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Boner to BP's Rescue

  "Taxpayers should help pay for BP's greed."


Congressional Democrats and the White House are toying with different ways to force BP to cover the costs 
of damages from the Gulf oil spill. But they face stiff opposition from industry...and leading Republicans. 

House Minority Leader John Boehner said he believes taxpayers should help pick up the tab for the clean up.

"I think the people responsible in the oil spill--BP and the federal government taxpayers --should take 
full responsibility for what's happening there," Boehner said at his weekly press conference this morning.

Boehner's statement followed comments last Friday by US Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue 
who said he opposes efforts to stick BP, a member of the Chamber, with the bill. "It is generally not the 
practice of this country to change the laws after the game," he said. "Everybody is going to contribute to 
this clean up. We are all going to have to do it. We are going to have to get the money from the 
government taxpayers and from the companies and we will figure out a way to do that."

How can that possibly be winning hand for the Rethugs?

They were against saving the American auto industry.
They were against the Stimulus Bill that saved the banks and the economy.

They say they want lower taxes and smaller govvernment
and now they want to stick the taxpayers for BP's greed?

We're in a poker game with the Republicans.

We keep getting Aces and we are constantly folding.
The GOP keeps getting 2-5 and they keep winning because they don't back down.

Obama appears to be the worst poker player in history.

WE have the facts on our side and we keep losing the debate.

Our pizza tastes great and the GOP pizza has a smelly turd on it
but they outsell us every year and I can't figure out why.

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