it?

Too funny, Bart.

Yes, I would argue with Obama on that.
You don't need to be a national security expert to know that war is bad.

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Today's Wildlife Photo


  Subject: last issue's Mystery Wildlife Photo

 Bart, that's a baby Musk Ox from the arctic.
    Jim from Chicago   (Former Zoo Keeper)

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Today's Mystery Celebrity Photo


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity    Link

Bart, he was the deliciously evil ghost Delbert Grady in The Shining. 
Had to look up his real name, Philip Stone. 
  Ed Krebs

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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, that’s my hometown - Philadelphia (pre-evil-Comcast tower skyline)
~ Tony in Philly

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Then something terrible happens.
"I'm past's some other emotion... you are a monster..."

Fun, safe for work

Name the Mystery Car


 If this was your car you'd have more supermodels than Leonardo.

 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that's a 2005 Weineck Cobra 780 c.i. Limited Edition,  1100 hp,
0-186 mph in 10 seconds, my dream car, a wicked fast little fuck,
will smoke anything on the road including that wussy Bugatti Veyron!

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Check your state stats at 

Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's the USS Downes and USS Cassin after the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941,
 Tom C

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