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Subject: Feedback on BCR 90

Hi Bart,

Just listened to show 90, I am impressed with the sound, very nice, get a sense of depth in the radio show now,
can't wait for the (upgrade) microphone. I like the background music, but I like it that you used it sparringly.
The cone of silence thing was funny. Also, I just upgraded my puier, (?) although I get onboard sound on the
motherboard, and it's still the old speakers, but it sure did sound good.

Tommy did a great job soundproofing the studio.

Alan Sheppard was the astronaut, Mathew Sheppard was the gay guy who was killed in Wyoming.

Got it.

I would like it if you somehow identified the music you play. I know some of it, but hear somethings
that I've never heard before, and I would like to know what it was.

The unknown stuff is mostly Tommy's work.
I'll see if he's in the mood to disclose.

I keep thinking how good the show sounds.

Thanks for that.

I agree with you on the news stuff, although I don't think it's as covert or diabolical as you suggest, that they take
their orders from Rove or someone else. I think it's more an access thing, where they sense that they, the press,
will lose access and relevance, if they press this administration on the truth, and so in the interest of profits, they try
not to rock the boat. Not that this excuses them for their actions, this is more of a explanation for their behavior,
not an excuse, they are still responsible for their actions in support of this administration's goals.

When a story critical of Bush appears - then is quickly taken down - I think it's safe to assume the publication
got a hot phone call and they caved in to Rove's demands. In that regard, he's calling the shots.

Part #2

Wow, hard to say much on this one.......You mention something about a plant producing so many seeds, but I
always understood that once a plant went to see it was no good for using in other uses, such as producing the
desired mental effects when smoked. Also, I think that if your plan is a hybrid, then it won't seed, you propagate it
by cutting and planting the shoots, but I'm not sure about that.

I saw a show on I think it was Discovery  once, that sugested that the reason why grass is illegal in the west,
is that Christ turned water into wine, thus achohol is our majic elixir, and we cna't have others, like peyote, or grass,
or whatever anyo other relugion or culture would suggest. And then there is the difficulty in collecting taxes on
something that is essentially a weed.

I heard that there was a study of sheriffs done once and one of the results was that most of them would rather have
a stoned driver than a straight or drunk driver, most of the stoned ones, would be lucky to be doing the speed limit,
worrying about going to fast, while only doing 25 in a 35, but that could be an urban legend kind of thing.

No, I think that's true.

Not that I would ever encourage the use of said product for anything other than making rope or shoes or some such nonsense,


McLaughlin Report
I hate our arrogance in our dealings with other nations and cultures. We think we can control events and poeple,
and most of the time it ends up blowing up in our faces, costing much in the wealth and health of this country.
I have read a lot of the books that members of previous administrations have written, and so I think I have an
understanding of how we get into these kinds of things, where you have very powerful men in offices far away
from the action, thinking they can control the events and perceptions of the people. It disgusts me, style over
substance, the ends justify the means. Why anyone thinks that a man and administration that thinks that government
is the problem and that it's primary function is to hand out money to the politically connected, would not be able to
run that government, is beyond me.

Is Iraq in a civil war, I don't know, probably. I am very conflicted on Iraq, we should have never gone in there,
but we did and as Powell said, we broke it, we bought it, so I feel a responsibility to do what we can to help there,
but our presense may be a deterent to the long term health and healing in that country, so I don't know what to do there.
I do know that Iraq could benefit from having someone, like our George Washington, who, more times than you can count,
turned down the oppurtunity to become our American dicator, "His Excellency", as he was known, and he did make a
fortune during his time, but I think it was from what we would term as fair work, as he was furious at those who would
make a profit from the Revolution.
I agree in that I despair for my future and the future of the human race.

Part #3

The clips from Big Valley and Denny Crain and Star Trek, very nice and thoughtful, like the first Star Trek episode
with Frank Gorshin as the split race. I have been a long time follower of this philosophy. When I was very young, I read
comic books, and there were 'The Avengers' with a character called Giant, who was killed on one episode, and in it he
talked about the poem from WWII Germany, where they keep coming for a segment of the population and by the time
they get to the poet, there is noone left to stand up for him. Another favorite theme, is the one from Clockwork Orange,
my favorite film of all time, of the difference between good and evil, and Kubrick's fear of officialdom, gov. and religion.

It's uncanny how often a show from 10 or 20 or 30 years ago will address today's Bush crimes.

Most of the top 10 worst Presidential decisions should have been Bush's, although Buchanan's was pretty bad also.

Part #4

The whole Dean/Hillary/Democrats shit. I agree with you on some of the stuff you say about Hillary. I know the crap
she has to put up with and I think from her Health Care effort, that she is more liberal than her husband was, I think that
was the rap on her then. I'm sure the Repub's can't wait to scream Communist at her. I am getting tired of all the
triangulating crap and I don't worship at Clinton's feet. He was good at some things and terrible at others. I feel the pain
of those effected by NAFTA. He was a little too much in the corporate pocket, and sucked at the public teet a little too much.... there's an image, sucking at a nipple, to distract from the discussion at hand, but as you say, peace and prosperity
is hard to argue with.

Bonus Part #5

I think the whole discussion is interesting, I am intrigued by the working of the mind in a lot of aspects,
why do some people like steak and some don't, most of the people I know love lobster, I hate it.

Anyway, Bart. I think the cosmetic things you did to the radio show have enhanced it a lot, the sound is a lot crisper
and cleaner now and like I said, seems to have more depth. The content, as always was first rate.


Jim, thanks for that.
Radio feedback is rare.

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