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America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now?
We can't fight alone against this monster...
Donny mans his love gun
Today's Treehouse...
Quote of the Day "If there's one thing that actors know - other
The net's best advertising bargain
"40 years ago this country went down the rabbit
hole in Vietnam and thousands died.
I fear we're going down a rabbit hole
once again."
--Errol Morris who won
the Oscar for "The Fog of War"
The Bush administration insisted on Monday
that Haiti's exiled president was not
kidnapped or strong-armed into fleeing,
and said that as many as 2,000 U.S. troops
could help to curb violence in the Caribbean
Aristide's supporters in the United States
said the one-time U.S. ally told them American
forces made him leave Haiti and that he
was being held against his will in the Central African
Republic, a charge that country's foreign
affairs minister rejected.
White House officials said Jean-Bertrand
Aristide left willingly and that the United States
aided his safe departure Sunday.
Yeah, they "aided his departure by putting a gun to his head,
I'd imagine.
Venezuela, Iraq, Haiti and probably more we don't know about.
Play ball with Bush or you'll lose power or become dead.
China scolded the United States on Monday
over everything from the war in Iraq to racial clashes
in Cincinnati, in a report that highlighted
the ideological rift dividing two powers that have increasingly friendly
"As in previous years, the United States is again
playing the part of the world's 'human rights police,' "
the Chinese report began. "And as in previous
years, the U.S. report again leaves out the United States'
age-old malpractices and problems with
human rights."
Because of Florida Rape 2000, we no longer
have the high road with other countries.
We can't even ask other nations to stop murdering innocent people
for no reason.
Subject: Great job
I just signed up for 6 months, and have
just downloaded your last 5 shows. Great Job!
As soon as I can mass the funds another
check will be on the way.
Show 29 looks BIG.
Blame Game
Bush and the MIA WMDs
Not everybody was mistaken on the question
of Iraq's WMDs. Not UN inspectors, including Hans Blix,
who worried about Saddam Hussein's WMD
capabilities but questioned whether discrepancies in Iraq's
accounting meant stockpiles existed. Not
US intelligence analysts who argued that critical pieces of evidence
were not solid. And there were many nongovernment
experts who disputed the Bush Administration's WMD
allegations. It was Bush, Dick Cheney,
Colin Powell and other aides who missed the mark. Bush, in response
to mounting pressure, has created a commission
to study the prewar intelligence, but there is already a record
supporting the serious charge that he and
his colleagues made assertions before the invasion that were not
supported by the intelligence they possessed.
If some Democrat would just let it slip that they were looking
into impeachment, that in itself would be a
monster headline every network would rush onto the air,
further putting Bush on the defensive but no, they'd
never do that, because it "wouldn't be right" to impeach their
felon because they impeached our misdemeanor.
No, if we can't win this election fair and square by Queensbury
we'd rather lose with our dignity and let Bush steal ever damn
dollar left in the Treasury.
From: markjackson@freedom.usa.com
Subject: Monday's issue
Your issue today is the cheesiest I have
ever seen on a website.
Cheesy? ...in what way?
That I lied up front and took two weeks to come clean?
I've already pleaded guilty to that.
You lost some fans today.
I lose "fans" every day.
Some days, I even have a net gain of "fans."
It is disgraceful.
What is disgraceful?
Why can't you say something?
Have you been listening to Rush again?
He's a lot like you - his gums flap ...but he never says anything.
I hate it when a monkey fails to get to the point.
Were you spending too much time with your
radio show?
What does that mean?
You think doing radio causes cancer?
Christ, that's dumb - even for a monkey.
I find it striking that I have an IQ of 64 and I need to find
more stupid than me to translate whatever it is you're trying
to say.
The good news?
I'm in Oklahoma - I can probably find dozens of people more stupid
than me.
Monkey Tip of the Day:
Don't refrigerate your bananas because they'll turn black.
"Nothing wrong with a son trying to follow
in a father's footsteps."
--Dubya, Attribution
I agree - unless the father was a murdering thug who stole his
way into power, then had to
pardon half of Reagan's cabinet to hide his global crime spree
from the eyes of the voters.
Subject: Sean Penn and Chinaco
Just heard on The Early Show that Sean
Penn requested shots of Chinaco at the after parties.
Another reason to love him!
Visit www.deckofbush.com for your deck today!
Port Tack
by James Higdon
Allow me to say at this moment that I do
not believe that because Kerry went to Yale, and was a member of Skull
& Bones, that this
proves he is implicated with George W.
Bush in a conspiracy to enslave Americans. Yes, it is true that Kerry
grew up among the rich
and powerful. But so did Robert F.
Kennedy. So did Franklin D. Roosevelt. Both could see beyond
their circumstances, just as
Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King could
see beyond theirs. For a taste of Kerry's character read David Corn's
article HERE.
Corn is not a fan of Kerry, but he gives
him a fair review. For a taste of what kind of lies will be perpetrated
against Kerry in the
national campaign, read Ion Mihai Pacepa's
February 26, 2004 column at www.nationalreview.com, entitled "Kerry's Soviet
You may feel that Kerry might be too conservative
for you, but the emotionally and intellectually challenged neocons will
attempt to
paint him as a Communist and a terrorist
sympathizer. They will attempt to do to John Kerry exactly what they
did to Max Cleland.
Subject: Screaming liberal
I read your (Bart's
Big Lie) article today and all I have to say
is the only good view
you have is of your colon because of location
of your head.
You think you are alive, but you
need to get a life.
Richard, I'll bet you're the guy who could take me down a peg
or two in a live chat room.
I'll bet you're the guy who could reduce me to tears in just
a short while.
I'll bet you're the guy who can do what hasn't been done yet.
You up for a little rhetorical rumble?
Or are you like every conservative on the entire
Internet - afraid to defend his views in a live chat room?
ha ha
It's fun to taunt the monkeys.
They're all afraid of the truth, every damn one.
Passion tickets bear 'mark of the beast'
The number 666, which many Christians recognize
as the "mark of the beast," is appearing on
movie tickets for Gibson's film at a Georgia
theater, drawing complaints from some moviegoers.
The machine that prints tickets assigned
the number 666 as a prefix on all the tickets for the film,
said Gary Smith, owner of the Movies at
Berry Square in northwest Georgia. The 666 begins a
series of numbers that are listed below
the name of the movie, the date, time and price.
"It's from our computer and it's absolutely a
coincidence," Smith said. "It has nothing to do
with the film company or any vendor. It's
completely in our computer."
Subject: Issue 1262
Hey Bart,
I know a lot of people have written you
and said that certain issues were your best work yet,
but when I look back at them they're just
as good as the rest of your work around that time period.
But after reading Volume 1262 - Will War for Votes, I have to say that that's the best issue ever.
You had everything there. Bush-whoring
celebrities, Clear Channel/Okie bashing (I've lived here for
4 months, and it's as bad as advertised.
It wasn't even this bad in Omaha, one of the reddest of America's
red cities), calling out monkeys and hitting
them with slam-dunk rebuttals, saying Nader's an egomaniac who's
helping the Thugs more than left-wingers,
showing the evidence of Reagan's rape charges (take it as you will),
and dissecting the Martha Stewart hate
This is the most complete issue I've seen
you do yet. Keep up the good work, and take a few breaks
when you need to. If anyone was expected
to work a job that required hours of research 6 days a week,
they'd surely be out of their mind within
a few months. A lot of the people who fret about you not updating
probably haven't tried to run a site of
this magnitude before with no staff.
Nathan in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Dude, thanks for that.
Radio Update
Tommy gets his cable modem installed Thursday or so.
We hope to have Show 30 up this weekend.
Also, even tho Show 29 had a big bomb in it, the first
six segments were funny stuff and mini-beatdowns.
It was 84 percent comedy and politics. It's going to be a long
time before we hit you with another downer.
Subject: Is Malloy out of work forever?
Is it not ironic that back in October, when
Rush Limbaugh went into rehab,
Mike Malloy confidently announced that
Rush's career was over?
I think "tragic" would better explain why
the vulgar junkie gets a pass on drug felonies because
he's a friend of the anti-drug president
who stands for maximum sentences for druggies, while
a law-abiding citizen like Mike Malloy
loses his job even tho he's Number One in his market.
Phil Donahue was Number One on MSGOP when
his show was cancelled because he wasn't
gung-ho about murdering Baghdad. The American
networks couldn't afford to be associated
with some lefty-dove-fag who wasn't into
the Illegal Thug's Dirty Oil Snatch.
Now, less than 6 months later, Rush's star
shines more brightly than ever and Malloy can't
find a job in broadcasting...not even at
a 1,000 watt AM station in Podunk, WY.
ha ha
Do you gamble at all?
Do you play Nine ball or Hold 'em poker?
Your facts are uncoordinated, but I
will admit that Nazi gasbags
make more money on the radio than someone telling the truth.
Maybe he can get a job using a microphone
to talk to customers at a McDonald's or Burger King
drive-through pickup lane. They would
listen about as closely to him as they did on radio.
Bob Booger,
Name calling because he never has a point.
Booger, you've had your chances to take
me on in the chat room - but you're afraid.
Name-calling is all you have - that's how
Rush taught you to debate.
If you ever ball-up, you know how to reach me.
Kerry and War Crimes in Vietnam
as seen on Veterans Against Iraq War www.vaiw.org
The fact is that the testimony on war crimes
presented by Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Detroit,
was read into the Congressional Record,
spurred Congressional hearings into the conduct of the war in Vietnam,
and echoed the conclusions of Brigadier
General Telford Taylor, who prosecuted Nazi war criminals after World
War II, that in Vietnam "we failed ourselves
to learn the lessons we undertook to teach at Nuremberg, and that
failure is today's American tragedy" (Nuremberg
and Vietnam, 1970).
The hearings in Detroit, called the Winter
Soldier Investigation, were designed to counter what many veterans saw
as government officials scapegoating GIs
for the widespread death and destruction of civilians and villages in Vietnam.
"This group's efforts to document such testimony
followed the well-known 1968 massacre of Vietnamese civilians at
My Lai. By the 1971 VVAW hearings,
the trial of Lt. William L. Calley by the Army was planned. The 1968
My Lai incident clearly resulted in more
antiwar sentiment here in the United States, including these efforts of
Vietnam veterans to describe vividly their
personal experiences," University of Richmond history professor
Ernest Bolt stated in a 1999 essay on the
war crimes hearings.
"We let people keep more of their own money."
--Dubya, (R-Lying serial murderer) Attribution
Mr. Serial Murderer, that's not true.
You're not "letting" anybody "keep" anything.
You're borrowing money to bribe billionaires who
your campaign.
You're $2.75
TRILLION over budget and you continue to borrow
more money to give to the super rich who are NOT hiring
You're doing to the economy what you did to Baghdad.
Pro-Tiger heckler ends long drought
Davis Love was rattled by a heckler during
his showdown with Tiger Woods at the Match Play Championship.
Love had a 1-up lead over Woods halfway
through the 36-hole final at La Costa when a man started riding him hard.
Love didn't win another hole after that.
A man wearing a Tiger Woods logo cap was
identified as the heckler and tossed out. But Love, ranked No. 3
in the world,
was already unnerved. "I wasn't going
to play anymore until somebody got kicked out, because he had already cost
me a hole,''
Love said after the round.
Marty's Entertainment Page
Miller on haitus while they try to fix his train wreck of a show
Click Here then scroll down - you can do it!
"Dennis Miller is taking a two-week hiatus from
his new CNBC talk show - which is being remade while he's gone.
"The main thing we're going to do differently
is to have a studio audience," producer Steve Friedman told The Post.
"We're not doing the 'Tonight Show' - we want
it more like a nightclub, and we're looking at an audience of around
100 people a day." Miller has, thus far,
worked without a studio audience - relying only on laughs from his crew...
I didn't think it could get any worse for former comedian Dennis
Since he's no longer funny, they're going to stock the audience
with ditto-monkeys.
That way, when Miller says, "Clinton
got a blow job," ...the monkeys will howl like crazy!
It's almost as bad as the vulgar Pigboy using canned applause
when Johnny Donovan says,
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's the vulgar Pigboy!"
Dennis, I'm so old, I remember when you were funny.
Subject: Tiger Woods
Mr. Cop,
Another example this weekend as to why
Tiger's the best on the planet...
Perhaps some kudos are in order...
I'll admit he won something Sunday - was
it a real tournament?
They called it "match play" or something,
which made me think it wasn't real.
Oh and did you see the writers gushing with schoolgirl praise?
They've been waiting for a year for Tiger
to win something.
"Tiger showed why he's the greatest of all
time!!!!!!" and all that,
after going thru a drought that, admittedly,
was shorter than John Daly's.
Subject: Oscars - is America wising up?
Documentary director Errol Morris ("The Fog That Is War") criticizes DUMBya's war...and NO boos!
Sean Penn wins Best Actor, Tim Robbins wins Best Supporting Actor - the neo-fascists in our land must be tearing their hair out.
An Indian reporter asked Tim afterwards if he's "afraid Bush will try to steal another election with more dirty tricks" and was applauded!
Is the veil finally lifting from America's eyes?
Terry C
Terry, let's hope so - they're four years late.
Cafe Iguana?
A reader mentioned this bar in Singapore
Chinaco Anejo:
Made in the northern state of Tamaulipas
(not Jalisco as are most tequilas), the aromas are intense,
dominated by earthy agave with a strong
presence of pepper, citrus, chamomile, caramel, smoke and
butterscotch. The tequila is oily, yet
dry, an amazing accomplishment. Huge agave and caramel flavors
are balanced by fruit, floral, oak and
butterscotch with a bit of white pepper. The aftertaste is low on
bitterness and moderate on sweetness. The
duration of flavors is long on agave and caramel.
750 ml Bottle 416.99,
BIG SHOT 24.99,
Shot 19.99
I'll have the big shot, please
Subject: Social Security cuts
Greenspan says we need to cut Social Security
so that rich republicans can keep their tax cuts.
I remember 4 years ago when Clinton was
president that Social Security was in good shape
- we had a surplus - and everyone was making
lots of money. I say - getting rid of Bush is the
best solution to fixing Social Security.
Lets go back to taxing the rich rather than throwing
old people out on the street.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Subject: Nader
What's with the negative attitude toward Nader?
You mean besides the fact that he made Bush president and is trying
his best to do it again?
You mean besides that?
First you support Dean instead of Kucinich, now you dis the only other anti corporate candidate!
I like Kucinich but I'm more electable than he is.
We're not going to win this year with happy thoughts and "what
I like the cartoons Bart, but you just have
no mind at all!
John, if you want four more years of Bush - vote Nader.
He knows exactly what he's doing. Do you?
It's the cleaner, more mainstream BartCop Radio
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Did Anna Kournikova break Penthouse?
No answers yet.
Funny, years ago, when I said Pasteur invented pennicillin, I
got over a hundred replies saying
"You idiot, that was Fleming."
But when I ask about sport's sexiest female, nobody knows a thing?
from the Heartland
by Richard L. Fricker
Just because there is a candidate, just
because the cause is just and there have been some victories,
do not think the fight to liberate the
republic from the clutches of evil has been won. The liars and thieves
now in possession of the White House have
as yet untapped millions of dollars to bring into play. These
minions of darkness have unbridled access
to media such as Foxnazi News which makes no pretense at truth.
Dave sent me a CD.
It's good stuff.
Subject: Bush not AWOL
Of course Trudeau wouldn't pay off because
he'd do what all leftists do.
Simply smear, lie and attack anyone and
everyone who came forward.
It's the "bimbo attacks" policies of Bill
Clinton, attack the people he molested.
No, he's offering $10K to anyone who can
prove Bush wasn't a filthy deserter.
How is that smearing somebody?
There have already been several eyewitnesses
who have come forward to say
they were with George Bush in Alabama bases.
All people who care about the
TRUTH need to do is look it up on google.
Gee, thanks for sending the URL that proves
you're right.
I'm sure the Bush family can pay people
to come forward, but where's the proof?
If you took a year off, would your boss
Those who do not care about the truth will continue to smear.
But where are your facts?
You say, "the proof is there" but you're
too busy to say where?
In America, what makes our democracy work
is a modicum of good will between
the sides and a certain degree of integrity.
That's why you guys gave Clinton a pass
on having a girlfriend, right?
Sadly the left has become like their parent
newspaper, Pravda,
one that simply lies at every turn to advance
their agenda.
There wasn't one fact in all this hooey you sent, just name calling
and childish insults.
You'd better find the kiddie pool, partner.
This water is too deep for you.
Click to Enter
If you have something important send it to Sam at sam@bartcop.com
We have a new address for advertisers - ads@bartcop.com
It pays to advertise on bartcop.com
Make your deal today before March 1, when campaign prices take effect.
Click for a great short movie
When I recently mentioned the good things happening in March,
(new World Poker Tour, new The Shield,
new The Sopranos)
I forgot to mention what will probably be the funniest hour of
which is Chris Rock's Black Ambition stand up on
You want to hear an insult? The San
Fransisco Chronicle said,
"Chris Rock is the best stand-up comedian
to hit a stage since Sinbad."
Holy Mother of Koresh - that's not
a compliment.
That's like telling Teresa Heinz she looks
like a million dollars.
Plus, there's another really big thing happening in march, but
my IQ betrays me again.
Maybe I'll think of it before I publish today...
American soldier body count in Iraq
Bush lied, and caused 549
American lives lost - and counting.
Subject: BCR Show 29
Thanks for the member access.
My donation was for your new hardware only,
so your extending member benefits to me
was very kind.
Before I comment on your radio show, I have
to confess that I
had fairly low expectations for it, based
on some of the 'critical reviews'
you published on your page. I anticipated
a truly 'home-grown' product
with not much production value.
However, your radio show is great!!!!!!!
I don't know understand the
criticism about your language. Maybe
you let loose with a few more f-bombs
in earlier shows, but I didn't find anything
offensive. In fact, I have sought out
a variety of liberal talk show hosts on
the internet (Mark Malloy, RIP, Randi
Rhodes, Gene Lyons, Ed Schultz).
Your show compares very favorably to them.
As for people who are easily offended, you
need to steal HBO's slogan
I'll be setting up a recurring payment shortly.
Best of luck to you.
Des, we started out so bad, that people are seeing better work
Shows 28 and 29 were our best yet, and both were written after
the lightning bolt
knocked me off of my ass. By the way, does that mean my
name is now PartCop?
...and does Gene Lyons really have an internet radio show?
Something on your mind?
Call the
Then listen for your call on...
You have two minutes to speak your piece.
"It was only when Poppy Bush fell behind Michael
Dukakis in the summer of '88 that he made
an issue of Willie Horton and the Pledge
of Allegiance. It was only when George W. fell behind
John McCain in the winter of 2000 that
he went to Bob Jones University to align himself with the
old white South. And now the president
has fallen behind John Kerry. Abruptly, it is the season of
doctored photos showing Kerry alongside
Jane Fonda, of Internet and Murdoch-media rumor
campaigns about affairs that never
were. Like father, like son; like Atwater, like Rove; no one
spreads sewage quite like the Bushes."
--Harold Meyerson, who just might read
bartcop.com Attribution
I've said it for years - the Bush bastards play dirty - even for
Clinton showed everyone how to beat them, but did Gore watch
and learn?
Will Kerry have the brains to use the Clinton model to stomp
As we step up the pace of ...
We put $3687 on the credit card for a new Mac G5 and monitor
so Tommy can edit radio shows,
(Hey - I finally bought a Mac! :)
$3678 - total cost of new package.
$2780 - amount raised - with 2 interest-free days
to go.
If you'd care to donate, you could contribute via PayPal
(Oddly, it helps if you send an abby-normal amount, like $51
instead of $50)
If you prefer the mail, our address is bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
Extra thank yous to the subscribers and Mac donators.
Your contributions allow us to continue beating up the Bush monkey
and his Nazi gangsters.
Garry Trudeau
offers $10K to anyone
who saw
Bush show up in the ANG
Subject: Your deal
Though, I get what you're saying--and, frankly,
with a ten or twelve year estimate,
well, hell, you've got a prognosis as good
as anyone and better than a lot, even though they don't know it.
The great line from Fight Club, "On a long
enough time line, everyone's chance of survival becomes zero."
Or something to that effect.
I basically like to remind everyone that
their life expectancy isn't any farther than their next footstep.
It makes me popular at parties.
ha ha
Still, I wanted to say I think that's crappy
news. But, as you know, it's only crappy news if it means anything.
You might get hit by a bus tomorrow.
You might outlive your doctor. Ah, hell, you already know all this.
Keep swinging the Big Hammer, day
by day.
Just wanted to drop a line and let you
know there are a lot--more than dozens that love hearing the ring of that
big hammer every day.
Ricky Zee
Ricky, thanks.
They told me there'd be side effects.
The first one I've noticed is my absolute fearlessness.
What/who is going to scare me now?
I genuinely pity the next fool who pisses me off.
I have a newfound boldness that borders on "Somebody
slap him."
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they'll send bartcop.com $10,000.
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Wesley Clark Betty
Bowers & more John Kerry
Michael Moore Eric Alterman
Kevin Phillips
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2004, bartcop.com
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