Subject: Miss Divisive Bart, WHY should the voters settle for Miss Divisive?? Why settle for winning? Especially if she wins the nomination via Super
Delegates. She is TO polarizing.
My hero? This is the kind of letter a football fan should
This isn't some damn football game, it's the future
of the planet.
Obama attracts across ALL age groups, races, (except Mexicans), and incomes. He also atracts Republican bigots - in the primaries. When I listen to Obama I get enthused. When I
listen to Hillary, I get high anxiety...
Is the way YOU feel important to America's future? Maybe that's because one is playing your emotions
and one
Hillary is a veritable lightening rod for criticism,
and the GOP has
They hate her because she and Bill keep beating
You also ignored my email about... Get over yourself, I get a lot of e-mail. Obama can beat McCain... Its high
time you realized that.
You do understand that's idiot football
talk, right?
What happens if Obama has a glass chin? For all we know the GOP will Photoshop a picture
of Michelle with a donkey
And then what do we do, besides attend McCain's inauguration? Do you have any idea how not like
a football game this is?
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