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BCR Show # 60
This Bart-produced show has, I think, no cursing at all. 
That wasn't by design, I don't intend to curse or stay clean, 
it just depends on the subject and my mood at recording time. 
Oddly, #60 is split in just two sections, but it's a full show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 60
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 60
70 minutes of Randi, religion, Little Rock, SNL and Cazadores Reposado

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 60
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 60
52 minutes on the Big Dig, a free trip 4 U, Big Dog, Wanda & more

BCR Show # 59
There's Got to Be a Morning After (the 04 election)

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 59
35 minutes of reflections on what might have been, 2004 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 59
21 minutes on the big winners and big losers on Nov 2

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 59
28 minutes of Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes and Bart on the McLaughlin Group

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 59
21 minutes of Sliders (no, not White Castle burgers)

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 59
19 minutes on Catholic Math, Bart's Law #3 and Stupid People

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 59
37 minutes Tommy & Bart digesting the election with a look towards the future

Click  Here  to listen to Part 7 of  Show 59
Click  Here  to download Part 7 of  Show 59
32 minutes of Tally, Clean Air, The Fruitcake Lady and Bill Maher

BCR Show # 58
Last pre-election show

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 58
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 58
30 minutes of this 'n that and the Ben Stein beatdown 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 58
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 58
28 minutes of Tommy and Bart on pre-election jitters

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 58
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 58
28 minutes of IRS-required teqiula and poker reports

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 58
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 58
26 minutes of misc political comedy bits

BCR Show 57

I haven't heard this 'road' show.
Let's hope it's a good one.

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 57
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 57
36 minutes of Bart's expertiary debate comment 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 57
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 57
33 minutes of Smirky McHardon debate beatdown

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 57
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 57
28 minutes of misc political comedy

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 57
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 57
26 minutes of SNL, Jon Stewart and misc political comedy

BCR Show 56

Tommy Mack is in the house! 
So is Tally, so I think you'll like this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 56
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 56
36 minutes of Bart's expertiary debate comment 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 56
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 56
33 minutes praise Smirky McHardon debate beatdown

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 56
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 56
28 minutes of misc political comedy

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 56
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 56
26 minutes of SNL, Jon Stewart and misc political comedy

BCR Show 55

This is the first non-Tommy show in over six months. 
All of it was mixed and edited by Ol' Bart, 
so it wouldn't hurt to do a few shots up front. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 55
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 55
30 minutes of Bart's expert news and comment 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 55
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 55
33 minutes Bart, with lots of praise for John Kerry

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 55
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 55
34 minutes Bart's beatdown of the lying Bush/Allawi press conference

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 55
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 55
30 minutes of Dave, Jay, Wanda, the Fruitcake Lady and more

BCR Show 54
Oh yeah, ...there's quite a bit of language in this show, 
but it's not graphic and it's not manufactured. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 54
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 54
29 minutes of Bart with lopts of advice for John Kerry 

Click  Here  to listento Part 2 of  Show 54
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 54
32 minutes Bart, with more advice for John Kerry

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 54
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 54
27 minutes Bart, with still more advice for John Kerry

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 54
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 54
30 minutes of Tally, Maher, Leno, Dave and Jon

BCR Show 53  is here 
The VP kisses his wife with this mouth? 

Click  Here  to hear Show 53
Click  Here  to download Show 53

39 minutes of NaziCon2004 clips & stuff 
Special thanks to Kyle McMahon and Mal DuRoque

BCR Show 52  is here 
Oh yeah, ...there's quite a bit of language in this show, 
but it's not graphic and it's not manufactured. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 52
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 52
29 minutes of Bart, at least it sounds like Bart 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 52
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 52
32 minutes Bart, I think it's Bart, and a little Tchaikovsky

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 52
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 52
27 minutes Bart, probably and other stuff

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 52
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 52
30 minutes of Tally, Wanda, Jon and Chris

BCR Show 51  is here 
Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 51
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 51
28 minutes of Bart, Maher and Malloy 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 51
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 51
29 minutes Bart, Maher and Malloy

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 51
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 51
27 minutes Bart, Maher and Malloy

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 51
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 51
30 minutes of Tally, Bart, Maher, Clay, Pryor and Malloy

Bonus for Members
Years ago, before we took the vow of poverty, 
we took a trip to Las Vegas and Area 51 to see the UFOs 

You might get a kick out of this story, 
complete with still shots and video of some UFO lights. 

Click  Here

BCR Show 50 - The Golden Anniversary Show
Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 50
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 50
26 minutes of primitive grunts and rants, plus pieces of Rev Al's "hijacking" 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 50
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 50
25 minutes of raving that makes poerfect sense

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 50
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 50
28 minutes of the best nosense you ever heard 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 50
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 50
25 minutes of Tally and some comedy to close the big anniversary show

New movie (very short) 
"What did you do in the war, Daddy?"

Click  Here

(Right click, then "Save link as..." and find a place for it) 

Show 49  is here 
Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 49
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 49
33 minutes of rambling 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 49
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 49
27 minutes of rants & stuff

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 49
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 49
26 minutes of screaming nonsense 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 49
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 49
21 minutes of this n that

Show 48  is here 
Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 48
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 48
33 minutes of rambling 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 48
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 48
27 minutes of rants & stuff

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 48
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 48
26 minutes of screaming nonsense 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 48
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 48
21 minutes of this n that

Show 47  is here 
Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listento Part 1 of  Show 47
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 47
21 minutes of gay marriage, not war and the economy, 
Koppel & Brokaw hate F 9/11 - and the Ashcroft/Chong incident 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 47
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 47
54 minutes of Tally, McLaughlin, Pat Buchanan and BLTs,
Jon vs.the retarded Wolf Blizter and the great Bill Hicks

Show 46  is here 

Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 46
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 46
23 minutes of corn, Reagan tortures nun, dark clouds of doom, 
Cheney - resign, Bali High & San Francisco, the flying Intrepid 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 46
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 46
23 minutes of stem cells, M Moore, Eldrick, AAR Ads, PTSD vets,
Stern, Hillary's mistake, tonsils out, Paul Harvey on horses

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 46
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 46
19 minutes of M Moore's kites, more torture, Reagan the drunken whoredog
screwing so many strange women (and men?) he didn't even know their names,

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 46
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 46
23 minutes of John Edwards, mainstream slapping, more Edwards,
AAR Ad, flog-blasting bastards, bad parenting, 60,000 U.S. casualties in Iraq

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 46
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 46
24 minutes of La Femme Mystique, Bart Simpson vs Poppy Bush,
the evils of trial lawyers, Quayle's abortion, M Moore's taxes,
Jon Stewart on Oprah and Bush singing, "I'm No 41."

Oh yeah, ...there's some language in this show. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 45
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 45
26 minutes screaming at backstabbing TV whores and sluts

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 45
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 45
23 minutes on the diff between them and us, plus Rush sings "I'm a Nazi"

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 45
Click  Here  to downloadPart 3 of  Show 45
23 minutes of Tally, Dave, Jon, Moore and Bart

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 44
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 44

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 44
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 44

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 44
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 44

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 7 of  Show 43
Click  Here  to downloadPart 7 of  Show 43

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 42
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 42

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 42
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 42

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 42
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 42

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 42
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 42

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 42
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 42

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 41
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 41

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 41
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 41

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 41
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 41

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 41
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 41

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 41
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 41

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 40
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 40

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 40
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 40

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 40
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 40

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 40
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 40

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 40
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 40

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 39
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 39

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 39
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 39

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 39
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 39

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 39
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 39

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 39
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 39

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 38
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 38

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 38
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 38

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 38
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 38

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 38
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 38

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 38
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 38

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 38
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 38

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 7 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 7 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 8 of  Show 37
Click  Here  to download Part 8 of  Show 37

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 36

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 36

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 36

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 36

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 36

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 36

Click  Here  to listen to Part 7 of  Show 36
Click  Here  to download Part 7 of  Show 36

Show 35  is here. 

This is the Smirk Beatdown Show 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 35
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 35

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 35
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 35

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 35
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 35

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 35
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 35

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 34
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 34

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 34
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 34

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 34
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 34

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 34
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 34

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 33
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 33

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 33
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 33

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 33
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 33

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 33
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 33

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 33
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 33

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 32
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 32

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 32
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 32

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 32
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 32

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 32
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 32

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 32
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 32

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 31
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 31

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 31
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 31

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 31
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 31

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 31
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 31

The audio is Parts One and Two is imperfect. 
It's plenty listenable, but it sounds more "AM radio" than Parts Three thru Six 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 30
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 30

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 30
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 30

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 30
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 30

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 30
Click  Here  to downloadPart 4 of  Show 30

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 30
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 30

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 30
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 30

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 7 of  Show 29
Click  Here  to download Part 7 of  Show 29

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 28
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 28

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 28
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 28

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 28
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 28

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 28
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 28

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 28
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 28

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 27
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 27

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 27
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 27

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 27
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 27

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 27
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 27

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 26
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 26

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 26
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 26

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 26
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 26

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 26
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 26

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 25
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 25

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 25
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 25

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 25
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 25

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 24
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 24

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 24
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 24

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 24
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 24

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 24
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 24

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 24
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 24

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 23
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 23

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 23
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 23

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 23
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 23

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 23
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 23

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 22
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 22

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 22
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 22

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 22
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 22

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 21
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 21

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 21
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 21

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 21
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 21

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 20
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 20

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 20
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 20

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 20
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 20

There was no Show 19 
I miscounted because I'm a dumbass. 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 18
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 18

The O'Reilly Beatdown 

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 17
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 17

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 16
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 16

Click  Here  to listento Part 1 of  Show 15
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 15

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 15
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 15

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 15
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 15

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 14
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 14

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 14
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 14

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 14
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 14

Note: Pigboy gets caught with his heroin this issue 

Click  Here  to listen to  Show 13
Click  Here  to download Show 13

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 12
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 12

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 12
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 12

Click  Here  to listen to  Show 11
Click  Here  to download Show 11

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered  Show 10
Click  Here  to download  the just discovered Show 10

Was there a Show 10? 

Click  Here  to listen to  Show 9  Pt 1
Click  Here  to download Show 9  Pt 1

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered  Show 9  Pt 2
Click  Here  to download the just discovered Show 9  Pt 2

Click  Here  to listen to Part 1 of  Show 8
Click  Here  to download Part 1 of  Show 8

Click  Here  to listen to Part 2 of  Show 8
Click  Here  to download Part 2 of  Show 8

Click  Here  to listen to Part 3 of  Show 8
Click  Here  to download Part 3 of  Show 8

Click  Here  to listen to Part 4 of  Show 8
Click  Here  to download Part 4 of  Show 8

Click  Here  to listen to Part 5 of  Show 8
Click  Here  to download Part 5 of  Show 8

Click  Here  to listen to Part 6 of  Show 8
Click  Here  to download Part 6 of  Show 8

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered BCR Show 7
Click  Here  to download BCR Show 7

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered BCR Show 6
Click  Here  to download BCR Show 6

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered BCR Show 5
Click  Here  to download the just discovered BCR Show 5

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered BCR Show 4
Click  Here  to download the just discovered BCR Show 4

Click  Here  to listen to the just discovered BCR Show 3
Click  Here  to download the just discovered BCR Show 3

Click  Here  to listen to the Second Half of BCR Show 2
Click  Here  to download  the Second Half of BCR Show 2

I wonder what happened to Part 1?

I don't know which of these three shows came first.
I knew the first shows would super-blow so
I considered them "practice shows" and you'll see why.

Click  Here  to listen to BCR Show B
Click  Here  to download BCR Show B

Click  Here  to listen to Bees
Click  Here  to download Bees

Click  Here  to listen to Some funny, some not
Click  Here  to download Some funny, some not

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