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Get Ready for a GOP Rerun
  by Bob Herbert


You just can’t close the door on this crowd. The party that brought us the worst economy since
the Great Depression, that led us into Iraq and the worst foreign policy disaster in American history,
that would like to take a hammer to Social Security and a chisel to Medicare, is back in control of
the House of Representatives with the expressed mission of undermining all things Obama.
Maybe the voters missed the entertainment value of the hard-hearted, compulsively destructive
G.O.P. headliners. Maybe they viewed them the way audiences saw the larger-than-life villains in
old-time melodramas. It must be something like that because it’s awfully hard to miss the actual
policies of a gang that almost wrecked the country.

In any event, the G.O.P. has taken its place once again as the House majority and is vowing to
do what it does best, which is make somebody miserable - in this case, President Obama.

Representative Darrell Issa, the California Republican who is now chairman of the Oversight and
Government Reform Committee, recently told the vulgar Pigboy that Obama was “one of the most
corrupt presidents in modern times.” He backed off a little on Sunday, saying that what he really
thinks is that Mr. Obama is presiding over ‘one of the most corrupt administrations.'

How in the world could today's totally inept Democrats lose an election to the bastards
who brought us the worst economy since the Great Depression, that lied us into Iraq and
the worst foreign policy disaster in American history, that would like to take a hammer
to Social Security and a chisel to Medicare?

That's a rhetorical question because we all know the answer.

Watching politics is like watching an episode of Two and a Half Men.

The Republicans are Charlie - who's filthy rich and does whatever he wants, breaks any laws
he wants, beats any woman he wants and always comes out smiling when the episode's over.

The Democrats are Alan, the clueless loser who begs for crumbs from Charlie, can't get laid,
and, above all, wants to be nice and fair and play by the rules he loses every time.

The American people are Jake, stuck with these two extremes for role models.
Jake knows his Dad is probably right, but Dad's such a loser and Uncle Charlie is
always breaking the rules so he kinda wants to hang out with him.

Dad is all, "You need to go to the dentist," while
Charlie is all, "Fuck the dentist - you want a beer?"

Of course the kid's going to like Charlie better.


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