Subject: Rahm Emanuel is Kissyface
on steroids
Oh Bart ol' buddy:
First of all, my best wishes to Tequila
Treehouse reader Ross, whose swine flu made him cough so hard he broke
a rib...
then came down with bronchitus. Yikes!
We Americans have little appreciation that "in the old days" respiratory
were a top, top killer.. I think they called
'em "Consumption" (Val Kilmer did a great job portraying Doc Holiday with
consumption in the (Wyatt Earp) movie "Tombstone."
First the bad news: Kissyface
(Lieberthug) GOT HIS ORDERS.... to TALK "FILIBUSTER".... from WITHIN
the Obama White House.
You read that right, Bart.... Rahm Emanuel
is Joe Lieberman on steroids, he is Obama's Rasputin, he is
as powerful as Dick Cheney,
with a similar agenda... and
there is NO WAY IN HELL that Lieberman would have spouted his "FILIBUSTER!"
talk, without Emanuel/obama co. approval.
Some evidence would be nice.
Just look at the article about the House
Democrats STRIPPING the Kucinich amendment OUT of their $900 billion health
care 'reform' amendment _this_ week -
GET SERIOUS, Bart: You think Pelosi and
"House leaders" STRIPPED that bill OUT of their package.. because
JOE LIEBERMAN said "boo"??
HA! You think House "leaders" LIKE
TAKING ORDERS from the Senate?
You think House "leaders" LIKE taking orders
from a punk senator who is IN BED with the MINORITY party??!!
Emanuel/obama co:
KILL the Harry Reid "States Opt Out option" Senate
bill, and and KILL the Kucinich amendment House bill.
Emanuel (and the other
GS lobbyists & "financial experts" who OWN obama) have convinced Obama
that if he rams this PIG
of an industry written Baucus bill - MANDATES,
NO caps on premiums (except after-the-fact lawsuits by the States' attorneys...
which can be blocked for YEARS, IF you
can find an prosecutor who wants to go through that nightmare), NO real
option for the
vast majority of families who consider themselves
"lucky" to even have (be locked in to) their employer's plan -
and he gets the
$20 odd MILLION in (legal) BRIBES "campaign
donations" in return, that the Obama 'Democrats' will be looking
good in 2010 and 2012.
When actually Americans
will be even MORE traumatized by skyrocketing insurance premiums then
than they are now,
and will be DISGUSTED that, with commanding majorities
in House & Senate, Obama co. shafted them (American families) with
this Baucus bill atrocity.
There you have it, Bart: Emanuel
is Lieberthug on STEROIDS, he thinks he is smarter, because
at least he has the sense to stay
in the background, instead of being the GLORY
HOG that Lieberthug is. But in this case, Lieberthug HAD TO
spouting glory hog - the Emanuel/obama-bots
HAD TO KILL the Public Option, without leaving their bloody fingerprints
on the murder.
That's why OBAMA is KISSING Kissy-face
- NOT EVEN THREATENING to take away Lieberthug's Committee chair,
NOT EVEN THREATENING Lieberthug with OTHER arm-twisting
BOTH Lieberthug, AND Emanuel, are
PRO-ISRAEL toadies, and F***
American peons thugs!
And don't try to say that Hillary would
have been any better! At least Team Obama has some ruthless DISCIPLINE
Hillary was trying to claim that she was opposed
to CAFTA, while her Campaign Honcho, Mark Penn,
was getting high six-figure payments from Colombia
And about the even more complex US _foreign_
policy - Hillary is _BLATANTLY_ Netanyahu's whore!
Hillary ain't got A TENTH of the savvy of her
husband, she is nothing but ham-fisted forcefulness.... hell, she make
LIEBERMAN look suave!
Netanyahu's you-know-what:
When Netanyahu says "dance," Hillary puts on her tap-dancing shoes
While Kissyface IS "one of the tribe,"
Hillary can only pretend...
Hillary and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
react during a press conference in Jerusalem. Saturday, Oct. 31. 2009.
Hillary says Israel is making "unprecedented"
concessions on West Bank settlement construction. [BULLSHIT!
Obama had
previously demanded Israel halt all settlement
building before negotiations could resume.But speaking at a joint press
with Netanyahu on Saturday, Clinton said "there
has never been a precondition. It has always been an issue with negotiations."
Netanyahu KNOWS he OWNS the obama White House,
and Hillary is the CLUMSIEST ONE OF ALL when it comes to kissing his ass]
on West Bank settlement construction.The U.S.
administration had previously demanded Israel halt all settlement building
before negotiations
could resume.But speaking at a joint press conference
with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday, Clinton said
"there has never been a precondition. It has
always been an issue with negotiations."
I remember that you never liked Hillary.
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