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 Shock Jock Still Breathing (from Bartcop # 394)

 Aging radio wheezer Paul Harvey (R-Horse abuse) deserves a web page of his very own.
 This morning, I hear him whining about how awful it is when society so easily allows criminals.
 to be role models for their children.

 Paul Harvey says "We've lost our way."

 He was whining that someone did a study (If he's such a great communicator, why are the details
 of his stories all so hard to remember?) that showed that up to twenty percent of the men currently
 in the NFL have criminal records.

 Of course, he's talking about Ray Lewis and that Carruth guy.
 But since Equineboy is famous for lies, half-truths, slants and personal slurs,
 (Sue me, Harvey - you lying fraud! Let's each tell our stories to a jury!)  agreed to do a brief study on a similiar group of people.

 After a careful review of the facts, and with full documentation,  has determined
 that a whopping 100 percent of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates
 the Republican Party ran last year have criminal records.

 "Big-Time" Cheney was arrested for drunk driving.
 Drunk-driving is a very serious offense which causes tens of thousands of deaths a year.
 He pleaded guilty, paid his fine (it was 1/4600th of his salary that year. Big deterrent.)

 Did he learn his lesson?
 No - he said, "Fuck the law."
 Dick Cheney doesn't have to obey the law.

 Dick Cheney is a big-time Republican.

 Then, ... for a second time,  this drunken, arrogant power-grabber
 gets in his car ...a second time, and drove so badly, that he was pulled over
 and arrested a second time for endangering innocent lives while flouting the law.

 "Fuck the law, I'm Dick Cheney," was a quote from one unnamed source.

 Two arrests, three heart attacks (make that four now) makes you wonder.
 This was the best Republican to hold Smirk's hand while he tries to learn?)


 ...then we have Smirk the Wonder Dog.

 I won't go over the long list (not today, there's too many stories to get lost doing background)
 but let's quickly address this exchange:

 Reporter: So, Gov Bush, you pled guilty drunk-driving, is this correct?

 Smirk: Yes, I'm sorry for that, and it was a mistake, I've said so many times.

 Reporter: So, you've been arrested for petty theft, and for creating a public nuisance
                  and now we learn of this third arrest, your drunk-driving arrest.
                  Does that mean you have only been arrested three times in your life?


 So, this is definite proof that Karen Hughes knows of a FOURTH  arrest.
 Every piece of evidence points to a fourth, probably cocaine-related arrest,
 but the American whore press refuses to ask the question on everyone's mind.

 For all we know, Smirk was arrested a fifth, sixth and seventh time,
 but the whore press refuses to ask the question since Karen said "None of that!"

 Why can't he answer "No," to "Have you ever committed a cocaine felony?
 As the vulgar Pigboy likes to say, "Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm??????????"

 I'd even settle for an on-the-record "For what crime did you do community service in Houston?"

 But no,
 the whore press has too much invested in the Smirk presidency.

 Isn't it scary that we don't know the press's motives?

 How does it feel?
 ...knowing he gets a pass on a COCAINE BUST,
 (for possesion? for possession with intent?  Rich boys don't buy cocaine in $25 quantities)
 when Bill Clinton had to defend "didn't inhale pot" for nine years.

 I could go on, but - too many topics.

 This all started when that idiot Paul Harvey got on his probably-abused high horse to whine
 about how awful it is when society so easily allows criminals to be role models for their children.

 When it comes to politics, Paul Harvey gives the convicted criminals a pass.
 But if it's sports, Paul Harvey claims, "We've lost our way."

 Paul Harvey, thy name is whore.

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