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Have you ever seen anything this retarded?
Sure you have - if you've been reading

Original whore link

Chat with Hillary4Change
10:47 p.m.

 Ladeezman42: hey babe
Ladeezman42: plans r *set*
Ladeezman42: car pickin u up @ 8
Ladeezman42: rez @ hottest bbq jnt in town
Ladeezman42: u & me
Ladeezman42: jus like th ol days
Ladeezman42: ribz n romanz...

Hillary4Change: Take action and vote for real change! Join Team Hillary now!

Ladeezman42: cmon
Ladeezman42: i kno ur ther
Ladeezman42: ur *away* msg dont fool me nun
Ladeezman42: least ur not blockin me agen

Hillary4Change: Take action and vote for real change! Join Team Hillary now!

Ladeezman42: aw man
Ladeezman42: look I KNO ur sore
Ladeesman42: k?
Ladeezman42: I.GET.IT.
Ladeezman42: things aint goin so well
Ladeezman42: but it aint cuzza me k?
Ladeezman42: this phony blak boyz bttr than we thot
Ladeezman42: thinks hes gna b the 1st blak prez
Ladeezman42: dude *I* wuz th 1st blak prez!
Ladeezman42: GOT IT?
Ladeezman42: aint no 1 gna take that away
Ladeezman42: & 4 sur no crackr gna stop th 1st chik prez neithr
Ladeezman42: aint gna happn

Hillary4Change: Take action and vote for real change! Join Team Hillary now!

Ladeezman42: look u got evry rite 2 b sore
Ladeezman42: u say I broke "th deal"
Ladeezman42: u put up w a lotta sht...
Ladeezman42: now its ur turn 2 b prez
Ladeezman42: w/out me fkin it up
Ladeezman42: but ive bin gd rite???
Ladeezman42: no "bimbo erupshuns"
Ladeezman42: playin it cool
Ladeezman42: doin th handshake thing
Ladeezman42: makin em want me again
Ladeezman42: rlly rlly want me
Ladeezman42: like sooo bad
Ladeezman42: want U 2!!
Ladeezman42: cuz we're a team
Ladeezman42: ol "2 4 1"
Ladeezman42: i nvr 4get it hon
Ladeezman42: rlly
Ladeezman42: but then this obama dude goes n disses u
Ladeezman42: & I cant c straight no mor
Ladeezman42: srsly
Ladeezman42: like wtf duz he think he IS?
Ladeezman42: NO.1.DISSES.MRS.C.
Ladeezman42: uh uh
Ladeezman42: not on my watch
Ladeezman42: so I take him out
Ladeezman42: or as close as I lglly can
Ladeezman42: he aint kathrin willeys cat :-(
Ladeezman42: but then like th medias all ovr me!!
Ladeezman42: "bill loses tempr"
Ladeezman42: "th bill factor"
Ladeezman42: so darlin
Ladeezman42: all im askin is 4 sum understandin here
Ladeezman42: i cant help defendin ur honor!!
Ladeezman42: call me ol fashund!
Ladeezman42: thats jus th way i wuz brought up!
Ladeezman42: no one
Ladeezman42: NO. ONE.
Ladeezman42: attaks my girls
Ladeezman42: * girl *

Hillary4Change: Take action and vote for real change! Join Team Hillary now!

Ladeezman42: k fine
Ladeezman42: b that way
Ladeezman42: but th cars still gna b waitin @ 8
Ladeezman42: 4 a nite of *romanz*
Ladeezman42: & ther'll b anuthr car waitin 4 r frend obama
Ladeezman42: 2 take him & his lovly wife *out*
Ladeezman42: if u kno wat im sayin

Hillary4Change: Darling!
Hillary4Change: Is that you?
Hillary4Change: I just walked in and saw you were talking to my away message!
Hillary4Change: Silly Billy!
Hillary4Change: Can't wait for tonight!
Hillary4Change: It's been so long...

Ladeezman42: 2 long babe
Ladeezman42: 2 long
Ladeezman42: lv it 2 me & in 24 hrs theyll b sayin obama who?

Ladeezman42 has left the chat.

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