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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

BCR 133 is HERE! HOT

Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008    Vol 2107 - Skulduggery Bloodbath

Quote of the Day

"Black America will wake up, and get it." 
    -- Michelle Obama, suggesting that anyone
        who likes Hillary isn't wide awake.   Link

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow The Lessons of 1992 
Arrow Vote Against Racism? HOT
Arrow Teddy Blasts Clintons
Arrow Grotesquely Underhanded HOT
Arrow Kerry Blasts Clintons 
Arrow Hung Up on Sex HOT
Arrow Bush Plays Fundies 
Arrow Non-Essentials 
Arrow Jennifer Love Hewitt 


"I get it: Hillary is a part of the past but Ted Kennedy is not. 
Hillary is symtomatic of everything that is wrong with Washington 
but Teddy is not.   Washington is broken but Teddy is not." 
     -- Michael C,   Link

 If Teddy had endorsed Hillary,
 how many Chappaquiddick jokes would've been on the web this week?

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The Lessons of 1992
  by Paul Krugman


Let's review the sad tale, starting with the politics.

Whatever hopes people might have had that Mr. Clinton would usher in
a new era of national unity were quickly dashed. Within just a few months
the country was wracked by the bitter partisanship Mr. Obama has decried.

This bitter partisanship wasn't the result of anything the Clintons did.
Instead, from Day 1 they faced an all-out assault from conservatives
determined to use any means at hand to discredit a Democratic president.

For those who are reaching for their smelling salts because Democratic
candidates are saying slightly critical things about each other, it's worth
revisiting those years, simply to get a sense of what dirty politics really looks like.

No accusation was considered too outlandish: a group supported by Jerry Falwell
put out a film suggesting that the Clintons had arranged for the murder of an associate,
and The Wall Street Journal's editorial page repeatedly hinted that Bill Clinton might
have been in cahoots with a drug smuggler.

So what good did Mr. Clinton's message of inclusiveness do him?

I agree with Krugman.

Some people think if their candidate says,
"There's no white America,
  there's no Black America,
  there's just the United States of America,"
then the Fascist bastards are going to start playing fair?

If nothing else, Obamaniacs should thank Hillary for toughening Obama up.

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Used by permission

General Truce Offer

Let's fight like cats & dogs - until February 5th.

Then on February 6th, we work together and
help our nominee destroy the Fascist bastards.

As a party, can we make it to Feb 6th?

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Subject: are you eating crow yet?

You'll find crow is best eaten in a single gulp.
I've had to eat my share of crow over the years, so I know.

Seems to me the voters of South Carolina overwhelmingly
repudiated the Rovian politics of Team Clinton in favor to
the politics of a "United" United States of America.

See ya on February 6th, Bart.
 Walt Starr

Wait, you mean it's over?
Those 25 big states don't get to vote Tuesday?

And I'll bet you can't explain one "Rovian" thing they did.
That's one of those words the whore media is using every
10 minutes to discredit the best knife-fighter on our side.

Don't you hate it when the media picks our candidate?

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Mystery Quotes

"Is Hillary down in South Carolina
  because she's down on America?"

Who asked that question?

 It was Neil Cavuto, but it could've been Ted Kennedy.

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Subject: Obama wins SC

First there was "Ratfucking", then there was "Swiftboating".
Soon there will be "Harold Fording".

Obama thinks the Clintons play hardball?
If he wins, he has my vote, of course.

The slime machine will sink him faster than
a pallet of bricks tossed in a lake.

Careful, you'll be accused of racism.

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Obama vote = Vote Against Racism
 Voting for Hillary was a racist act?


If you read between the lines here, Obama's saying that if he hadn't won South Carolina
it wouldn't have been a "shift" in racial politics.  Which means that a vote for him is a vote
against racism, right?  Which means that Obama's playing the racial politics game even as
he pretends like he's not.

If Obama wasn't playing racial politics, he'd be answering questions about his race by
saying that South Carolinians had simply chosen the best candidate, regardless of race.
But he didn't say that.  He said that by choosing him, South Carolinians absolved
themselves or their racial sins of the past.

How ugly is this going to get?
They've made it racist to vote for Hillary?

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Subject: barack pack?

I'm a little disappointed in the "Barack Pack" photo you ran.

I admit that I enjoy such tactics against Repugs, though some of the fake photos
of Condi Rice over the years have bothered me, not because I don't detest her,
but because the joke depends on her being black.  Same thing here.

I'm not sure exactly what's meant by the photo, but the inference is that he's
a token black, like Sammy Davis Jr.  The problem is that the joke or the slur
depends on Obama being black like Sammy Davis was.  As though they're
somehow connected, just because of color.  That's just juvenile, and sad.

I could laugh at something that poked fun at Obama for any number
of legitimate faults, but skin color isn't one of them.

I agree with your idea of a tough fight until next Tuesday,
but this seemed a little disturbing.

Thanks for all your hard work.
 Anna, IL

Is every Obama cartoon a racial slur?
Is every Obama joke a racial slur?

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"He's come from a white family and a black family, and he's married to a black woman, 
and they're COOL people. They are really COOL. They are Jack and Jackie Kennedy
when you see them together. They are COOL And they're great-looking, and they're COOL
and they're young, and they're -  everything seems to be great....He may not win this thing 
because everybody in America is not going to be in a room with him somewhere...
But if you're in a room with Obama, you feel the spirit. Moving." 
    -- Tweety the Screamer, President of the Obama is God ClubLink

 Darn - it's too bad Hillary isn't COOL like Obama.

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Kennedy Blasts Clintons


He said Obama's bid was "a campaign about the country we will become,
if we can rise above the old politics that parses us into separate groups
and puts us at odds with one another."

Darn those race-baiting Clintons!

"From the beginning, he opposed the war in Iraq. And let no one deny that truth,"
he said, a reference to Bill Clinton's statement about Obama's early anti-war stance."
"With Barack Obama, we will turn the page on the old politics of misrepresentation and distortion.

Darn those distortion-using Clintons.
Remember, campaigns are honest and noble - unless a Clinton is involved.

"With Barack Obama we will close the book on the old politics of race against race,

Darn those race-baiting Clintons!

...gender against gender,

Darn those gender-baiting Clintons!

...ethnic group against ethnic group

Darn those ethnic-baiting Clintons!

...and straight against gay," he said.

Darn those gay-baiting Clintons!

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Subject: race talk

E-mail from an African American

Did you happen to catch Bill's statement comparing Obama to Jesse Jackson after 
the South Carolina primary? Anyone who has any clue about the feelings ff African 
Americans will realize that the comment was out of line. It was like saying"

"Don't forget everyone, this guy is black..just in case you had forgotten..
I am here to remind you.. he is black...African American...
oh yeah, ...did I mention that he is black?"

Immediately after the votes were tallied, the very first thing Bill did was bring up
the issue of race. Not the voters, not the issues, it was pure unadulterated race baiting
and I just can't forgive him for that. I really in my heart believed that Bill was different
and to be honest, I was hurt that he, of all people, would jump straight back to the
race issue without even stopping to take a breath.

I've never been African American but that sounds like crazy talk to me.
He only brought up "race" if you're looking to accuse him of "bringing up race."

When did it become racist to mention political history when talking political history?

I saw the exact clip, but not the comments before and after.
If some reporters ran up to Clinton and said, "Ha ha, your wife couldn't
even win Carolina, what do you have to say about that, Mr. Politics?"
and his reply was, "Jesse won Carolina TWICE and he's not president, 
so maybe winning Carolina isn't the great springboard you guys claim it is."

How is that racial?
And who in Carolina doesn't know Jesse Jackson is black?

When Hillary failed to win Iowa, I wrote something like,
"That's OK, Reagan and Bill lost Iowa, too."
Were those racial remarks?
Of course they weren't - that was just political history.
Why is Clinton not allowed to talk politics in a campaign?

What nobody is mentioning is the undeniable slap at Jackson.
"Don't you DARE compare Obama to Jesse," as tho Jesse was 
another Willie Horton.  How ashamed is the Black community of Jesse Jackson?

Dangerous Sidebar:
Without a doubt, Obama is getting votes from semi-bigots who say,
"Obama's one of the good ones - you don't see him running to Louisiana 
to help The Jena Six, you don't see him commenting on the Duke rape case. 
Obama stays out of all that race nonsense, which means he's got my vote."

From the semi-bigot's point of view, is Obama "one of the good ones?"
Does Obama avoid taking positions on black issues to preserve his political viability?

I know, I know, I'm a racist for asking the question.

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Subject: It is easy...

to respond to Bill Clinton and the 1990's if you are Obama......

All Obama has to say is, "Yes, the 1990's were good times. However,
we will do the same thing without the acrimony and the drama."

The acrimony and drama is sure to come back along if Hillary is elected
and no one wants to see nothing get done when the GOP goes crazy.
Obama can be Clinton without the sleaze factor......

You mean the Republicans are going to play fair, and show Obama respect?

You mean like they played fair and showed Gore respect?

You mean like they played fair and showed Kerry respect?

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Grotesquely Underhanded
 But Oh So Familiar


This morning the Clinton campaign is licking its wounds, wondering why the old venom
failed to kill. The network commentariats' consensus last night seemed to be that it would
now pull back from its attack-dog strategy, having suffered a momentous backlash.

But I have my doubts. Like a cornered wolverine, the Clintons are far more inclined,
it seems to me, to strike again from the same old strategic foundation, though in new and
wondrous tactical ways. I'd put my money on a desperate bloodbath of inventive skulduggery.
It's what they do -- because they learned from Republicans all too well.or nearly

Isn't it terrible when people go all negative to assault another candidate?

They also make this accusation:

The robo-wording was sickening:
"Hello. This is the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign. Before you vote,
you should know that John Edwards voted for permanent trade relations with China
... [a] bill that cost thousands of jobs. Like the ones in the textile mills he talks about
so much down here. You should also know that John Edwards made nearly a half a
million dollars working for a Wall Street investment fund, a fund that's been profiting
on foreclosing on the homes of families; including 100 homes right here in Carolina.
Edwards says he's one of us, but up on Wall Street he was just another one of them.
Can you trust John Edwards?"

Of course, they failed to tie that to the Clinton campaign.
Why would they attack Edwards?    He got, what, 18% in Carolina?

Are the Clintons that stupid?

These days, you can accuse the Clintons of anything and the whore networks will
echo-chamber that allegation into a fact.  We used to hate it when they did that.

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"It is painful to see how someone of Bill Clinton's stature so squandered
  his legacy in such a short period of frenzied, ill-advised campaigning.
  It was Bill's loss ...that he stopped believing in a town called Hope."
     -- Mark Karlin, at, writing Bill's obituary,    Link

 My good friend Mark sure is a vigorous Obama supporter, isn't he?
 I hate to see him in so much pain - his sympathy for the Clintons is ...touching.

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"Dr King's dream began to be realised when LBJ passed the 
Civil Rights Act of 1964.  It took a president to get it done." 
    -- Hillary Clinton, condemned by the whore media for listing the facts,  Link

 What's racial about stating the facts?

"Hillary Clinton must not be permitted to the race card. It is one of 
the low points of presidential politics in modern times.
It is genuinely shocking. Honest commentators should make a big 
and continuing deal about it." 
    --Tony Blankley,  fanning those race flames with both hands,  Link

 Why can't everyone see they'll do anything to make Obama our nominee?
 Have you EVER seen a Republican attack Obama?

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Subject: Obama's wife and Wal-Mart


Mrs Obama earned $51,200 for her work with Treehouse's board last year, on top of 
the $271,618 salary she was paid as a vice-president of the University of Chicago Hospitals.
She also received 7,500 Treehouse stock options, worth a further $72,375, as she did the 
previous year, when she banked a $45,000 salary from the company.

The apparent contradiction between Sen Obama's political calculation to join the 
Wal-Mart-bashing lobby, and his wife's profitable role with a company that makes money 
from Wal-Mart, is being closely scrutinised by "opposition" research teams.

But if they point out that Obama's wife make big bucks from Wal-Mart,
that'll be just one more racial slur of which the Clintons are guilty, right?

Is there anything that can stop the Clintons from making this all about race?

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"Obama has done everything he possibly could to keep race out of this election. 
And the Clintons attracted national scorn when they tried to bring it back in by 
attempting to minimize the role MLK played in the civil rights movement."
    -- Dick Morris, who loves Obama?       Link

"Exit polls of Obama's victory in South Carolina reflected disgust among 
both white and black voters with the Clintons playing the race card." 
   -- Bob Novak, who loves Obama?    Link

Black America needs Dick Morris, Bob Novak, FOX News and Rush Limbaugh 
to explain to them that the Clintons are "using race to divide America?" 

Am I the last sane fella on the Internet?

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Subject: Clinton's "racism"

The wretched charges of racism MUST stay with the Clintons, whether true or not, 
because the offense of racism is determined not by intent or volition of the alleged offender 
but purely by judgment of the alleged victim (or of a seemingly random bystander). 

And then, just as with charges of anti-semitism, no amount of explaining, providing context
for the words and/or apologizing for the miscommunication will suffice to remove this tawdry 
and quite indelible stain. The only way such a potent charge can be removed (sometimes) is if 
you can identify yourself as a member of the allegedly victimized group.

But the Clintons are not African-American, though in the past they may have seemed particularly e
mpathetic to that group of Americans. So it goes in our country today, that well into a lifetime of 
treating all members of our human race on a seemingly equal basis, all it takes is one such claim of
'offense' to push this couple, our former President and his U.S. Senator wife off that lofty pedestal!

(Remember Howard Dean's scream? )

The means justify the end...

I'm surprise at how quickly Black America has turned on them.

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Kerry Blasts Clintons


John Kerry took aim at Bill Clinton Friday, telling the National Journal
the former president does "not have a license to abuse the truth."

Kerry, who endorsed Barack Obama's White House bid, said Clinton's
criticisms of Obama have been "over the top," and suggested Bill is getting "frantic."

Targeting Clinton's recent spate of attacks on Obama, Kerry said, "I think you had
an abuse of the truth, is what happened. I mean, being an ex-president does not
give you license to abuse the truth, and I think that over the last days it's been over the top.

"I think it's very unfortunate, but I think the voters can see through that," Kerry added.
"When somebody's coming on strong and they are growing, people get a little frantic,
and I think people have seen this sort of franticness in the air, if you will."

"Franticness in the air, if you will?"
That's John Kerry, all right.

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Subject: walmart vs

Clinton was busy sending millions of manufacturing .  jobs to china
while obama was waltzing with a slumlord.......
do the math you fool,

Do the math?
I didn't even see any numbers.

But I do have a question:
What year did Wal-Mart become a company to be taken down?

Sure, the brainless answer will be "always,"
but how about a serious guess at a year?

As far as I know, Arkansas doesn't have many unions.
Was Wal Mart expected to ship union bosses into the state
so they could organize the workers to demand more money?

Did Wal Mart start their cutthroat tactics while she was still on the board?
And why is Michelle Obama making BIG BUCKS with Wal-Mart today?

I realize it's dangerous to ask a question...

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Subject: bartslop

 Hot Liberal E-Mail

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I'm Hung Up on Sex
  by Mary Mitchell


"I happened to catch a piece of the round-the-clock primary campaign
coverage, and who did I see in the front row at the recent CNN debate?

Rep. John Lewis shaking his head in agreement when Hillary gave Obama
a real tongue-lashing. Surreal...

How did an iconic figure from the civil rights era, a man who was beaten
upside his head by out-of-control police officers in Selma, Ala., end up
carrying a white woman's water in a race against a black man who
epitomizes everything civil rights activists worked to gain?

Wow! is that what this is about?
John Lewis is a traitor now?
Given that the Clintons presided over a scandal-plagued White House, seeing
Lewis co-signing her in-your-face attack on Obama's character was mind-boggling.
Really, if Obama had done in the Illinois General Assembly what Bill Clinton did
in the Oval Office, white folks would have chased him out of office and barred the door."

So it's OK to attack the Clintons for being "sleaze,"
but if you ask questions about Obama's land dealings, you're a racist?

Somebody needs to step in and calm this riot down.

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Subject: it's Clinton's fault

 Angry Lib Mail Maybe


          "I'll leave the Back Door open for you."

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Random thought...

Do you think any Obama-ite (what's the official name?) would admit
that he or she is making their Hillary-vs-Obama decision based on emotion?

People talk about the feelings they have when they see him.
They talk about this wave of inspiration that hits them when they hear him speak.

Can anybody tell me what his economic plan is?

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Subject: No truce!

Why should there be a truce on February 5th?

Some of us who are voting on March 4th want a say as well.
Don't get ahead of yourself. It is mathmatically impossible for a
candidate to have enough delegates to win by February 5th.
Just sayin'.

Pad, it's early and already the Clintons are guilty of being racist dogs.
Who knows what they'll be guilty of this time tomorrow, or next week, or next month?

By the end of the week, they might be suspects in the Limberg baby kidnapping.

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Electric cars

Bart, I agree with your promotion of electric cars to eliminate our dependence on oil.
However, you are completely wrong about the need for battery exchange stations.
It doesn't work that way.  You can get a lot of information about the new generation
of electric cars and batteries from Tesla Motors.

As their site explains in the specification section, the batteries will last 100,000 miles
and only take about 3.5 hours to charge, usually at night when demand is lowest.
If you need a new battery you just go to the dealer and get one exchanged every few years.

Also, I know I sent you the link to the full length movie Who Killed the Electric Car?
You should buy a copy - it is very entertaining and is narrated by Martin Sheen.

This movies shows that electric cars are not some far away future goal but were
in fact almost perfected 10 years ago and were very popular in California as late
as 2003 before the Bush administration had a hand in killing them.
Do you remember the General Motors EV1?

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What do the states want for Christmas?

Iowa - A pony

NH - Four years Demo control of the White House and congress

NV - Four years Demo control of the White House and congress

SC - A pony

Florida is next, Super Tuesday after that
Do Democrats want control of the White House and Congress
or do they want that pony?

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Subject: SC election racially charged?


CNN runs a loop on "the Clinton's racism problems."
If the whore media says the Clintons are racists, who can argue with them?

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Subject: I support the Democrat

Bart, you asked:

> Is there a Demo site that says it will support the nominee?

I don't know if a radio network qualifies as a "web site,"
but let it be known that I have, repeatedly, stated on The H.O.R.N.
that I will, in fact, vote for the Democratic nominee come November.

Speaking for The H.O.R.N., any Democratic nominee
deserves our votes and support come November.
 Bob Kinkaid, hear his radio show at

Bob, that takes guts - thanks.

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Non Essentials

Tiger wins by Eight

     "I found my ball..."


Woods built an 11-shot lead Sunday until his game and the fickle
weather turned cold on the back nine. A birdie on the last hole
gave him a 1-under 71 and an eight-shot victory.

Eight shots?
Damn that's his most impressive victory yet.
Usually he wins by one or two...

Page: Zep tour in late '08?


Jimmy Page said Monday he was ready to take his band on a world tour
-- after Robert Plant finishes his lil' country tour with Alison Krouse.

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Subject: Dems can't get out of each other's way...


So have a nice life bashing Obama,

There you go again - show me one quote where I bashed Obama.

You can't, because it didn't happen.
 Are Obamaniacs fact-based or faith-based?

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Obama Blasts Bush after SotU Speech
 But he did it by e-mail - why?

 Listen - 1 minute excerpt:

Obama sounds pretty good when he's attacking Bush.
Why didn't the Democrats let him speak afterwards?

That Kansas governor was bor-ring.

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Subject: Obama - off limits?


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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Louth, Ireland

They read it in Westbury, New York

They read it in Suri, West Bengal, India

They read it in Sartell, Minnesota

They read it in Malatya, Turkey

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Subject: Obama

We have an Amendment which forbids a third-term President.
In your zeal to push Hillary, you have turned yourself inside out.
When this is over, you'll have time to figure out where you dropped your scruples.
 John F

John, why not just admit you like Obama?

If you think he has a better chance to win, good for you.
I think the experienced candidate has a better chance, you don't.

So what makes me the bad guy?

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Subject: my two cents

Just let me say that whoever wins the nomination, I'll be voting Democrat.
That said, I don't think we have a chance in November.

 I have the misfortune of dealing with a number of  people who get all their news
from whoever watches FOX and listens to Rosh and BillO. They don't even
watch it themselves. They just listen to what their buddies tell them and nod thier heads.

The only candidate who has any chance against any Republican is John Edwards
for one simple reason....he's a white male. No matter how many times these idiots a
re told that Obama is not a Muslim, they insist he is. He's a Muslim secret agent who
is going to appoint all Muslims to his cabinet and this time next year, we'll all be bowing
towards Mecca twice a day. Even if he's not a Muslim, he's black.

As for Hillary, well, she's still Hillary. She has that whiny voice and those fat legs and
Bill is her husband who she's not home cooking for. The only Democrat they'd even
consider voting for has to be a white male. It's that easy.

Now that the press has turned the Democratic primaries into a race riot, even the
blacks are mad at the Clinton's so if Hillary gets the nod, the blacks will stay home.

Edwards is the only guy who can win in November and any Republican will beat
Obama or Clinton. Unfortunately, Edwards is just about out of the race at this point.

I think we're in for another ugly four years, probably eight. Enjoy yourself.
Your fighting a losing battle, my friend. I live in Blue Jersey and even I know
it's a losing cause. I don't even think Hil-Bama can win Jersey.
 Rude Rich

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but that's about to change

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B profit in 90 days
 $100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 3,931....3,940

We lost another   9 soldiers since the weekend.

We have 3,940 dead soldiers.

We'd like to bring the soldiers home,
but Bush is busy making speeches.


Exxon makes $108M - every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and
killed Saddam

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $100M a day,
$200M a day,
$300M a day - where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Bush Plays Evengelicals


Wead said Bush resisted religious overtures as firmly as sexual ones. "He has absolutely 
zero interest in anything theological - nothing," Wead said. "We spent hours talking about sex 
...who on the campaign was doing what to whom - but nothing about God. And I tried many, many times."

Wead also recalls the son's expressions of his own political interest. The campaign had prepared 
state-by-state analysis of the electorate. "When he got the one on Texas, his eyes just bugged out," 
Wead remembered. He recalled that Bush said: "This is just great! I can become governor of Texas 
just with the evangelical vote."

The experience left Wead troubled about the sincerity of Bush's beliefs. 
"I'm almost certain that a lot of it was calculated," he says. 

Hey Wead, thanks for bringing this up in the EIGHT YEARS of this monster's presidency.

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Subject: truce offer

I don't think so Bartcop.  Because if Hillary wins the nomination,
a shitload of us are moving to Canada, New Zealand, wherever
because Hillary will never be elected and that means 4 years of Romney or McCain

 Mike the Lawyer

It's true, the fresh-faced newcomer could win his first big fight.

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