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Possible JonBenet scenario

This Karr guy is looking more & more to me like Tommy on "Third Rock."

I don't know about his guilt or innocence. Republicans who answer to the question, 
"Why did we go to war with Iraq, they didn't do anything to us" with "But isn't is good that we got Saddam?" 
I think Mr. Karr is nutty as heck and it's good that he's in custody regardless of the Ramsey case.

But, let's just say he DID kill Jonny-B.  My scenario:

1) He hid in the house while the Ramseys were out at the Whites.

2) After everyone was asleep, he appeared to J-B and convinced her that he had 
    something nice for her downstairs.

3) They went downstairs, and he gave her some pineapple, which he had brought into the house, 
    perhaps thinking it was "drugged."

4) He drew a heart on the palm of her hand and told her how beautiful she was, etc. etc. 
    and how he wanted to photograph her.

5) She (used to being photographed) went with him down into the cellar, where he told her 
    he had set up his equipment.

6) Ew!  Ew!

J-B & Burke and the neighborhood kids had played outside all morning. Perhaps he got to her then? 
In his book, John R. wrote, p. 9, "JonBenet has fallen fast asleep in the back of the car (on the way home 
from Xmas dinner at the Whites.)  I got her out of the car and laid her on the bed, and took off her coat 
and shoes. I was amazed at how deeply asleep she was. It had been a long day for her. Patsy came in 
to finish getting JonBenet ready for bed."

On page 11, John notes seeing "a strange vehicle in the alley behind the Barnhills." The Barnhills lived 
across the street. They were taking care of J-B's dog while the family was going to stay in Charlevoix. 
Had the dog been home on the 25th, things might have been very different.


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