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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

 Calming the Democrats


BCR 140 is near!HOT

Weekend-Monday   May 3-5, 2008 Vol 2147 - Cinco de Mayo

by Wizard of Whimsy

Quote of the Day

"If Obama is the nominee, 
  I'll work my heart out for him."
    -- Hillary,     Link


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Wright is killing Obama 
Arrow Those Who Know McCain 
Arrow American Voters HOT
Arrow The New Willie Horton
Arrow Salon: Media Hates Her 
Arrow Superdels & Obama HOT
Arrow CNN: Bush is the WPE 
Arrow Clemens - no apology 
Arrow Leslie Bibb makes $100M 



"It has now been more than ten days since the New York Times exposed the Pentagon's
domestic propaganda program involving retired generals and, still, not a single major news
network has even mentioned the story to their viewers, let alone responded to the numerous
questions surrounding their own behavior. This steadfast blackout occurs despite the fact
that the Pentagon propaganda program almost certainly violates numerous federal laws;
both Democratic presidential candidates sternly denounced the Pentagon's conduct; and
Congressional inquiries are already underway, all of which forced the Pentagon to announce
that it suspended its program. Still, there has not been a peep from the major news networks
at the center of the storm, the integrity of whose reporting on the Iraq war is directly
implicated by this story."
   -- Glenn Greenwald,    Link

 Gee, we're so shocked that the whore networks covered up for Bush - and continue to.
 Do you get the feeling the Internet is years ahead of Bush's whore media?

 Anyone who gets their news from the networks is getting news approved by Karl Rove.

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Poll: Wright is killing Obama

Obama's national standing has been significantly damaged by Rev Wright, a new poll finds, 
raising questions for some voters about Obama's values, credibility and electability.

The erosion of support among Democrats and independents raises the stakes in tomorrow's
Indiana and North Carolina primaries, which represent a chance for Obama to reassert his claim 
to a Democratic nomination that seemed nearly in his grasp. A defeat in Indiana and a close finish 
in North Carolina, where he's favored, could fuel unease about his ability to win in November. 
Such results could propel Hillary's campaign all the way to the Democratic convention in August.

In the survey, Clinton leads Obama by 7 percentage points. 
Two weeks ago, Obama led by 10 points.

A 17-point swing in just two weeks - that's huge.
In hindsight, Obama should've cut ties before he announced.

I know people will blame me for this, but that's irrational.
Other people will blame Bill and Hillary, but that's also irrational.

You know who you might blame?
Money-hungry Arianna Huffington.

Did you see this from last issue?


...what is Arianna doing - getting 177, 923 views on Rev Wright's wild rantings 
while Obama is complaining that cable and internet are running that spew of lies on a loop?

Is Arianna unfairly trying to tie Obama to Rev Wright?

Why would you Obama backers take that from her?

Do you see Ol' Bart running Rev Wright's nutty speech on an endless loop?
No, because we don't stoop to that level - we play fair as often as we can.
Making money off hate speech isn't what I'm about, but I'm not everyone.

It just goes to figure...
I try to say something nice about Arianna - and then I have to take it back.

Hey, Arianna - how much money is enough?

Why don't you do us all a favor 
and take that anti-Obama link down?


That video link is no longer making monkey for money-hungry Arianna.
She's no longer stabbing her candidate in the back for cash.
I told you she was in this for the money.

Maybe we did our Brother a solid.

Shame on Arianna, unfairly tying Obama to Wright for pure greed.
Arianna - you ever been in the oil business?

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Russert: In 2004, 'independent groups' attacked John Kerry's patriotism his and war record.
               Kerry refused to fight back, the impressions stuck to him, and he lost the election. 
               Four years later, you have the lapel pin controversy, the crazy preacher, your wife said 
               she was proud of America for the first time, your hand wasn't over your heart when you 
               pledged your ellegiance to the flag in Carolina - what do you say to those uncommitted
               super-delegates who wonder if you're tough enough? How do you plan to counter the
               inevitable attacks on your patriotism."

Obama:  I won't allow it.

I didn't not like Obama's answer.

That doesn't mean I'm a racist or that I hate Obama, but that was 
a really bad answer, considering the ugly, bloody war he's about to face.

Can we afford three nice guys in a row?

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Subject: Rev Wright

Dear Bart,

I think Wright mocking JFK's accent that did it. 
The minute I heard Rev. Wright do that, I said, "Oooooh, the Kennedys aren't going to like that."

I didn't like it either.  It's too soon to make fun of JFK.
 LaJuan in Texas

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Those Who Know McCain Best

Wife Cindy on John:

* Her 71-year-old husband is "not the best of drivers," so she takes the wheel most times.

Why am I not surprised that McCain can't drive?  On the one hand, he used to fly jets.  On the other hand, 
he wrecked 5 of them, which has to be some kind of record.  Seriously, how many guys wreck even 1 jet 
and walk away?  McCain wrecked 5 of them.  But let's face it.  Even if he never wrecked a jet, he shouldn't 
drive if he is too old to be safe any more.  And judging from the wacky stuff coming out of his mouth this week, 
he is leaving the right turn signal on a bit too long, if you know what I mean.

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Scandals and more scandals


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Subject: Charade?

Well bartcop, after reading your site this past week
it is evident the Obama people have bought you.

How much did I go for?
If it's got any number and six zeroes, the answer is yes.

I never thought I would see the day.

The day what?
The day I told the truth and played fair like every day?
When did I lie? 
When was I anything less than fair to both sides?

Besides, you haven't even stated an objection.
You say "How dare you?" without saying what I dare.

What a disappointment you are.

 ha ha
I've never been told that before.
BTW, how's that blog of yours coming?

I guess money, not integrity, is everything to some people.

If I was in this for the money, I'd be for McCain.
He doesn't have any smart people on his team.

I'll take any number followed by seven zeroes.

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"My energy policy which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East.
  That will then prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into 
  conflict again in the Middle East."  
    -- McCain, saying Bush's Bloody Quagmire is all about stealing Iraq's oil,    Link

 So where is it?
 Where's the oil Bush is stealing?
 Stealing that much oil should make the price come down.

 I heard Obama on Meet the Whore criticize Bill Clinton for not having a comprehensive energy strategy.
 But when Clinton was president, we were drowning in super-cheap oil.
 We didn't need a comprehensive energy strategy any more than we needed a comprehensive oxygen strategy

 When Clinton took the oath in January 1993, oil was at $15.25 a barrel.   Link

 ...but after thosegreedy oil crooks stole power, prices went to $120 a barrel.
 The sons of bitches added $100 to a barrel of oil and pocketed the profits.

...and the Republicans and their good-puppy press blame the Democrats.

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Who Does Better Against
McCain State by State?

Thanks to John Paul

Subject: From Ann in Philly - Re: Kudos and Brickbats


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The Next Willie Horton


Some events in a presidential campaign turn out to be so pivotal that they influence the outcome. 
Examples include: The televised debates between JFK and Nixon in 1960.   McGovern's decision 
to drop Tom Eagleton from the ticket in 1972.   Ford freeing the Poles from Soviet domination in 1976  
Carter's Iranian hostage crisis in 1980. The Swift Boat Bastards in 2004 And don't forget Willie Horton.

Comes now the latest development:  Rev. Jeremiah Wright. 
The Chicago pastor's incendiary remarks about America have 
earned him a permanent place in presidential campaign folklore.

If Obama loses the nomination, 
Rev Wright is going to be less popular than Steven Bartman.

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Why donate to

Subject: You pretend to debate HOT


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Salon Editor: Media Hates Hillary 
There's a shocker - do you have a link for that?


Here's something you don't see every day: a liberal, female editor of a leading liberal online
magazine stating with cameras rolling that most press members "Hate, hate Hillary Clinton."

That's what occurred Sunday when Salon's editor-in-chief Joan Walsh spoke some truths
about the media's love affair Obama, as well as their disdain for Hillary. Walsh's comments:

I was struck when I got to Iowa and New Hampshire in January by how our media colleagues
were just swooning over Obama. That is not too strong a word. They were swooning. I was at 
a speech and the biggest names in our business were there, and it was like a Springsteen concert 
where the fans sing along.  He was inspiring, I understood it, they're humans, they responded. 
The downside? They hate, hate Hillary Clinton, most of them. Hate is not too strong a word.

Damn, I'm surprised to read that - on Salon, of all places.
Take away Joe Conason - isn't exactly Honesty Central.

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Subject: Guam, FL and MI


Trust the Democrats to screw up their nominating process.  

Caucus goers and Super Delegates can pick our candidate while 
Guam means more delegates than Michigan and Florida.

Sometimes I think they don't want to win.
 Dennis in DC

It's almost like we Democrats have a suicide fetish.

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A reader has a Kenya Diary you might like

What are you looking at?
Kenya  outrun me?


"What does a McCain victory mean for conservatives? Probably a veto on tax hikes and 
perhaps a fifth justice like Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito or John Roberts,
to turn two pair into a full house. Fifty years after Warren, it could be game, set, match for 
the right. But McCain may also mean more Middle East wars, more bellicosity, more 
manufacturing jobs lost, malingering in the culture wars, and more illegal aliens and amnesty."
    -- Pat Buchanan,    Link

 I get confused when a Republican tells the truth.

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Subject: Rev Wright is a stand-up guyHOT


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Superdelegates line up behind Obama


The Democratic establishment is steadily moving toward ensuring Obama's nomination even as more of 
the party's voters view him as a damaged candidate.  Obama is fewer than 300 delegates from the nomination, 
and inches closer with each day and each superdelegate endorsement, but he is losing ground in national polls 
in the wake of negative campaigning, big-state losses and several dust-ups involving his former pastor.

Poll after poll shows that the Democratic front-runner's image has been sullied and that many Democrats 
who back Hillary say they won't back Obama if he is the party choice.

I say that's bullshit.
Failing to vote Democrat this year will guarantee that we'll get nine of these.

But party leaders such as former DNC Chairman Joe Andrew (Who?) are flocking to Obama's side, 
urging others to do the same and close the delegate gap so Democrats can unify in time for the fall."bama 

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Subject: All the hullaballou

Hi BC,

After Bill Moyers' interview with Rev Wright, I yelled and clapped for him. 

He had all his historical facts together & I was happy to hear the truth spoken for once.  
As an older white female I''m impressed with Rev. Wright and wish him a great future
- that's if the nuts in "Amurrica"  will stop harassing him.  

Keep on hammering & BTW I ordered some tees from one of your advertisers. 
Whoopee-they'll be fun to wear.   
  Elizabeth - been a fan for many years.

Elizabeth, great to hear from you.

Rev Wright broke Bart's Law #1:  
"Don't EVER tell the truth in a political campaign.  People WANT to be lied to."  

Thanks for supporting our sponsors, too.

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"I don't know too many women who do not know how to operate a coffee machine."
    -- the vulgar Pigboy, bragging that he personally knows women that smart,    Link

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American Voters

Over the weekend, I heard super-uber-rich Warren Buffet say that his secretary 
pays a higher rate of taxes on her salary than Buffet does on capital gains.

If the Democrats had any brains (should I bother to finish this sentence?)
they'd mention facts like that at election time - but they never do.

Is anyone more stupid than the American voter?
They constantly vote for more money to the super-rich.

They constantly vote for less money in their own damn pickets.

How can people be so stupid?

If you're young or old or non-white or non-rich,
you CAN'T vote for more money for the super-rich.

It's like chickens voting for Col. Sanders.

"Vote for me and I'll 
  feed you your family."

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Subject: Wright and Clinton

Bart, here's a photo of the Rev. and Bill taken at the prayer breakfast Bill held after the Lewinski scandal. 
This is another example of Clinton duplicity. 

The longer this goes on the more I can't take either of them (Bill and Hillary.)
 Mary Anne

Mary Anne - really?

There were 300 preachers at the White House that day - and yes, Bill met Rev. Wright.
You see that as equal to a twenty-year, spiritual relationship between mentor and student?

I'm not sure your sense of proportion is working today.

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Team Hillary: 'Don't blame us'
 by Obama's biggest fan


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"Clinton may never be the Democratic nominee for president. 
  But she's got the makings of a Fox New analyst: corrupt, partisan 
  and ready to play ball with Bill O'Reilly."
    -- John Nichols at The Nation,    Link

 The Nation has always hated the Clintons.
 They must be raking in money by the bushels this year.

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Wright's chickens

Rev Wright said 9-11 was "America's chickens coming home to roost" and he's right.

Politicians can't tell the truth about this because people don't want to hear it,
but pretending that Osama attacked us at random is even more stupid than organized religion.

Osama hit us because Poppy Bush put troops on "sacred" Saudi sand.
To ignore that fact is just ignoring the evidence and the truth.

People pretend that Wright's chicken comment is as nutty as those religio-handjobs who say 
"Katrina was sent to punish the queers in New Orleans."

Now that's crazy,

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"You know, Bangkok is the city with the largest number
  of prostitutes per capita in the world. I kid you not!
    --  Rush, who knows the cutest little boys work in the Dominican Republic   Link

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Subject: Wright danced a jig?

 Monkey Link

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McCain: "Did You Call Your Wife A C**t?"
 Baptist Minster asked McCain at town hall meeting


"A guy who would call his wife a trollop and a c--t just because she had ruffled his hair
in front of five guys is not only a jerk, but a dangerous hothead if he ever gets his finger on the button."

"And since the mainstream media has decided to give McCain a free pass, I decided to stand up and
 ask the question that the press refuses to touched. Our country is in a serious crisis after Bush,
and America appears to be oblivious to the danger McCain poses to our country."

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"In the April 23 White House press briefing, Helen Thomas exchanged words with 
Dana Purina about the president's okay of harsh interrogation tactics. Frustrated with 
the "usual stock answer," Thomas told us, she turned to other reporters and scolded: 
"Where is everybody? For God's sakes."
    -- WaHoPo

The whore press is lying for Bush and covering up his crimes because that's their function.
The only time they do their jobs is when a Democrat is suspected of having a girlfriend.
Four thousand dead soldiers mean nothing to Bush's press whores.


A standing ovation and a shot of Chinaco Anejo for Helen Thomas.

A shot of Chinaco - on Cindo de Mayo?

That's the difference between getting 
blessed by a priest and blessed by the Pope.

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Top of the page screaming headline (I shrunk it) on Huffy Post.

Do you think they do these things so they can scream,
"She stole it!" if she wins the state like everyone expects?

Subject: McCain

Bart, hjave you noticed how McCain hides his black child?
I've never seen the child, like he's ashamed of him or her.
Whats up with that? 
Has there ever been a Presidential contender who hid family? 
 Keith (No, not that Keith)

You must understand - the GOP is full of racists.
If they're reminded that McCain has a Black child they'll stay home in November.

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The Bush Countdown Clock

Countdown to Sweet Bixby Corn - 45 days

Regular readers know how much I love the taste of fresh corn,
and nobody gets better corn than we get right here in Tulsa.

If you want the very best in fine tequilas, you go to Tommy's in San Francisco.
If you want the best sweet corn, and the most varieties, you go to K-Drag, OK.

The exact date the corn is picked depends on heat and the amount of rain,
but the first picking is usually around June 20th, and I'm ready for it.

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

CNN: Bush is the WPE


A new CNN survey says that 71 percent of  Americans disapprove of how Bush mangles his job as president.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup Poll; in fact, this is the first time
that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said Keating Holland, CNN's poll dude.

"Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by
Harry Truman and Richard Nixon [22 percent and 24 percent, respectively], but even those two presidents never
got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland said. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set
by Truman, 67 percent disapproval in January 1952."

We knew Bush was the worst president ever years ago.

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Subject: Obama and the gas tax

Obama and all of the "experts" think the temporary gas tax repeal is a bad idea. 
Tell that to the thousands of small businesses that depend on summer tourism to eke out a meager living. 
If no one travels this summer this country is destined for a full-scale depression, forget about a recession.

I live in NY and the state govt. is considering their own gas tax repeal between Memorial Day and Labor Day. 
Coupled with a federal tax repeal that would amount to about 70 cents a gallon savings. That will allow people 
to travel and spend money to keep these businesses afloat.
 (lost your name - sorry)

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Saw it on

Subject: when did WPE first appear?

Dear Bart,
Now that it's on record that Bush is the "Worst President Ever" (see cnn et al...)
I'm curious if you know the first Bartcop edition to label him as such...
Any ideas on when "worst president ever" first appeared at Bartcop?
How about even just a rough time frame...?

George in NC

George, I honestly don't know.
Anyone out there have clue when WPE started?

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Roger Clemens - banging a 15 year old?


"I know that many people want to know what I have to say about the recent articles in the media," 
Clemens said in his phoney statement. dd

"Even though these articles contain many false accusations, I have made mistakes in my personal life 
for which I am sorry. I have apologized to my family and apologize to my fans. Like everyone, I have flaws."

Regarding any involvement with country singer Mindy McCready, Clemens dismissed a report 
that he began an affair with her when she was 15 years old. 

"Now, I have been accused of having an improper relationship with a 15-year-old girl. 
Nothing could be further from the truth.  (ha ha - that means she was 16 when he started sexing her)
This relationship has been distorted. It is just one of many accusations that are utterly false," 
the statement said, without bothering to clear anything up.

I didn't even know Clemens was Catholic.

Wait, he was sexing a girl - nevermind.

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India is wired for tech support.

Subject: Glenn Close, but the rabbit lived

Glenn also played Vice President to Harrison Ford in Air Force One.
Did a damn fine job of it too.

Yeah, and she helped to make female presidents believable.

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Singapore, Singapore

They read it in Oskaloosa and Knoxville Iowa,

They read it in Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

They read it in Hailey, Idaho.

They read it in Dombasle-sur-Meurthe, Lorraine, France

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If you hate Hillary...'s probably for all the wrong reasons.

You might hate her for refusing to quit the fight.
You might hate her for playing too hard to win.
You might hate her for bringing a gun to a knife-fight.
You might hate her for because she ain't no bandleader.
You might hate her for not being dainty enough while she's
chopping and cutting her opponent off at the knees.

...but isn't that exactly what we asked her to do?

The worst that could happen is she'd win and take the White House in November.
Or she could lose to Obama, but he'll be ten times tougher than he was.

Odd that some people get angry when they finally get exactly what they want.
For eight years, we've been asking for a fighter instead of a lame, surrender-early quitter.

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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!

You like 'toons?

 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B
$11.66 billion in profit in 90 days

Gouging us to the tune ofHOT
$129 million profit per day


Gouging us to the tune of
$1,300 profit per second
because Bush started a fake war

...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 4,065....4,071

We lost another 6 soldiers since last issue.

We have 4,071 dead soldiers.

Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but oil greed controls all policy decisions.


Exxon makes $108M$128M every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and killed Saddam

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $200M-400M a day missing

Where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Subject: Donation


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Tulsa, OK  74155

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Since it's Cinco de Mayo, you might think I'm kicking back, working on
a fattie and sipping on some fine Chinaco, but noooooooooooooo.

I'm still slaving away on that Trip Report and BCR 140
Wish me luck...

Leslie Bibb film makes $100M


 See tons of  hottie pictures at BC Hotties


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Marc hosts several other political sites including American Politics Journal, Political StrikesFaux News Channel, Seeds of Doubt and interesting sites like the
Church of Reality - a religion based on believing in everything that is real.

Our motto for this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind". So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are  choking on hosting fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.

 We also have that strongest server side spam filtering on the planet.
Check out Marx Mail for info on how you can have a Spam Free Email Account.

 Perkel's Church

If it's Real - we believe in it!
Click here to join the Church of Reality mailing list.

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BCR Show #138

Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.

Click to Listen to Show 138

Click to download  Show 138

Note: The Obama speech section of  BCR 138
was previously posted in BCR 135.

There is an anti-technology rant at 24:10
that you might find amusing.

Click to Listen to Show 139

Click to download  Show 139

There's a lot of Obama in this show because,
hopefully, this'll be the last show for that.

Click Here for the BCR Archives

             Shirley, from her modeling days

            What's your favorite Shirley picture?
            (Send the picture, don't send a description of the picture.)

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