Drop the
Buzzer-Beating No. 23 Act
by Maureen Dowd
Of the many exciting things about Obama’s election,
one was the anticipation of normality in the White House.
America had been trapped for eight years with
the Clintons’ marital dysfunction disastrously shaping national events
Maureen you are a lying cow.
YOU trapped America in that impeachment nightmare,
you and the whore press and the Republicans.
Yes, it was Bill's greed and stupidity that got
things rolling, but YOU bastards poured gas on that fire for years
and you had the most fun of your lives doing
it so don't call it "being trapped" when you fanned the flames.
and then trapped for another eight with the Bushes’
Oedipal dysfunction disastrously shaping international events.
And before that, L.B.J. and Nixon had acted pretty
nutty at times.
Obama was supposed to be a soothing change. He
had a rough childhood. Michelle once told a friend that
“Barack spent so much time by himself that
it was like he was raised by wolves.” But he seemed to
have come through exceptionally well adjusted.
Obama’s bloodless quality about people and events,
the emotional detachment that his aides said allowed him
to see things more clearly, has instead obscured
his vision. It has made him unable to understand things quickly
on a visceral level and put him on the defensive
in this spring of our discontent, failing to understand that Americans
are upset that a series of greedy corporations
have screwed over the little guy without enough fierce and immediate
pushback from the president.
Once more on Tuesday night, we were back against
the wall. The president went for his fourth-quarter,
Michael Jordan, down-to-the-wire, thrill shot
in the Oval Office, his first such dramatic address to a nation sick about
the slick.
You know the president is drowning — in oil this
time — when he uses the Oval Office. And do words
really matter when the picture of oil gushing
out of the well continues to fill the screen?
Jesus, it's hard to follow Maureen' Dowd's train of thought.
Now and then I'm able to grasp what the hell she probably means, but
has half a week to write a single column and that's the best she can
The full title of this plane wreck is Can The One Drop the
Buzzer-Beating No. 23 Act?
What the fuck does that mean?
Her goal should be communication, but it's not.
Her job is to hate everyone and everything and be cute about doing
IF *I* ran the whore Times, Maureen Dowd would be looking for a job.
To this day, I have no idea why bad writing wins a Pulitzer Price.
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