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Why elistists target the masturbating witch
 by Mister One Percent, Alan Keyes


Judging by the treatment of Christine O'Donnell the elite hacks of the sham two-party system are determined
that the outcome of the 2010 election should send a clear message to the grassroots Americans who are reacting
against the elite betrayal of their nation and its principles: when it comes to running for office people who believe
as they do, and have troubles like theirs, need not apply.  They especially want to make it clear that anyone who
has had problems making ends meet must consider themselves unqualified to run for public office.  Considering the
difficulties that many Americans face on account of the current economic situation, this should assure that for the
foreseeable future only protected members of the wannabe "ruling class" will have any shot at public office...

Of course the truth is that Christine O’Donnell is a pretty well known figure, with a career as an advocate for
moral conservative causes that has over the years carried her into positions in several different advocacy organizations,
and frequent appearances on a number of well-known media outlets.  The notion that she has no qualifications for
public office is actually a sly statement of contempt for the conservative views she has consistently advocated. 

It also casts doubt on the judgment of such diverse figures as Haley Barbour, Buzz Aldrin, and David Horowitz,
all of whom endorsed her candidacy for the U.S. Senate in 2008 when she ran against then Sen. Joseph Biden.

Hey Alan, you're hero has never heard of the First Amendment.

And why would YOU want a masturbating witch in the senate?

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