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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.


 Friday-Thursday,  June 18-24, 2010  Vol 2543 - School is fun
Click for Full Size, Hi-Res version

Quote of the Day

"I'm not mad at Obama, 
  I'm mad with him."
    -- Louisiana fisherman Mitch Williams   Link


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Barton apologizes to BP
Arrow GOP disclaims Barton HOT
Arrow Obama helps Palin HOTHOT
Arrow Barton Retracts Apology 
Arrow Vatican h Blues Brothers HOT
Arrow Wrong about Blanche Lincoln
Arrow Pot low priority in Idaho
Arrow Catherine Bell & Jill Biden




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"The Senate voted to preserve corporate welfare for Big Oil yesterday. Yesterday, the Senate voted down
  an amendment that would have cut $35 billion in tax subsidies to Big Oil companies. The vote was 35-61.
  61 senators voted to preserve $35 billion in corporate welfare for oil companies, including 21 Democrats."
        -- Bob Cesca    Link

 The biggest oil companies are making something like $10,000 per minute in pure profit.
 And they pay no federal income taxes and the senate vote to give the bastards more?

 Besides the millions BIG OIL is giving these rich, white senators,
 you can bet the rent money they're buying them prostitutes, too.

 All they have to do is take a picture of the senator with his hooker
 and they own that old man forever - and look where that's brought us..

Why are we still hooked on oil?

Exxon-Mobil made $35 Billion dollars
in tax free profits last year, that's why..

BIG OIL is bad for America.

   Send e-mail to Bart


Barton apologizes to BP for Obama 'shakedown'
He feels so sorry for the criminals who stole the Gulf
Will the Dems make him pay for that?  Of course not - wouldn't be polite


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"If the Republicans take control of the House in November,
  they will put Mr. Barton in charge of energy policy."
       -- Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, Tweeting    Link

 Good job, Gibbs.
 Actually, that's the smartes thing I've ever heard from you.

 Who told you to say it?

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Subject: Idiot administration - Obama helps Palin


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'Just Imagine' A Night with John Lennon

 Link to Press Release

Starts June 30 at Planet Hollywood, Vegas

Subject: We tried to warn you Bartcop!


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Marty's has new stuff every day
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

Click on the E!


GOP quickly disclaims 'shakedown' apology
Barton's so crazy, the crazy GOP disowns him


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"I'm surprised Congressman Barton could muster the strength to apologize for BP
  given how weighted down his pockets are with the more than $1.4 million he's received
  in donations from Big Oil since the late '80s. That includes more than $100,000 since 2009
  -- including over $27,000 alone from BP."
     -- David Biespel,     Link

 Think how much worse it's going to get now that our crooked Supreme Court
 has awarded the right of citizenship status to billion-dollar, foreign-owned corporations.

 No more of that "bundling" nonsense or that $1500 limit crap.
 Exxon or BP or Halliburton can say, "Here's ten million dollars - we need a favor."
 What whore in Washington is going to say no to ten million dollars?


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Subject: your pet's picture on Bartcop

Meet Daisy, an Aussie (Australian sheep dog?) that belongs to Katie

For just $10, you can put a picture of your pet on where dozens will see him/her

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Barton Retracts Apology to BP
"How could I be so goddamn stupid?"


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"If I owned a restaurant, I would love it if  Rand Paul came in
  so I could tell him, 'Sorry, we don't serve your kind here.' "
    -- Thomas Hauk in a letter to TIME Magazine

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Vaporizers explained



Subject: those Iran crazies


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Mike Malloy Live

1, 2, 3 Quotes

"Who's gonna get this $20B?    Union activists?   ACORN people? Who's gonna get this money?
  Let's keep a sharp eye on who Feinberg gives this money to. Because I'm telling you,
  this is just another bailout fund, called something else,
     -- the vulgar Pigboy     Link

"BP ought to be held responsible for every dime of this tragedy. BP agreed to fund
  the cost of this cleanup, and I'm glad they're being held accountable."
     -- The Boner, disagreeing with the vulgar Pigboy     Link

"Boehner has now taken a position that is not that of Rush Limbaugh.
  So now it gets interesting...
     -- Andrew Sullivan     Link

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Random thought...

I wish every product I bought worked half as well as our Toyota and our Honda.

My TV has a sliver of the bottom of the screen at the top - damn distracting.
If a guy is wearing an orange shirt, there's a stripe of orange over his head.

About 10% of the time, my DVD players says, "This DVD cannot be played or recorded,"
which means whatever you had on that DVD is now gone forever.

My iPhone has some nice features, but the phone is pure shit, it's just awful,
much worse than the cheap-ass phone that I threw away because I couldn't
get a signal in the middle of goddamn Times Square.

Plus, that stupid iPhone is always calling somebody for no reason.
I'm driving to get Bixby corn and I hear a voice inside my pants.
It was my buddy Wiseguy, asking me to speak up.
The stupid phone just dials at random times and I hate that.

My computer?  Don't even ask.
I've been staring at an hourglass since 2005 and I paid $5K for this piece of shit.

My garage door often reopens after it closes, so we have to sit there
and watch it until we're sure it's not going to open up again.

My Cox Cable ISP comes and goes.  It shuts down several times per hour
then it comes back up but what a f-ing hassle.  Same for the TV picture.
Several channels are always pixelated - they say they can't fix it.

The buttons on my year old XM Radio receiver no longer work.

The mouse on my radio computer died in mid-edit,
killing the chances of getting BCR up last Thursday.

But after six years, the used cars we bought in 2004 still run like brand new.

I wish every product I bought worked half as well as our Toyota and our Honda.

Note: That was written before my computer melted.

 Send e-mail to Bart



Help  survive!



I had to buy a computer I couldn't afford.
I must raise $1500 before the VISA bill comes.



CaCan you help an old altar boy out?



 OR send a 'love' check to
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 Tulsa, OK  74155


Vatican endorses "The Blues Brothers"
 "Catholic classic" and "recommended viewing for Catholics"    No, I didn't make it up.


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Wrong about Blanche Lincoln
  by Gene Lyons


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Subject: the scariest thing everHOT


I don't have the courage to face this.

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Subject: your pet's picture on Bartcop

Meet Jacki and Atom who enjoy life living with Carol


For just $10, you can put a picture of your pet on where dozens will see him/her

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See who they raped lately.
See who they paid to keep quiet.

Triple shot of Letterman

"Obama assured the nation that the gulf will be cleaned up and restored to even greater beauty and prosperity.
  Well, you know what that means. He's started drinking. That's the only possible explanation."

"And right after the president's speech, Sarah Palin said that we should not demonize the oil companies.
  Well, I'm glad somebody's looking out for the little guy."

"Then Obama met with BP CEO Tony Hayward, and Obama demanded that BP clean up the gulf.
  And I'm thinking, good luck. They can't even clean up their gas station restrooms."

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Weird Picture of the Day - Now with working link


 I'll bet you've never seen anything like it.

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Subject: the Jones Act - careful what you wish for


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Pot a low priority in Hailey, Idaho
Cops got better things to do than chase God's flowers
These guys are asking for our tourist business :)


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Great concerts I've seen


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 PO Box 54466
 Tulsa, OK  74155



"I think we need to prioritize. If somebody's gonna smoke a joint in their house and not do
  anybody any harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to
  engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems we have in society."
        -- Sarah Palin, to Obama's left on pot,   Link

 I hate that Obama is farther away from my position on pot than Sarah Palin.

 Obama is farther away from my position on gay marriage than Dick Cheney and Ted Olson.

 Why is Obama moving so far to the right on simple, core issues?
 Is he trying to please Boner and The Bitch and Lieberman?

 Once Palin says, "Why don't we chill on the pot arrests?" Obama has cover to be honest.
 Once Cheney says, "Why don't we chill on the gay hate?" Obama has cover to be honest.

 Why can't Obama be the president we voted for?
 Palin and Cheney, on some matters, are taking moderates away from Obama.
 Why can't Obama see that moderates are a bad thing to lose?

 And did you see what Jon Stewart did to Obama last week on his broken promises?
 He ran thru a loooooooooong list of candidate Obama saying "We must change this" and
 then followed that with President Obama saying, "I've decided to do things the way Bush did."

 It was tougher than anything I've written about Obama.
 (I don't know how to search for things on

 Who is giving Obama all this bad advice?

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Subject: Getting sick from the oil spill

I just listened to Rosie's radio show on Sirius and she had on a lady named Kendra from Louisiana.

Her husband was working on one of the boom boats and got sick from the fumes.
All the guys on his team got sick.

These are not wimps, these are men who fish/shrimp for a living and work
through any illness because they don't earn anything if they don't.

The oil fumes made them so sick, they can't work.  Kids that live near the coast
can't play outside because the fumes give them headaches.  Coast Guard seamen
in the Gulf are having symptoms.  These people are going to get sick and die.

Petroleum is toxic.  Please get everyone to call their Senators and Representatives,
the EPA director to pressure them to deal with stuff!  to be aggressive about getting
the oil cleaned up and not rely on BP, because some of these people are going to die,
and a lot of them are going to get sick.
 Carol B

Update: CNN is counting the clean-up deaths.

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Today's Historic Photo


 Do you know who this is?



Subject: yesterday's Historic Photo

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,

Can you even NAME the current heavyweight champ????

Boxing has gone SO far downhill

Keep swingin' the hammer,

I cannot name the current champ, and back in the day,
4-5 of us would pitch in $10 each and watch those big matches live.

How did they manage to kill such a lucrative business?


So greedy, you'd think he was an oil man.

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Portable Herbage?


E-mails are telling me you can take a bag to go.
In the car, at the movies, to Grandma's house, etc

No odor, no evidence, just a bag of "air."
Am I reading this right?

This could turn into something.

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Check out the toons and stuff


 on the Bart Blog!


Subject: Donations

Bart, Sorry it's not more; went out sick in Feb. and 4 days later
the co. broke into my office, threw my stuff out and fired me.
I don't have a pet but here's my semi annual $20.
 Joe in Staten Island

Joe, thanks for that.
I hope things turn around for you real quick!

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Tulsa, OK  74155



Catherine Bell & Jill Biden
VP's wife to be on 'Army Wives'

 Link to Story

See more of  Catherine Bell  at  BC Hotties

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