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Subject: Paris vs Tom Cruise

I've wrote to you about this over a dozen times and I still haven't heard a reply:

Sometimes I just don't have the courage, so I pretend not to see those e-mails :)

Just how in the world is Tom Cruise worse than Paris Hilton?

Are you asking me which of them I'd rather sleep with?

I don't actually recall using those words, but yeah, it kinda sounds like me.
Aren't Paris and Tom popular for the same reason? 
Because men and women want to fantasize about being with them?
Two genetically blessed people whose best chance at an Oscar would be from Nathan's?
I like her more than him, and in a sane world most men would say that.

Did Tom Cruise ever drink and drive?

Hard to say - it's my guess he's never been charged with that crime.

Did Tom Cruise ever use the N-word?

Also hard to say, but he doesn't have a gang of paparazzi follow him 24/7/365
so even if he said something impolite, we likely would not hear about it..

Did Tom Cruise influence Lindsay Lohan into being a sad, drug-addicted starlet
who may end up dead if she keeps it up?

I'll say YES, just to mix things up a little.
Odd that you'd assume Paris turned her on to to coke.
No, maybe that's not odd - most people want to think bad things about her.

The fact is that all Tom is guilty of is jumping on a couch on a talk show,
having strange religious views and getting into an argument with Matt Lauer.

He's lucky he's never been charged with felony bad acting.
With the evidence we have, he could get life without parole.

I mean at least Tom is nice to look at (if I were a woman, or gay-in which case I'm neither)
and he's a million times better actor than Paris (I ask again-did you see House of Wax?).

I have not seen that film, but c'mon - a million times better?
Tom's been acting longer than Paris has been alive.
He should be better.

I'm just looking for consistency here, that's all.

I don't want Tom Cruise destroyed.
If he was going to jail, I would not stand and cheer.

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