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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 145 is stuck!

 Tuesday   Sept 23, 2008    Vol 2214 - Smug bitchery

Quote of the Day

"Sarah Palin's got a pretty nice pair of legs on her."  
       -- Gerald Hayman, explaing how brainless men vote,      Link

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow The Fleecing of America 
Arrow The Language of Race HOT
Arrow Bartlet's Advice for Obama HOT
Arrow Democrats - Use Your Heads 
Arrow Sarah Quaylin - ha ha
Arrow Why is Obama so Gutless? HOT
Arrow Obama Struggling
Arrow Mariska Hargitay Returns



"Did Gunsmoke win anything?"
     -- McCain, asking about the Emmys

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The Fleecing of America

This is an American mess forged by the American genius for new-fangled financial instruments 
in an era where the mantra has been that government is dumb and the markets are smart and 
risk is non-existent. The responsibility for undoing the debacle is chiefly American, too.

But toxic mortgage-backed securities were pedaled by plenty of foreign banks. And the decision 
to pour $85 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money into the rescue of AIG followed appeals from foreign 
finance ministers to Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, to save a global company.

Barney Frank told me: "Paulson said he was getting calls from finance ministers all around the world 
saying, 'You have to save A.I.G.'  Well, they should have been asked to contribute to the pot."

Frank has a point. (He should coach Barack Obama on how to put economics in plain language.) 
Frank said, "I don't think the European Central Bank should be free to spend the Federal Reserve's
money and not put any in."

Yes, these are all signs that Bush/Cheney really are leaving.
They've finally emptied all the money out of America.

We're getting ready to leave Iraq for the same reason.
Those wells must be sputtering - the oil is all gone now.

And with oil skyrocketing to $200 a barrel right after the election, they can 
just sit back and relax and sell the oil they've been stealing since the invasion.

If only someone had pointed out what they were doing sooner...

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 Subject: How dumb do you have to be at this point?

All of a sudden, people are  noticing that Obama just might be black. 
What's the world coming to?

 Obama's biggest problem seems to be he can't relate to the super-stupid.

 Another problem he has is spending too much time on defense.
 Every day, McCain hurls some senseless charge at Obama and then the press goes wild
 and every question is about the phony allegations and Obama can't get his feet under him.

 If Obama would get going on OFFENSE it might force McCain to react to him.

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The Language of Race


In a replay of elections past, the G.O.P. will try to leverage racial ghosts and fears 
without getting its hands visibly dirty. The Democrats try to parry in customary ways.

Mr. Obama seems to understand that he is always an utterance away from a statement
- or a phrase - that could transform him in a campaign ad from the affable, rational and 
racially ambiguous candidate into the archetypical angry black man who scares off the 
white vote. His caution is evident from the way he sifts and searches the language as 
he speaks, stepping around words that might push him into the danger zone.

These maneuvers are often painful to watch. The troubling part is that they are necessary.

How racist is America?
We find out six weeks from tonight.

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 Subject: advice for Obama

Things Obama Should Say

"I welcome Senator McCain's conversion to the principle of strict regulation of the financial markets, 
 after so many years being in the hind pocket of those who brought us this mess. But honestly, if he 
 wanted to run as a Democrat, he should have challenged me in the primary."

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"We need to come to the defense of Southeast Alaska when proposals 
  are on the table like the bridge and not allow spinmeisters to turn this 
  project or any other into something that's so negative,"
    -- Sarah Palin, 2006, trying hard to build that Bridge to Nowehere,   Link

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President Bartlet's Advice for Obama 
 Ol' Jed sounds a little lot like Bartcop


Call them liars, because that's what they are. Sarah Palin didn't say "thanks but no thanks" to the 
Bridge to Nowhere. She just said "Thanks." You were raised by a single mother on food stamps 
- where does a guy with eight houses who was legacied into Annapolis get off calling you an elitist? 
And by the way, if you do nothing else, take that word back. Elite is a good word, it means well above 
average. I'd ask them what their problem is with excellence. While you're at it, I want the word "patriot" back. 
McCain can say that the transcendent issue of our time is the spread of Islamic fanaticism or he can 
choose a running mate who doesn't know the Bush doctrine from the Monroe Doctrine, but he can't do 
both at the same time and call it patriotic. They have to lie - the truth isn't their friend right now. 
Get angry. Mock them mercilessly; they've earned it.

I think Obama is too nice a guy to fight the way Jed (and me and most of you) want him to fight.
Obama wants to win on Harvard debate points and getting in the trenches just isn't his style.

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Democrats - Use Your Heads
The GOP is setting their traps right now


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"Have you seen those pictures of Sarah Palin?
  Posing with some moose that she killed?  
  Posing with a bloody carcass and you know 
  Michael Vick is asking, 'Why am I in jail? '
  White lady want to kill a moose, that's OK.
  Black man want to kill a dog - that's a crime!"
       -- Chris Rock, new stand-up on HBO Saturday,

 Maybe newer readers don't know this story... (It's in the back issues)

 Years ago I casually mentioned that Chris Rock was The King, and I got an e-mail from 
 Jennifer Pryor that (probably) said, "Well, my husband is pretty funny, don't you think?"

 Jesus, an e-mail from The House of Pryor?

 Click for Jennifer's Animal Charities

I wrote back and stammered a lot (Not easy in an e-mail) and tried to explain that
I meant of the current, touring young bucks, the kids, I thought Chris Rock was the best. 

Now in September of 2008, Chris Rock puts his title on the line again Saturday night. 
After Saturday, will he still wear the crown of  'Funniest Man in America?'

Or would a less-than performance make him vulnerable to and up-and coming comic?

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Subject: Welfare for the rich

America is now a place where the working poor pay welfare to the rich. What a country! 

The working class bailing out the investor class and the investor class pays a far lower tax rate 
(capital gains) than working class people who pay payroll taxes. So when the rich were making 
money  they got to keep it but when they start losing money the working class people have to give 
700 billion in welfare to the stock market. The investors want the government to stay out of it when 
it come to regulation, but when the housing pyramid falls apart it falls on the taxpayer to bail them out.

If we are going to be stuck paying their bill shouldn't we at least repeal the capital gains tax cuts 
and the tax cuts for the rich to pay off this new debt?   700 billion dollars is a lot of debt. 
That's 2800 more bridges to nowhere on top of a 40,000 bridges to nowhere national debt. 

I think that the people who can't remember how many houses they own should pay off this debt 
rather than putting it on those of us who don't own a home.

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA

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Subject: Top Ten Ways hurricane season is like Christmas


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Subject: vulgar Pigboy quotes

Bart, I heard Pigboy say in his hate radio show:

"We've gone beyond assigning blame here."
The lying Pigboy discussing the mess on Wall Street mere moments before blaming Jimmy Carter, 
Bill Clinton, Christopher Dodd, Janet Reno, Jamie Gorelick, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, 
Chuck Schumer and the "entire Democratic party."
I'm happy for Rush that he has been able to "get beyond" blaming anybody for the problem.

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Subject: Re: Krauthammer

Hey Bart,

Please remind your readers that newspaper 'columnist' Charles Krauthammer is nothing more 
than an AIPAC / PNAC mole, responsible for spreading the lies and propaganda that keep 
the clueless masses so ignorant.

Just like Wolf Blitzer, Ted Koppel, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, John Gibson, et al. 
Every one of these turds is on the AIPAC payroll.

If you really wanna get informed, you need to remove television completely from your life.

So, less Krauthammer - more BartHammer!
Keep it up, fella.....
 Rich /

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Subject: Rope-a-dope is a bad analogy


Rope-a-dope is used against a difficult, courageous opponent.  
Against an embarrassingly weak patsy, you pound him out in the first round.

McCain is the most pathetic presidential candidate in history, Bush included.

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We have reached $6,000HOT

We're over the Half-way mark

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Sorry this is taking so long,
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"Throughout his political career, Obama has gotten more than $125,000 in campaign contributions
  from employees and political action committees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, second only to 
  Chris Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee chairman..."
     -- Kevin Hassett, GOP liar and whore,   Link

 I heard this on CNN, and they said it was true BUT,
 did you know Obama has raised $390 million dollars?

$125,000 is 1/8 of one million dollars, so if those employees had given 
 Obama 32 times more money, it would've been 1 percent of his total so
 Obama's not exactly a puppet for the employees of Freddie and Fannie..

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Subject: re: debate rules change

As far as I'm concerned, every debate in this country since the Bush-Gore debates has been a joke. 
Lincoln-Douglas format is good enough for high school kids, why not for the potential VP? 

I think the last real debate was 1976, when that idiot Jerry Ford freed Poland from the 
influence of the Russians. After he said that, Carter looked him in the eye and said,
"Dude, swear to Christ you just said Poland was not under Russian influence.
 Do you stand by that handjob of a characterization?"

And Ford said he did, and he was stuck with his idiotic comment forever..
From that point on, the only purpose of a debate is to see who'll screw up,
so both sides agree to stand there for an hour and repeat the same boilerplate lines
from the same boilerplate speeches they've been giving for months and months.

Anyone who's waiting for the debates (that start Friday) is crazy because they 
never say anything new in a debate. They just regurgitate the same, tired cliches.

Friday, if Obama tells that same story about being related to Cheney I'm shooting my TV,
so if there's no page Monday, that means I couldn't afford the bail - so help me out.

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Subject: Money is debt

Hi Bart,
With the banking firms in the tank and Americans ignorant of the mechanisms involved, 
I thought you may be interested in the scam and how it works.

I know you are a busy man, and this is 47 minutes long, but this needs to be seen by every American.  
Maybe if more knew about the scam we would see through the smoke and mirrors. 

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Sarah Quaylin


Ever since McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, I've gotten confused about all the reasons I'm 
supposed to dislike Obama. The previous reasons were his lack of experience, his empty rhetoric, his flip-flopping, 
and his 'celebrity.' But Palin has made each one of those critiques moot. The 'celebrity' attack on Obama 
has a particularly Dada quality right now as starstruck Republicans bask in the charisma of their adorable veep. 
(Coldest state, hottest governor, read signs at her rallies.) With her hunky husband, touching family life and 
plucky personal story, she is the candidate of the People. And by People, I mean People magazine.

"The main complaint against Palin has been her lack of experience. That's fortunate for her, since 'experience' 
-- especially measured in a linear way -- fails to capture exactly what Palin lacks. Yes, two years as governor
is less than you'd like, as is four years as senator. The real problem, though, is that Palin has no record of 
thinking about national or international policy."

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"The spike in oil prices earlier this year wasn't a 
  temporary market anomaly and the recent retreat 
  in prices is just a misleading calm before a calamitous 
  storm. We're headed toward $500-a-barrel oil."
       -- Matt Simmons,      Link

 I think Matt's been reading

 If Obama wins, oil prices will creep up.
 If McCain wins, it's $200 per barrel by Christmas.
 If we can get Obama to explain this to the people, maybe he 
 could convince them to vote themselves a big energy raise...

 By New Years, a tank of gas will either be $50 or $125.
 It's your choice, America.

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Subject: Bush & Cheney

Bart, why did Bush and Cheney cross the road??
To kill all the people there and steal their OIL.

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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!


"Watching Palin's horrendous first appearance & then that atrocious convention speech,
judging whether she could be president is so retarded that its absurdly legitimizing it just to raise it.
Forget it. How could more not point out the obvious-- she was Nancy Allen in CARRIE, 
the scheming vicious prom queen BITCH heightened to a Wagnerian pitch!!! How could at 
least HALF the "commentators" not mention the obvious supreme smug BITCHERY???!!!"
       -- Jim Steinman,     Link

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Subject: Palin needs to do a real press conference

Is Sarah Palin ready to be president? 
One job of being president or VP is the ability to do a press conference and answer questions. 

It's been almost a month since this unknown governor has been on the Republican ticket 
and she has yet to come out and take questions from reporters. She might not like the 
reporters and some questions might be unfair, but life isn't always fair, especially when 
you are in office. 

So it's time Sarah Palin quit hiding behind John McCain's skirt 
and show us that she's tough enough to answer reporter's questions.

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.

I agree - if she can't answer questions she's not ready.
How dare McCain ask us to vote for an unqualified candidate.

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Subject: You should honor your promise


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Bush and McCain say our fundamentals are strong.

Ken Lay said Enron's fundamentals were VERY strong,
shortly before it collapsed.

See a pattern here?

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Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 17


 Today's Puzzle is Nursery Rhymes

 Thanks to GK!
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Jimbo in Utah

It takes courage to 
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Why is Obama so Gutless?
 by Christopher Hitchens, so scream at him, not me


Last week really ought to have been the end of the McCain campaign. With the (finanancial mess)
it was surely the moment for the supposedly reform candidate to assume a commanding position. 
And the Republican nominee virtually volunteered to assist that outcome by making an idiot of himself...
And yet, none of this has translated into any measurable advantage for the Democrat. 

There are three possible reasons for such a huge failure on Barack Obama's part. The first is that he 
is too nice, too innocent, too honest, and too decent to get down in the arena and trade bloody thrusts 
with the right-wing enemy. (This is rapidly becoming the story line that will achieve mythic status if he 
actually loses in November.) The second is that crisis sometimes make electors trust the establishment.
The third is that Obama does not represent "change" because the Democrats are a status quo party.

I'm going with Reason One, because it's the easiest reason to correct.
IF Obama loses in November, 100% of the pundits will say it's because he didn't fight.
IF that happens, for the third time in a row we will have lost to a bumbling fool because we didn't fight.

The last thing I want to read is the Top Ten Reasons Obama Lost because there's only one reason.

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Saw it on

Subject: WTF is with this Wall Street Bailout?

So once again Congress is eager to rush some numbskull
Bush scheme through without knowing what it it. 

Why not give every American making under $50,000 a new Toyota Prius? 
That would take care of the gas shortage. 

Also what if anything will our European/Asian allies do to help with 
this world wide bailout? Smells fishy! Stinks to high heaven!
 Len, Augusta, GA

You have a good point about the Prius. And if we had the money Bush stole/wasted 
on Iraq, we could give every America health care AND we could give every high school
student a free college education - but Bush knew he could profit more from war.

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Subject: Your site


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Marty's Entertainment Page

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America is in deep shit.

No matter how and why we got here,
no matter who did the robbing and raping and torturing and murdering,
no matter which majority political party wet themselves with fear and let it all happen,
we are where we are and we have to find a way to get our country out of this nightmare.


Do we go with the old, quick-tempered politician who was locked in a cage for 5 years?
Or do we go with the science and logic of  Barack Obama?

I watched Bill Clinton on Letterman last night - almost made me cry.
We went from the smartest president ever to the stupidest president ever - overnight.
We traded blow jobs for genocide - and the whore press says we should like it this way.

Right wing radio says Democrats, Obama and liberals don't like Amerikkka.
Truth is, we liked it until it was stolen and turned into the nightmare it's become.

I'm so old, I remember when Monica was a "serious" problem we had to deal with.
Kids today, say someone born in 1995 - Fascist Amerikka is all they've ever known.

I think we should punish the rat bastards who screwed up Clinton's Utopia. Don't write, 
the Clinton years weren't perfect, but they were perfection compared to what we have today.

Christ, under Bush, it's like those violent and destructive Mexican drug gangs have moved 
into all our neighborhoods and every night they steal our gasoline and throw rocks at our house. 

I wish we had our old neighborhood back.

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Obama struggling to win over Clinton voters


Obama's support from Hillary backers is stuck where it was in June, a poll showed Tuesday, 
a stunning lack of progress that is weakening him with members of his party in the close race. 

The Whore AP poll shows that while Obama has gained ground among Clinton's supporters
- 69 percent view him favorably now - this has yet to translate into more of their support. 

In part, this is because their positive views of McCain have improved. Those supporting McCain 
have also edged up from 21 percent to 28 percent, with the number of undecided staying constant. 

Perhaps if he'd destroyed the Clintons with a weapon besides race...?

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ha ha

Bartcop - Food Critic

I like beef.
I like the taste of beef, I guess that makes me a bad man, but when I saw
the commercials for Subway's new Philly Beef Sandwiches, I had to have one.

             It's billed as "a meat lovers dream."

The pictures made me wonder if I'd be able to finish an entire 6-incher by myself
but I wanted to give it a try so I jumped in the Bartmobile and motored to Subway.

First, I had to ask what comes on it because I didn't want to fall into the Kerry trap.
Yes, if you remember alllll the way back to 2004, it's possible that Kerry lost the 
election because if you don't put Cheeze Wiz on a Philly Beef, it means you're gay.

But the kid behind the counter assured me I could have whatever I wanted on it,
so I went with Swiss because that's what the cheese in the picture looked like.

So when this kid opens up a container of meat, I was like, "Where the hell's the beef?"
Swear to Koresh, they put maybe 2 tablespoons of beef on my sandwich. It has about 
as much beef as a regular McDonald's burger - the kid's "cheeseburglar" size.

The bread-to-beef ratio must've been ten-to-one, so I asked for double meat.
Even with double meat, there was 
hardly any beef at all on this sandwich.
No wonder Subway sandwiches only have 8 grams of fat - there's no meat on them.

When you look at the picture, it seems like it might feed a family of five
but in real life you're getting a bread sandwich and I think that's a damn crime.

Subway should be charged with theft and deception. 

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Caen, Basse-Normandie, France 

They read it in Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands 

They read it in Karlsruhe, Ben-Wattenburg, Germany

They read it in Parsippany, New Jersey 

They read it in Vaasa, Western Finland 

 Hey Bono - they need more 'puters in Africa.
 Chad and Somalia are Bartcop-free! is read worldwide,
 If you have stuff that'll ship, you  should be advertising on

 Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil sells for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but
our whore media is too busy to investigate.

4,157 brave men and women
have been sacrificed on the Altar of Oil.


All because of Bush's oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Subject: Donation

Bart, your fair weather subscribers poissed me off, 
so I'm making up for them by sending you a check.

It's long overdue, but you've already heard all the many reasons why.
Bless you and keep up the good work.

 Click to Subscribe


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PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK  74155

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Next time the DNC asks you for money,
tell them you sent their money to
because, while he's wrong a lot, at least he fights back.

Mariska Hargitay Returns on 'SUV'


 See Mariska Hargitay pictures in BC Hotties


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