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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Weekend-Monday, Feb 1-3, 2014    Vol 3192 - Not enough Omaha

I didn't know Mo Paul was still around!
Dude, put me on your list!

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow Obama Blasts FOX, O'Reilly
Arrow Crooked Chris Christie Evidence?
Marlboro Man Dead from Cigs
Arrow Legal Pot for Appalachia?
Amanda Knox Gets 28 Years
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow TV's FBI - Rachel Leigh Cook

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by the great Bruce Yurgil.

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"While alcohol may be used in moderation, marijuana is always used to 'get stoned.'
  Glory be, you smoke one 'joint' and the next thing you know, you're on your knees
  in the bus station bathroom, giving blumpkins to hobos for meth..."
--  The Rude Pundit, quoting The Family Research Council on the evils of pot        Link

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Obama Blasts FOX, O'Reilly
But why talk politics before the big game?

"Bill, if you'd stop yammering for a second I could answer that..."


Things turned tense quickly between Obama and Asshole O’Reilly in their Super Bowl interview.
“OK, Bill, you’ve got a long list of my mistakes,” Obama said to the Asshole near the start of their
10-minute live interview on Fox. That remark was one of a number of points on which the two butted heads. 
Obama also took on Fox News Channel when the Asshole asked him about reports the IRS was investigating
Tea Party-related groups for political reasons. “These kind of things keep resurfacing in part because you
your TV station will promote them,” Obama said. “When you look there have been multiple hearings.”

Obama denied any corruption, just some “boneheaded decisions.” Earlier, the Asshole interrupted Obama with a
“you’re not going to answer that?” as Obama replied to a question about why he didn’t fire Kathleen Sebelius.
 It’s a now six-year Super Bowl tradition that the lead newsman for the host network sits down with Obama.

I think it's bad idea to talk politics right before the big game.

Think of a large party watching this, and then some racist Teabagger says,
"Why is that f-ing nigger on your TV?" and then a fight starts - who needs that?

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Crooked Chris Christie Evidence?
Wildstein lawyer says he has proof that crooked Cris Christie KNEW

              "I am not fat and the evidence is lying..."


A former top appointee of crooked Chris Christie says there is evidence contradicting
what the crooked liar has said publicly about Bridge-gate, according to the man's lawyer.

David Wildstein resigned his position at the Port Authority in December amid allegations
that crooked Chris Christie appointees had ordered bridge lanes closed last year to punish
that town's mayor politically for not endorsing crooked Chris Christie for reelection.

Wildstein's attorney, Alan Zegas, wrote on Friday that "evidence exists" contradicting crooked
Chris Christie's recollection about the lane closures at a news conference earlier this month.

"Evidence exists ... tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures contrary to
what the governor stated publicly," Zegas said.

Of course, New Jersey Democrats WOULDN'T THINK of impeaching this crooked bastard
because it's not "fair" and it's not "nice" because "fair" and "nice" is what Democrats are all about.

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"They're so mobbed up in New Jersey, they got a Soprano
  to sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl."
--  Bartcop  

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Subject: Nobel Peace Prize for Snowden

Quoth the Bart:
"Why can't George Zimmerman get a Nobel Prize, too?"
Makes just as much sense as giving one to O-Bomb-a,
after all, the president regularly launches attacks on countries
and authorizes drone strikes that kill innocent people.
 Scott in Airzonastan

Scott, but isn't that kind of like cheating?

With al-Qaeda, Obama has three options:
1. He can surrender America to them.
2. He can have our troops invade all countries that promote or allow al-Qaeda to exist.
3. We can use drones to selectively strike military targets with no loss of American life.

When you say, "Obama is evil for choosing option 3," (and you did) you're saying
it's better to use Option One or Option Two, but I can't figure out which way you'd go.

Some liberals have a natural surrender gene - would you be one of those?
Or would you be the "Let's invade every country" guy?
Gosh, that's downright Cheneyian, don't you think?

He's the president.
His job is to protect us, and he gets shit like that from you?

What would President Scott do?

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You know why - because the you-know-whos refuse to list the you-know-whats.

Six Marlboro Men Dead from Cigs
Yet they are openely sold in all 50 states


Eric Lawson, the actor who played “The Marlboro Man” in cancer stick ads, has died at 72.
During the 70s and 80s, Eric used his rugged good looks to promote Marlboro cancer sticks,
a product he used himself that would eventually kill him because that's what legal cigarettes do.

The actor, who smoked up to three packs of Marlboro cancer sticks a day, died from respiratory
failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease caused by smoking cancer sticks.

Eric is not the first “Marlboro Man” to succumb to a cancer sticks. At least five former “Marlboro Men”
have died from cancer sticks. That includes Wayne McLaren and David McLean, who both died of lung
cancer in the 1990s. Like Eric, both men advocated against smoking in their later years.

But pot is still illegal in 30 states "because it's so dangerous" even tho it kills nobody while
legal cancer sticks are openly sold in a hundred thousand stores in America - how stupid is that?

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Eric Holder's Pot Problem
He's on the horns of a dilemma...


Colorado and Washington have legalized pot, yet federal law still prohibits it.
This dichotomy explains why some banks are reluctant to accept the cash from legal pot sellers.
To redress this, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has promised to issue guidelines to make it easier
for marijuana sellers to use the banking system.  Last year, he said the Justice Department wouldn’t
seek to overturn the Colorado and Washington measures. 

All of which raises the question: When did it become acceptable for the country’s top law-enforcement
officer to decide which federal statutes to enforce and which to ignore? Even those who agree with the
broader policy of marijuana legalization should be left uneasy by open defiance of the rule of law.

I'm calling "horseshit" on the need to be "left uneasy" when someone follows common sense.

There are hundreds of laws that are "on the books" but not enforced and nobody is "uneasy."
I'm sure spitting on the sidewalk and cursing around women are still illegal in some places but do we
really want the Barney Fifes of the world enforcing every stupid law that's still technically, a law?

Currently, those pot store owners are having to literally "launder" their cash so the bank can't smell it.

They have fans and blowers that take the smell away but then, they have to drive large amounts of
cash to the bank every day and that's just beggging for an armed robbery. Think of the fun the whore
media will have when some pot shop owner is murdered for the $160K in cash he was lugging to the bank.

Of course Eric Holder is doing the right thing.

Did I really just write that?

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Subject: The Pope as Rockstar

True story - years ago the Pope visited Southeast Asia.
When he exited his plane, all dressed in white, a chorus of teen females yelled, "Elvis! Elvis!"

Pope - "I'm not Elvis!"

One of the teens came forward, saying, "Welcome to our country, Elvis..."

Pope - "I'm not Elvis!"

The teen continued, " ... and we take you to the best hotel, give you a bath is spicy water,
and we dry you with our bodies and give you massage... all night long!"

Pope - "Oh it's one for the money, two for the show..."

Thanks to James in Alhambra, CA

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Sirius XM

CNN Breaking News

Authorities investigating the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found more than 50
glassine-type bags containing what is believed to be heroin in his apartment, cops say.

Investigators also found several bottles of prescription drugs and more than 20 used syringes in a plastic cup.

The Oscar-winning actor was found dead in his Manhattan apartment Sunday with a needle in his left arm.
He was 46.
They said there was some super-potent heroin on the streets resulting in many overdoses.

Who do dealers do that? Why kill your customers?

Why not cut the heroin down to 20 percent strength and make five times the money
and still have live customers come back the next day?

That's what I'd do - if I dealt heroin.

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Legal Pot for Appalachia?


Will legalizing marijuana help or hinder some of the poorest of Americans?
Appalachia has long been known for intractable poverty, coal and moonshine.
But what many do not know is that marijuana is an Appalachian cash crop.

Some say it will only help; after all, Appalachians make quite a bit of money from pot.
"Outdoor cannabis cultivation is common throughout Appalachia," reads a June DoJ 2007 report.
Cannabis is cultivated in Kentucky on broad areas of privately owned land.

Those poor people don't need money - they need dignity.
Just kidding - they need money real f-ing bad.

But if we let super-poor people grow flowers that sell for $1,000 a pound,
they might then become empowered and the super-rich can't allow that.

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Today's OMG!  Don't Look Down Picture


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Amanda Knox Gets 28 Years
But only if she's dumb enough to go back


Amanda Knox was found guilty of murder yesterday by an Italian court, the latest twist in a 2007 murder case.
The judge sentenced Knox to 28 years, Her former Italian boyfriend was sentenced to 25 years.

Knox, in Seattle, watched the verdict with her family live on television.

"I am frightened and saddened by this unjust verdict," Knox said in a statement.
"Having been found innocent before, I expected better from the Italian justice system."

Shortly before the verdict was reached Knox said if found guilty she hoped
that the U.S. government would refuse to extradite her to Italy.

"I'm definitely not going back to Italy willingly. They'll have to catch me and pull me back
kicking and screaming. I will fight for my innocence," she told the Guardian.

Amanda, can I suggest one thing?  Stay in America for the rest of your life.
Don't go to France and then "accidentally" drive into Italy and create an incident.

Remember Lisa Ling's sister?
She and a friend were in China and decided to "go for a walk" - in North f-ing Korea!

Amanda, nobody in America is going to send you back to Italy but if you decide to taunt fate
and fly to Switzerland for some stupid reason and the plane has some kind of engine trouble
and they have to make an emergency stop at Da Vinci Airport - you see where I'm going?

You wouldn't think that would need to be said, but some people ARE that dumb.

Legal nutjob Jonathan Turley said Knox COULD be sent back to Italy.
I say he's crazy.

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Today's Wildlife Photo


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Is Colorado a beautiful place?

Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, thathat looks like the Oakland Bay Bridge from San Francisco,
  Will Con


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Name the Mystery Car


 If you own one of these, you have more balance than me.

 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, it’s a 1935 Duesenberg SJ convertible coupe, body by Walker-LaGrande,
of which 3 were made, and this is the one with a supercharger on an enormous straight-8 engine. 
Four and one-half million dollars, if you want to compare your bid.

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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's Reagan's Sec. of State, George Shultz.
 Ed M Roth

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Subject: donations

Thanks to Ann in Havertown, PA for the donation.

That was a nice thing to do, Ann.

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TV FBI Agent - Rachel Leigh Cook

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