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Mike the Dealer's Football Picks

It’s too easy.

This year in the NFL has been jarringly simple to predict, the old motto of ‘any given Sunday’ has long since been killed off. 
Massive double digit favorites are covering with ease over their weak sister opponents. In last week’s games 3 out of the 4 teams 
favored by 10+ covered, and the one that failed to do so, the Steelers, won by 8.

The Giants won 44-7 over the Raiders and the game wasn’t even that close, on the only scoring drive of the game, the Raiders
benefitted from a horrible call by the refs that negated a Giants defensive touchdown and left the Raider offense in position to 
score a TD of their own, so if the game had been reffed honestly, the Giants win 51-0.

Normally people will see a game and debate if it’s close or not, but this week’s Colts/Titans game was nothing of the sort. 
4 People out of the 12 we had playing this week, took the Colts -3.5 as their lock of the week, that’s a full 1/3rd of the field, 
and they were all right. 8 out of 12 locks were hit this week. Vegas doesn’t make money when the games are this easy to predict. 
As you’ll see this week, the Titans have fallen very far in the linesmaker’s eyes going from only getting  +3.5 against the class 
of the AFC at home, to now being a 9.5 point dog at New England.


Last week’s winner group was  4-1’s who hit their locks, nobody went 4-1 and missed a lock.

The 4-1 Hall of Glory (Back after 1 week absence)

Mike The Dealer (I’m really not this good, my luck has to run out sometime)

Wins: Dolphins (lock), Vikings, Giants, Bengals, Loss: Patriots

Mike D.

Wins: Broncos (lock) Colts, Eagles, Falcons Loss: Panthers

Big Mig

Wins: Bengals (lock) Browns, Dolphins, Giants Loss: Texans

Nic G.

Wins: Giants (lock) Redskins, Colts, Eagles  Loss:  49’ers


Tex, James D, Other Bart, Paul W,

I lost the names on two off the 2-3’s so I’ll just not name anyone from that bracket and wish everyone the best of luck this week.


Pick 5 teams against the spread, please list the team and the spread to make it easier on me, pick one of your picks 
to be your lock of the week, if you don’t list a lock, then the first team listed will be your lock. Send your picks to

Home team in CAPS

FAVORITE               LINE                 UNDERDOG

REDSKINS                -6.5                   Chiefs

BENGALS                -4.5                    Texans

STEELERS                -13.5                  Browns

VIKINGS                    -2.5                  Ravens

SAINTS                     -2.5                   Giants

JAUGARS                 -9.5                   Rams

Panthers                     -2.5                   BUCS

PACKERS               -13.5                  Lions

Eagles                       -14.5                  RAIDERS

SEAHAWKS              -2.5                 Cards

JETS                           -9.5                 Bills

PATRIOTS                 -9.5                 Titans

FALCONS                 -3.5                 Bears

CHARGERS              -3.5                  Broncos


Good luck everyone. 
 Mike the Dealer

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