Clarence Thomas
IS a Pervert
Former girlfriend shares lurid details
A former girlfriend of Clarence
"Slappy" Thomas has a deal for a "sexually driven" memoir.
Lillian McEwen, who dated the sex addict in the 1980s, has signed with
TitleTown Publishing,
a Green Bay, Wis.-based publisher specializing in true crime and
"inspirational" survivor stories.
"D.C. Unmasked and Undressed" is
scheduled to come out in early February, TitleTown announced
Tuesday, adding that the book was "sexually driven."
McEwen, a retired judge, broke a long public silence last fall when she
told The Washington Whore Post
that Thomas often made inappropriate comments and was "obsessed with
porn," allegations backed up by
Professor Anita Hill during Slappy's confirmation hearings. Thomas
denied such behavior, thus committing
prejury just prior to taking a seat on highest court in the land.
Shame on Clarence the prejuring
Clarence Thomas owes Professor Hill an apology.
They both went under oath with different stories and now we have
corroboration that Slappy
is not only a serial perjurer
but he's also the obsessed sex addict
that Anita Hill warned us about.
Clarence Thomas, APPOINTED to the high court because George Bush the
had to find a Black man to fill a quota he swore didn't exist.
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