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Volume 496 - The GOP Loses One

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 Fathers Day  is almost here.  Would your Dad like a  coffee mug or  t-shirt?  Click  Here 
 I'm having server problems.  We're moving things, so be patient.
 Copy and paste this somewhere
 It's the URL to the Forum, in case we lose touch. 

 A Topic we Covered Yesterday

 McVeigh's Final Hours Not Television's Finest
   by Caryn James

 Click  Here

 Reporters asked questions that were almost universally wrongheaded and coy.
 The most inane may have come from Wolf Blitzer on CNN the day before the execution.
 "What do you think is going through his mind right now?" he asked McVeigh lawyer,
 Chris Tritico, who common-sensically said he didn't know.

 Wolf Blitzer is so stupid, he's Cokie Roberts without a vagina, wait, that's not right, either.

 I heard some of   The Hag in the car today.
 She was beating up some guy who was 40 and wanted to meet a woman who was childless,
 and he was asking Ms. Mengele if that was too self-centered.

 Laura pointed out that not many women his age would be childless
 unless they were "radical feminists," as we all know all women are.
 So the clueless penis asked Laura how young of a woman he was allowed to date.

"Eight years is the maximun age difference allowed for couples,"
  she proclaimed with all the sincerity of the Ton Ton Macute.

 That made me think: How old is that goat Lew Bishop who she stole away from his wife and kids?
 She's 54, and he's what, his mid-sixties, at least?

 Using the hag's own formula, he might be just 62, because why else would she
 grab "eight years" out of the thin air for the hard-and-fast can't-be-broken rule?

 Remember the last time she pulled this crap?

 When she posed for this picture, she was 29 years old.

 She excused herself by saying, "You don't really become an adult until you're 30."
 (Or 40, in the case of President Weak & Stupid and 45 in the case of Henry Hyde)
 You see, it doesn't count until you're 30 (or 40, or 45) but Clinton is the anti-Christ
 for trying pot when he was in college.

 Isn't it amazing that her rules (that all Christians and Jews must follow)
 just happen to coincide with her own personal indescretions?

 You can spread your legs and straddle a camera lens if you're under 30,
 and you can marry a rich, old goat if his name is Lew and only eight years your senior.

 If anybody can determine exactly how old Dominatrix Laura's slave is, send me some proof
 Koresh help her if he's more than eight years older.
 Unlike the vulgar Pigboy, her shows are archived online.

 BTW, while digging for Lew's age, I found a lot of stuff about Laura the Unlaid.
 This issue is full of hag-isms.

Supreme Court Continues To Chip Away At Wall of Separation
 Whore Court Screws Up Again

Full Sad Story

The Whore Court ruled for a Christian youth group Monday in a church-state battle
over whether religious groups must be allowed to meet in public schools after class hours.


Who's going to pay to clean up after these "youth groups" meet?

What about the sane kids who want to go home right away,
but the bus can't leave because the cloudminder kids are speaking in tongues?

What if the KKK (they consider themselves a religious group) wants meetings, too?

What if the atheists want a place to meet?

What if the telescope club wants to meet at midnight to gaze at a comet?

What constitutes a religion?
Is BartCop-ism a religion?

What if the Indians want to eat Peyote buttons? They have that right?

What if David Koresh wants to rape the wife and daughter of a fool?

What if the Catholics want to drink wine and burn candles?

What if the cave people of Oklahoma want to handle snakes?

What if the Afghanis want to perform a circumcision on a 13-year old girl?

There's a word, let me see if it's in my dictionary.... yes, there it is.
There's a place set aside for religious insanity - it's called a CHURCH!!

This whore court is the most dangerous court of my lifetime, ...and I'm old.


Subject: Deep Throat suspects


The usual suspects for "Deep Throat" are (but not limited to!):

Charles W. Bates (FBI)
William E. Colby (CIA)
W. Mark Felt (FBI)
Leonard Garment (Nixon Admin)
L. Patrick Gray (FBI)
Alexander Haig  (Nixon Admin)
Henry Kissinger (Nixon Admin)
Robert Kunkel(FBI)
Cord Meyer (CIA)

Most have been debunked or outright cleared (like Haig who demanded that WoodStein clear him).
But now we can add John Sears (Nixon Campaign & Admin) to that list.  In his book,
"In Search of Deep Throat", Leonard Garment makes a strong case that Deep Throat is in fact Sears.

Here's a review:

The first chapter:



Subject: Timothy McVeigh Loved Rush Limbaugh

In his book, written in prison, McVeigh talks about his hero, Rush Limbaugh.
I guess McVeigh was a graduate of EIB.

Oh well, birds of a feather......

Well, sure he was.
Reagan, Rush and McVeigh believe government is the problem.
All three built their careers on that assumption.

Yesterday on his hate show, a caller asked Rush why he was always railing against "the federal government,"
 when that horrible entity is just you and me and whoever is working in Washington.

I wish the caller would've mentioned that right now, thru crookery and chicanery,
President Weak & Stupid IS the federal government, so if it's evil, Rush is saying Bush is evil.

 Jenna's new boyfriend, John


Subject: Who is Deep Throat?

The most interesting name I have ever heard thrown out as Deep Throat is Diane Sawyer.

keep up the good work

Jim R

ha ha

 The REAL Scandal of 1998
 The Burying of Nansook Hong's Exposé of the Moon Empire
 By Tamara Baker  at

 Click  Here  for the superior, AMPOL version

 Click  Here  for the forever version

 A Dr. Bitch Depreciation page

                                                    Click on the hag.

 From: Eric Beck via snail mail

 Subject: Donation

 BartCop, enclosed is a donation, even though I think you were full of shit
 with all the chest-thumping during the China spy plane incident.


 Eric, you thought I was full of shit on just one topic?
 These days, that qualifies as a love letter.

 Thanks, that was very generous.



"I'm used to explaining positions that some people don't agree with."
    -- President Weak & Stupid to the Spainers*

From: Joe

Subject: Help for Julie Hiatt Steele


Do you have a PO box for Julie Hiatt Steele?
I wanted to know if I could send her some $$ to help her.


Joe, sure,

Julie Hiatt Steele
10701 Arsenal Drive
Midlothian, VA 23113

You're doing a good thing.
She and Susan McDougal were the saints in that mess.

 Know what this is?

 It's a necklace Doc Harpie made with her 312-year old husband's teeth.
 Click on Lew's teeth for the full story.

 I wanted to get that Las Vegas/Area 51 story up last night, then I ran into server problems.

 Maybe I can get it to work tonight while she's watching Dark Angel.

 By the way, I have to way to reach people, so if you know someone who reads
 tell them my temporary address is


 "How stupid can you be and still be able to chew your food?"
   Don't be so gutless!"
    -- Laura the Unloved, "helping" a distraught caller.

        Bushzilla Tears Through Europe

Full Shameful Story  from

"It was a lot of 'blah, blah blah,'" said Nancy Kete, (making wanking motions with her hand)
  director of the World Resources Institute's climate, energy and pollution program.
"It was disappointing but not surprising. He said repeatedly that he takes global warming seriously.
  But the proposals he put out are really timid. In six short months this president has set us back 10 long years."

 Michael Skupin, the Survivor II bonehead who didn't have the brains to fall AWAY from the fire
 was attacked with pepperspray today by an animal rights activist for killing a pig on the show.

 He thinks he's who the GOP needs in the Senate, so that helped cheer me up.


 Read the  Previous Issue

 It had everything.

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   Thanks for the fumble, Dude.

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